Would I get faster growth if I did a BC than if I did a long term transition?

Would I get faster growth if I did a BC than if I did a long term transition?

  • Yes, I think a BC helps your hair to grow faster because you are retaining length.

    Votes: 19 15.1%
  • No, a BC doesn't mean you you will see faster growth.

    Votes: 80 63.5%
  • In my experience, it didn't matter.

    Votes: 27 21.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I am transitioning and I was wondering...would I get faster growth if I did a BC than if I did a long term transition? Right now I'm contemplating doing a long-term transition of at least a year and a half but I seem to be losing ALOT of hair on wash days or even when I do simple styles on my hair like combing it for a bun. I've been looking at people who did BCs and a year or two later they have achieved amazing growth.

In your experiences, does doing a long-term transition limit the retention rate by making you lose unnecessary hair? Would you suggest a BC if I want to see faster growth? Poll is attached. Thanks sistahs.
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I think it depends on your regimen. I am not as experienced, so I'm hoping that more ladies post. I just started using ceremides and I am having no hair issues. I am only 5 weeks post, so we will see further down. Most long term transitioners prefer longer hair as soon as they BC. I think if you have healthy hair practices, you will retain your growth. If transitioning is doing harm to your hair, then BC. It would be easier for you to care for your hair. The average hair growth is a half inch a month.
You won't see faster growth if you BC. It'll only look faster because you're retaining a lot more length now since your hair isn't as fragile.
I agree with DD. It depends on your retention regimen and also your own personal hair growth cycle. I did a long-term transition (24 months) and I didn’t experience any major hair loss I stayed on top of my regimen and my hair grew at it’s regular rate. When I completed my transition my growth was a bit more noticeable cause I wasn’t dealing with two totally different textures (relaxed ends+natural roots) it grew just about the same.
Exactly, Carib. I don't think the hair that has already grown and is out of your scalp affects your growth in any way. It's dead. IA with the retaining more length reasoning, because from what I've seen, many struggle to deal with the 2 different textures when transitioning, leading to breakage etc.
I really don't know the answer. When I was transitioning I had someone post in my Fotki "If you transition too long you will hinder your growth" and I said, oh heck no LOL and I BC'd a few weeks later. My hair did grow the normal 1/2 inch a month, but I think that maybe I retained more length overall because my detangling sessions didn't include breakage from the relaxed ends.

I BC'd at 10 months when I knew I'd have enough hair to at least do a pig tail (trust me there was no ponytail at 10 months LOL) and that was good enough for me. I think you should really ask yourself are you comfortable with shorter hair and do you have enough patience to go through every stage of your natural hair? I went from nape length to SL to BSL to MBL to WSL... you get the hint. I think that if you start with at least NL you will get to understand what your hair likes/doesn't like much better. PLUS my other reason to BC sooner was because I was afraid I'd fall in love with the beautiful length and go back to a relaxer. There was no way I was going to cut BSL hair down to NL and be ok with it. I cut it from SL to NL and mentally I was somewhat ok with that.
I really don't know the answer. When I was transitioning I had someone post in my Fotki "If you transition too long you will hinder your growth" and I said, oh heck no LOL and I BC'd a few weeks later.

Thanks BostonMaria! This is exactly what I meant. I know that hair grows at the same rate but I was referring to the actual retention. When I'm done washing/detangling/styling it in twists, I look at my bathroom and it's hairballs in the shower, on the sink, on the floor...everywhere. So I was just wondering would I be able to retain more if I BC, thus seeing growth faster.
I agree with DD. It depends on your retention regimen and also your own personal hair growth cycle. I did a long-term transition (24 months) and I didn’t experience any major hair loss I stayed on top of my regimen and my hair grew at it’s regular rate. When I completed my transition my growth was a bit more noticeable cause I wasn’t dealing with two totally different textures (relaxed ends+natural roots) it grew just about the same.

Hey SA, Can you tell me what your regimen was for the 24 months you transitioned?
Hey SA, Can you tell me what your regimen was for the 24 months you transitioned?


I basically wore low maintenance/protective styles like buns/updo’s, braidouts and occasionally braid extensions. I kept my hair moisturized by using S-curl daily and I sealed every other day with coconut oil or castor oil. I co-washed often and deep conditioned with moisturizing/protein deep conditioners regularly and I trimmed my ends gradually along the way. My transition went fairly well, it wasn’t horrible. I had a plan and followed through with it since bc'ing wasn’t an option for me. If you decide to do a long-term transition just make sure you have a solid plan/regimen, it makes things easier instead of just guessing along the way.

Good Luck!
From my personal experience I seem to get faster growth bc'g than transitioning. Reason being I will hit my 2 yr point from bc'ng this Dec and since Feb this yr I've used the protective style of braid extentions. It did grow, but looked as though the growth was stagnate. So I've been transitioning since Feb 09. With that being said I got a bit tired of my braids bc I had to take them out after a month and a half bc of those ugly greys coming in. I had my braids out since August. I've chopped off an inch or so since I took my braids out. I think with me cutting off those texlaxed ends my hair will thrive alot better. Of course I moisturize with S curl and baggy every night. I think with the braids out and me being able to massage my scalp and being able to wash/con better it will over all grow and retain length as well. But we'll just have to see. But as stated before it depends also on an individual's personal regime.
I totally agree, btw, you are my hair twin. I will post pics soon and you will see exactly, but I'm at a shorter length no doubt!
I say BC only if you are tired of dealing with the two textures. I'm apl now and have about 1.5 inches of texlaxed hair left. I think co-washing and wet bunning are what made my transition so easy.
If you are not protein sensitive I HIGHLY recommend trying a 3 parts water to one part Silicon Mix solution as your wet bunning solution.

I basically wore low maintenance/protective styles like buns/updo’s, braidouts and occasionally braid extensions.

Ok, last question SA, what are braid extensions?

If you are not protein sensitive I HIGHLY recommend trying a 3 parts water to one part Silicon Mix solution as your wet bunning solution.
Can you explain what a wet bunning solution is and what its used for? Like how do I use this solution? I've never heard of it. It may help me out.
I've been a long term transitioner. I told myself I'd cut the ends here in September, but now I guess I don't want to.

One, I don't see a need. How would I wear my hair if I cut it? Not sure, but probably a braid out. Not sure. But I think the only style I am missing out on is wearing a wash n' go, right? I mean what other style requires you to have just natural hair?

Two, I don't think I've seen that much hair loss//breakage, but I do think I need to keep my protein up. I started a new job, and haven't used my 2 minute aphogee for about two weeks, and I kinda think I need it.

Three, for me, transitioning hair breaks off on it's on eventually, just like any ends. I don't think my relaxed hair in the back was very long, and so it disappeared long ago. All thorugh the back of my head, my hair is completely naturally... naturally!

All of that to say, is that I don't think I've suffered by being a long term transitioner. But I haven't ever BC'd so I cant know for sure in comparison.
I think you'll just perceive your hair growth as more because its growing out from such a drastic length. TWA to ear length always looks like more than full APL to midback. I transitioned for a year before the bc and my hair was retaining length b/c I babied it at the line of demarcation, so i experienced no breakage.
Can you explain what a wet bunning solution is and what its used for? Like how do I use this solution? I've never heard of it. It may help me out.
Wet bunning is when you bun your hair while it is wet or damp.There are several threads on the technique so when I get to my computer I will post some links (in on my Blackberry at the moment)
The solution is used to keep your ends moist; I just spray my hair with it when I style it in the morning.
I think most people are using S Curl Activator as their solution but you can really use whatever suits you. If I don't use the the Silicon Mix solution, then I will use my watered-down Hawiian Silky 14 in 1....I just happen to like thinner solutions so I dilute mine with water.
IMO you're going to grow the same amount no matter how much hair is on your head.

If you're having a comfortable transition, I would suggest NOT BCing, and going longer because your relaxed ends will bear the brunt of the damage, and your natural ends (which ultimately, you care about more) are "protected" by being in the middle of the strand until you decide to cut.

If you're having a rough transition, I say BC and just protect/baby those ends as much as you can.

I think people feel they're growing "faster" when they BC because it's easier to see the growth, but a BC is not going to make you grow any faster, and it will not make you retain anything more either.

IMO if anything an early BC will run the risk of you retaining LESS because you may not be prepared to properly care for your new natural ends... (i'm not sayin this would be the case with you, i'm just throwing it out there as another way of thinking)
I really can't say girl! I would really love to have an answer for you, but I would have had to transition twice two different ways to compare. I BCed earlier on in my transition. I was 7 months post relaxer when I BCed, and my hair has grown wonderfully. I'm very pleased with my retention thus far, but I often wonder if I would have retained more if I transitioned longer. I've seen many ladies achieve wonderful retention through long transitions, as well as ladies that have great growth and retention after doing the BC. I'd just recommend that you do what's best for you and your hair.
Thanks everyone...you all brought up some good things to consider when doing a long-term transition. Thank you so much for those perspectives that I had never really given much thought to before. I am more inclined to transition a little while longer now before I think about doing a BC.

Oh and countrychickd, your hair in your signature is fly! Work it girl.
Because I'm a sucker for even ends I know that my hair would be longer if I had bc'd... in the process of trimming off relaxed end and in the name of keeping it even I lost quite a bit of new growth in the back (my hair was tapered when I started transitioning). Although, I'm fully transitioned now if I had to do it all over again (lord, forbid) I would BC.
Depends on the condition of your transitioning hair. if your transitioning hair has those straight perms ends, which is fine, BUT if they have splits which travel up the hair strand if left alone, you would of course see faster growth if you BC'd because splits would eventually reach your new growth and break that off. If your relaxed/texlaxed hair is in very poor condition and it cannot even blend in well with your new natural growth BC will help tremendously. Other than that, you won't see any faster growth.
No, you won't. You get the same rate of growth you alway get. It may be eaiser to style or care for if you BC, but transition till your natural hair gets to a length that you will be comfortable with, or you may find yourself frustrated with styling options, etc. I BCed at 8 months post relaxer, and sometimes I wish I would have waited longer just to have more length to work with. I love my natural hair though, wouldn't trade it for anything, just wish it was longer already, LOL.
Your hair won't grow faster but you'll learn how to deal with your natural texture sooner. It only appears that people who BC earlier have faster growth because if they grow 2inches of hair and they started off with 2 inches after their BC then they've doubled their length so its more noticeable...while a person with 10 inches of hair that grows 2 inches has only grown 1/5th of their length so its not that noticeable.
Yeah...No, I don't think so...as the other ladies have said- it does give the appearance of retaining length (when you BC)...It was difficult dealing with the two textures for sure and the line of demarcation can be a peculiar beast :giggle: But, as @MyAngelEyez~C~U said, you get the growth that you get- whether you BC or transition...
It'll grow the same, but when you cut it's just easier to deal with one texture.

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I havent read any other answers because I'm being lazy, but IMO your growth will be the same. Its your retention that may differ based on how you care for your hair
I pretty much agree with what everyone else have said. Growth will be the same but what matters is how well you are able to retain the growth.

I was unable to properly care for the two textures as I transitioned and ended up doing more harm than good. When I BC'ed I had to lose much of my growth because of the damage. I basically wasted a year of growth.

I really should have expected that since I was horrible at long term stretching of my relaxers (part of the reason why I went natural in the first place).

I am 1000x better at caring for my natural hair than I was at my relaxed hair. Retention is easier for me and my hair is longer than it ever was relaxed.
I BC-ed at 10 mos post because I wanted to be able to recognize when my hair was actually getting longer. I agree with the other ladies. Your growth rate will not change but it's a trade off to go shorter than you are right now with a BC or to stay in a holding pattern until you rid yourself of the relaxed ends.