Would you call him?


Well-Known Member
I'm now officially a rules girl. I had no idea a certain guy was interested in me, and he left his number with someone for me to call him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get in touch with me. Would you call? I'm really not looking for a date right now either.
What Kiya said.

Also, why hasn't he been able to ask for your number directly? Did you meet somewhere and you left early or something like that? That's the only time I could understand why a man would try to pass the number on to a middle person.
I don't know why he didn't ask for my number directly, not that we had a lot of time together. I can only speculate.

Actually, I work as a receptionist, and the guy came in with a business associate to have a meeting. I made small talk with them. One guy was really outgoing. I'm guessing this was him. They left, and I was still there. The next day he called asking for me. I wasn't in, so he left his number for me. I don't think the giving-my-number-to-middle-person thing will work in this case. But hey, what do I know? He could be offering me a better job. :lol: I can't say 100% that he's interested in me, because I'm not really sure.
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Well, if he really wants to talk to you he'll call back. Maybe he'll get lucky and you'll answer.
Since you're not pressed he'll just have to be xtra persistant.
I don't know why he didn't ask for my number directly, not that we had a lot of time together. I can only speculate.

Actually, I work as a receptionist, and the guy came in with a business associate to have a meeting. I made small talk with them. One guy was really outgoing. I'm guessing this was him. They left, and I was still there. The next day he called asking for me. I wasn't in, so he left his number for me. I don't think the giving-my-number-to-middle-person thing will work in this case. But hey, what do I know? He could be offering me a better job. :lol: I can't say 100% that he's interested in me, because I'm not really sure.

So you do not even know who he is? And the person passing the number doesn't know him personally either? NO, NO, and NO, I would not call him.

I'd pass your number along to the middle party, and invite him to call you.


I wouldn't call him. "Rules Girls" don't take strange men up on their offer to "call them", and we don't accept business cards from men either. If a man REALLY wants to get in touch with you, he'll get YOUR number.

Just think...how "secure" do YOU feel when you leave your number with someone or a business establishment when you REALLY want to get in touch with them? Say for example that you really wanted a job at a certain company, or your family member was sick in the hospital... Would you just settle for just giving a secretary or receptionist YOUR number? NO! You would want the number of the company, establishment, hospital, etc so that you could get in touch with them...hound them even! LOL :giggle:

So, the same is true for a man who's really interested in getting in touch with you. I'm sorry, but now I completely see through guys who tell me to:

-"call me" (Umm...no. If you were REALLY interested, you wouldn't be asking ME to call you. YOU would be calling me. Plain and simple)
-"let me know if you guys do anything fun this weekend...maybe I can join you all" (Umm...NO. If you're REALLY interested in me, you will plan and ask me out for a real date a few days in advance. None of this "hanging out" stuff in the beginning. :naughty: )
-"here's my business card" (Huh?? What am I supposed to do with this?? :look: )

So...there you go! In a nutshell.
Maybe its just me but I would call him. But you have to play it like you simple doing what he requesting and not like you're actually expecting anything to come from the conversation. I have my boundaries but I would not consider myself a rules girl. I try to use wisdom/experience which each situation because every situation is different. In your case, this would be an exception to my "rules".
Maybe its just me but I would call him. But you have to play it like you simple doing what he requesting and not like you're actually expecting anything to come from the conversation. I have my boundaries but I would not consider myself a rules girl. I try to use wisdom/experience which each situation because every situation is different. In your case, this would be an exception to my "rules".

From the op, I would have just said let it go. But I could see this being an exception because this is a professional context and he did try to reach her and when he didn't, left a message with his number.

Not that you "should" call him or anything, but I wouldn't think it would make you look any particular way if you did.
What was the nature of his call? Did he say anything else in the message that may pertain to work/business? If so, call him. If not, and you think he might be interested, leave it alone. If he's really interested in YOU, he'll call again..especially given the nature of the first call.
I don't think the call was business-related. My co-worked encourage me to call him. She said that he called, asked for me, and talked about how nice I was. Well, that's my job to be nice. :lol:
I don't think the call was business-related. My co-worked encourage me to call him. She said that he called, asked for me, and talked about how nice I was. Well, that's my job to be nice. :lol:
NO. Your co-worker is clearly not a Rules girl! :naughty: :spank:
Like I said, if he is interested, he will call back.