Would You Ask Your Husband Or So/partner

I'll expect my SO to, when I get one. I'll even send him a picture so he knows exactly what kind to get. My dad's done it for my mom several times over the years. Thinking about it now there's nothing I wouldn't buy for my SO if he needed me to.
It would be awkward at first but he'd do it if I asked. It hasn't happened yet because I'm pretty vigilant about keeping my stash full but I'm sure it'll happen one day. OP, your mother-in-law is overreacting.
ditto dh would move mountains for me and i know that he would not have an issue buying them for me at all

but i dont like to feminize men....no to doing my hair..no to buying my pads no to etc etc...

I never did until I had a child. After I got out of the hospital I could barely walk and couldn't drive. Like seriously it took that to make me get over asking him. And I'm not sure I ever would again. I currently maintain a four box stash now. It's not that he's incapable but more that I feel a man doesn't have to know every single thing about me.
I don't understand the concept of letting your pad/tampon supply run so low that you gotta get somebody else to do an emergency replenish. When my OB carton gets to 50% I'm checking tampon prices errtime I hit the sto. It's not like my period is ever like "I think I'll take next month off, no need for cotton based protection".

I don't get it unless there's just something about making dude do it for you.
Not that I'm adverse to it but I keep an overstock... I just ordered, from the Honest people, super, super plus and regular, plus I still had a couple boxes of the ones I got from WholeFoods. I have many more childbearing years so I keep a large supply on hand.

LoL, love your new siggy CP
Really cardboard applicator? May I ask why you prefer those?

Sure.... they're flushable, but more so the tampons with the plastic applicators are made with a material that irritates me. Also, the plastic ones have tampons that are v-shaped at the top and for some reason these always lend to tampon bypass. I've never had this happen with the cardboard applicators which have a flat top tampon.
This is sooooo true! I have a jamaican bestie. When was in my late teens i went to spend a few weeks with her and her then boyfriend and her two brothers. They were all roomies.

I had my period and wrapped my pad in tissue and put in the bin in the bathroom.

She cussed me out! For hours! I packed my stuff and left. All the guys told her to calm down. She was maaaad! I learned my lesson that day.

When i started my period my dad told me i had to shower 4 times per day and use a different soap from him and my brothers.

I was so salty that i told my brothers that they needed to wear the pads too because blood would come out of their penis soon. Dad was away for business and i made them wear it for a day. They were 8 and 6. They thought it was fun.

Oh my you poor thing...but traumatizing your brothers like that.....:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'm a diva cup woman, so it's not an issue anymore. But I wouldn't simply because my husband would come home with the wrong thing.
I have had 2 different exes who have done this for me...no questions asked.
Both were circumstances out of the normal...and there were glad to do it...
I don't see why they wouldn't...they know every part of me...they know part as well
Sure.... they're flushable, but more so the tampons with the plastic applicators are made with a material that irritates me. Also, the plastic ones have tampons that are v-shaped at the top and for some reason these always lend to tampon bypass. I've never had this happen with the cardboard applicators which have a flat top tampon.

Thanks. That makes sense. I could never get used to the cardboard. Always felt like sandpaper.
I sent my DH once and at 1st he said no then he agreed and returned empty handed because he got overwhelmed. I kept repeating that he not get scented ones or he would have to go back but he insisted that they all had a scent so he gave up and left!
I was in pain(from something else) and had to drive and go get them myself :angry2:
I sent my DH once and at 1st he said no then he agreed and returned empty handed because he got overwhelmed. I kept repeating that he not get scented ones or he would have to go back but he insisted that they all had a scent so he gave up and left!
I was in pain(from something else) and had to drive and go get them myself :angry2:

ha. my dh keeps bringing home scented cat litter (that he insists is not scented) so something as important as the pad/tampon with the right absorbency I'll go buy myself.

I think he did buy pads for me once..and it was the wrong one but I just let it go and went the next day to get the correct one.
ha. my dh keeps bringing home scented cat litter (that he insists is not scented) so something as important as the pad/tampon with the right absorbency I'll go buy myself.

I think he did buy pads for me once..and it was the wrong one but I just let it go and went the next day to get the correct one.
if i were in worse condition like after childbirth in hospital bed then he needs to be able to get it for me
No, I wouldn't ask him to do it and to this day I don't understand why that chick sent Method Man traipsing through NY on a pad run with Mary J Blige singing hooks in the background.

I don't understand the concept of letting your pad/tampon supply run so low that you gotta get somebody else to do an emergency replenish. When my OB carton gets to 50% I'm checking tampon prices errtime I hit the sto. It's not like my period is ever like "I think I'll take next month off, no need for cotton based protection".

I don't get it unless there's just something about making dude do it for you.
Yessssss! I buy them along with the tissue, paper towels, soap, and groceries lol. They're only like $2. BUT If i had to I wouldn't find any problem asking DH to buy me some. I mean he's down there anyway. Might as well help keep her fresh and clean lol
to buy your tampons or pads?

I asked DH to buy me some pads and he bought depends incontinence pads. I thought it was funny and told his mother. She was not amused that I asked her son to buy my pads. Not that I care...

But, was I wrong?

This is common. My mom told me to always help a man I see standing in the feminine hygeine aisle. So I always just walk up to the man and says 'what did she ask for?' And he looks so releived to have help.

Sometimes men have to get things. His mom (bless her soul) can kick rocks.
No. Unless I am unable.
I try to store enough up so that I won't have to ask anyone to go get any for me.
of course. Heck, after 10 yrs I expect him to know exactly that kind to buy too. Now does he? eh..he knows it the green always but I'm sure he would get the wrong tampons.

and while we are on the subject: never let a man off the hook for buying the wrong thing at the store, especially when you provided details or pictures of the right product. I have heard men coach other men to buy the wrong thing on purpose to avoid being asked to do these types of errands...hell no. My husband manages to completed complicated tasks with little direction 5 days a week, but you cant get the right pads after I send you a picture?? GTFOOHWTBS...
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Well these are extreme instances. If he becomes incapacitated I'll have to wipe his arse. I wouldn't do it normally tho :/
Its really not all that extreme. I can think of at least 4 times I physically was unable to shop and dh had to buy pads for me. This man has watched me give birth, and as he likes to remind me - he has seen more of me than I have seen of myself.
Its really not all that extreme. I can think of at least 4 times I physically was unable to shop and dh had to buy pads for me. This man has watched me give birth, and as he likes to remind me - he has seen more of me than I have seen of myself.

It's out of the normal so it's extreme for me. Last time someone bought me pads I was a teenager. I've never had a reason to ask my father, brother or bf to buy them for me. Now I buy them by the box. I'm sure if I just gave birth they'll all jump at the opportunity though :lol:

However the question was would I ask my SO, the answer is no. When people bring in extreme or out of the ordinary circumstances, I throw in a couple as well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em :lol:
It's out of the normal so it's extreme for me. Last time someone bought me pads I was a teenager. I've never had a reason to ask my father, brother or bf to buy them for me. Now I buy them by the box. I'm sure if I just gave birth they'll all jump at the opportunity though :lol:

However the question was would I ask my SO, the answer is no. When people bring in extreme or out of the ordinary circumstances, I throw in a couple as well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em :lol:
I see the disconnect! I'm not using out of the ordinary and extreme interchangeably. I see having a baby as out if the ordinary but not extreme because I've experienced it do its as no more extreme than any other reason I can come up with. Last month it was because he asked if I needed anything from the store. I said pads, he says send a pic of the box. He didn't even flinch. Now what wouldn't I send him to get...year infection cream maybe? Thad would require extraordinarily extreme circumstances, lol.
My ex was really good at buying my feminine supplies. The first time I sent him I told him what type of tampons to get, he came back with a tampax multi-pack instead. Dude was the oldest and had four younger sisters so he really understood the struggle. I think any man that enjoys the vag should be ok with buying pads and tampons.
and while we are on the subject: never let a man off the hook for buying the wrong thing at the store, especially when you provided details or pictures of the right product. I have heard men coach other men to buy the wrong thing on purpose to avoid being asked to do these types of errands...hell no. My husband manages to completed complicated tasks with little direction 5 days a week, but you cant get the right pads after I send you a picture?? GTFOOHWTBS...


I've heard this as well. Men are smarter than we give them credit for.
DH has done it in the past. I normally do it myself, but if I ask him to, he will. No big deal. When he did it, he got the right kind.
His mom may just be super traditional and is of the mind men should not even know you have a period lol.

I remember as a teen my aunt asked me to go buy some milk but I was really into my show so I told my brother to go. When my aunt came back she went off on me as if I'd asked him to examine my vagina...she was like "can you imagine what the shop people will think about a man buying milk when there are 4 women home right now?"

I was so confused. She grew up in the village somewhere and I guess that was such an abomination where she was from and I was utterly confused...
Yep, in a heartbeat, as well as my brothers. IMO, it's just another household necessity, and since no one has ever flinched or balked at the request, they must've been OK with it. My mother, and every other adult, had everyone buying everything, so it doesn't seem like a strange request in my family (if it was your turn for a store run, you could be asked to purchase anything from tangerines to a girdle). Although my brothers would take great pleasure in torturing their teen daughters in the store with them by yelling loudly, "Are these the ones you wanted?" or "How much are these?" It was hilarious.