Would You Be Ok With Your So Making You A Beneficiary Of A Policy?


Well-Known Member
You two aren't married, have no children together, and you don't live together. He has no children, is the youngest in his family with one surviving parent that lives outside the country.

He's in love and wants to make sure you're taken care of if he were to pass away. He also wants to open up a joint account.

Would you be ok with this?
Am I ok, is cashmere soft, does a flawless diamond sparkle,

I'm ok with being a signer on his account but not an owner.

I'm also ok with being the beneficiary on the policy.

Is he in failing health?
Yes he can if he wants to. However, I hope he's not expecting me to reciprocate. I'm not making a boyfriend/fiancé a beneficiary on anything.
Yes he can if he wants to. However, I hope he's not expecting me to reciprocate. I'm not making a boyfriend/fiancé a beneficiary on anything.

That would be my concern too. I'd also wonder why he wants to take that big of a step without being married. I'm not a fan of skipping steps.
I'm all for a man taking care of the woman in his life. I'd take it as a loving gesture.
I watch too much IDTv...
I'd be thinking he wants me to reciprocate, and then later I would end up in a starring role on an episode of "Disappeared' or something...
In general, why would a woman be opposed to this? Is this one of those "hypothetical" threads meant to be a slick way to brag about something a SO is doing?
Yes, what's the downside exactly? If I didn't have family, I'd make my bestie the beneficiary. So a significant other is understandable.
I have an aunt who was beneficiary on her boyfriends life policy. He died & she collected. I see nothing wrong as it was his idea.
I watch too much IDTv...
I'd be thinking he wants me to reciprocate, and then later I would end up in a starring role on an episode of "Disappeared' or something...

U and me are --->here<-----, I'd be paranoid as hayle about eating anything he cooked or taking any trips together lol
Yes, what's the downside exactly? If I didn't have family, I'd make my bestie the beneficiary. So a significant other is understandable.

I used to be a beneficiary on a friend's policy when she was estranged from her family and had not yet started a family herself. I was under no obligation to reciprocate as I did have family.

So yes, I would be okay with it.
meh why not? i will say tho that personally, that would make me nervous due to my past experiences with boyfriends that have come on very strong or have acted in a way to show me we are on two different pages.

eta: and i'm more family oriented so it would actually bother me a bit that he didn't have anyone in his life to be the first beneficiary. idk - i def take note of stuff like that.

i'd say ok but i would def read into it.
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If I wasn't expected to reciprocate I would do it. I would take it to mean that he cared about me and would want me to have something if he were to pass unexpectedly...that's saying that we had been together for a couple of years.

If there was a current circumstance like a surgery or illness prompting this, I would tell him to make one if his parents the primary beneficiary and me a secondary.

ETA: I dont want their family knowing because I dont want any folk tying me up in litigation if something happens to them. I can see how that would go already
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ETA: I dont want their family knowing because I dont want any folk tying me up in litigation if something happens to them. I can see how that would go already

This is why I wouldnt be too keen on the idea. Ive seen this happen. Familes after death are out for blood...especially when you arent their blood. Unt uhhh...