Would you date a man who told you he used to be a woman?...

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And before the operation (when he was a woman) she had had 3 kids by 3 different men. And after the operation, he had 2 more kids...this time by the same person (imho, this is a very redeemable thing :yep: )? He lives in his mommas basement and has been receiving welfare for the past 3 years...but is desperately trying to get off of it. He's depressed and doesn't want a relationship right now. He has been complaining of 'blue balls' and says this is why he's so depressed...along with his recent sex change and no one accepting him. Would you slob on the knob erry once in a while to help him get through it? In the hopes of starting a relationship with him?

See, I had asked my friend about this earlier today because I am really considering it. He's SUCH a nice guy and no one really understands him but me :nono: Idk...maybe it's because I'm young I don't really see the problem...but what could it hurt, right? Oh, and he's 27

*sigh* I really need help you guys.......waiting for responses...


Whooooooooooooooooooooo buddy did I have fun writing that!!!!!

I'm being silly. It's WAYYYYYYYY past my bed time!!! (I wonder if anyone will respond to this....seriously...because they couldn't even finish reading the OP? :lachen::lachen::lachen:)
Wait a minute. how can he have kids after being a woman. that's not possible. Are you serious with this post?

I was about to come in here with a big WTF!?? :huh:

You are so wrong for this thread. But I bet dollars to donuts that someone would come in here offering actual advice from a similar previous experience :crazy:

I was about to come in here with a big WTF!?? :huh:

You are so wrong for this thread. But I bet dollars to donuts that someone would come in here offering actual advice from a similar previous experience :crazy:

Girl they better not, but lets sit back and see.
Hell! F___king!! NO!!!!

Don't know if you were serious or not, but my response is still the same.

ETA :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Just realized you were joking. LOLOL Silly!! :lachen:
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OMG!!! :lachen: I just now realized your whole post was a joke! :lol: :rofl: GOOD one! :lachen:

Whew! I was about to say! I didn't even read your whole post...all I saw was the word "operation" and I stopped reading and wrote my response above. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA! :lol:

Oh heck no am I dating some "Man" that used to be a woman. HEEEEEEEECK no! Are you nuts?? :nuts:
Welllll, even though it was a joke, I *do* know of someone who had a relationship with a female to male transgender. She met him online and was immediately smitten with him. He told her of his past life as a woman, and she was shocked, but she was already too far gone to care at that point. They dated for a while until she discovered that, sadly, even former females can be jerks.
Welllll, even though it was a joke, I *do* know of someone who had a relationship with a female to male transgender. She met him online and was immediately smitten with him. He told her of his past life as a woman, and she was shocked, but she was already too far gone to care at that point. They dated for a while until she discovered that, sadly, even former females can be jerks.

Well I hope he didn't fit any of the other criteria in my OP.... :look:
Well I hope he didn't fit any of the other criteria in my OP.... :look:

LOL. Nope, he had a job and his own place, but the bad thing was he didn't go all the way with his transformation. He was still debating on whether to turn his hamburger into a hotdog!
LOL. Nope, he had a job and his own place, but the bad thing was he didn't go all the way with his transformation. He was still debating on whether to turn his hamburger into a hotdog![/QUOTE]

WHAT!?!! he hadn't even had the operation!?! bahahahaha!!! :lachen::lachen:
:lachen: you should've seen my face as i was reading the OP lol. I was horrified at so many things like even if i could get past the whole transgender thing :huh: he/she had enough money for the operation but lives on welfare in the basement of his momma's house? :lachen: smh then he/she has 5000 and 1 kids :lachen: the you say smth about doing smth to his knob (which by the way frm watching true life i know would've been the size of your pinkie finger lol) LMFAO i was too through! :Rofl: :Rofl: :Rofl:
Can you use his EBT card if you slob on the knob?

If so, that might be a good deal. Whole Foods takes EBT and you can find some finnnneee men up in there...

OP you scared me. I sat there with my mouth open, so stunned that I didn't realize I was holding my breath. Then when I saw that you were kidding, my breath came out in a big WHOOSH!

But to answer the original question: HAYLE NO!!!!! And there wouldn't even be any need to get into operations and all of that tomfoolery. Just...no.
:lachen: :lachen: hahahahahaa!!! I fooled you guyssss!! :lol:

And no, yokoyoko, he ain't lettin you use his food stamps! You doin that fo free! :lachen:

Dannng, I wouldn't date "this" even if it wasn't an "it'.

My mouth was open by the end when you wrote it's my friend, no one understands him, can I slob on his knob. My mind wondered to all the TLC sex operation shows I watched and wondered::scratchch 'can HE get blue balls. he actually feel the same backed-up sensations as a real man Nah, i thought, it doesn't work like that :nono:

Glad this was a joke, cause I wasn't going to even comment...:lachen::lachen::lachen:
:ohwell::perplexed:nono::sad:HECKY,HIZZIE, & HIZZLE NAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen: OP take that arse to bed, you're so crazy!
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I'm just getting to this thread, and as I was reading I was thinking, you can't be serious with this--and sure enough, I was right...Whew...


I was about to come in here with a big WTF!?? :huh:

You are so wrong for this thread. But I bet dollars to donuts that someone would come in here offering actual advice from a similar previous experience :crazy:

Now to the bolded, if that were the case, Lord only knows where this world is headed...LOL :lachen:
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