Would date an Ex's Sibling?


New Member
A friend of mine is in one of the toughest pickles I've ever heard of. She dated her best friend for a while and it didn't work out, and a some months later she began dating his ex-brother in law (he was once married to her ex's sister). Do you guys think that something like this could last? Or do you feel it could cause problems in their relationship? I'm kind of conflicted in this matter. Is an in-law really considered a sibling?

No Matter If You're Relaxed, Natural, or Texturized, we're all beautiful black women....and it don't get no better than that!
I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want it done to me. This is both in response to the topic and situation.
That's technically not his brother or brother-in-law anymore, so no kin to him. Are him and his ex-brother-in-law bestfriends or something? Does the ex BIL have kids w/ the ex BF's sister? & does she still talk to her ex?
Would definitely NOT date an ex's sibling.
But an ex's ex-BIL is totally different, nowhere near the same as a sibling IMO. I would prefer not to date anyone too closely associated to an ex, but I would not rule it out. The situation is different, however, if your ex is your ex-husband and ex-BIL is someone you hung out with at family gatherings for years, then that would be weird IMO.
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I would.This isn't a sibling, its an ex's FORMER BIL. Ya'll seriously limit your dating pool by dismissing people that are not related. But I married dh, my ex boyfriends best friend- so I'm ruthless like that :lol:

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oh snap i just read the title....
Not as bad that it is an ex's ex-BIL and not a sibling but i'd still be wary.

Zaynab : I am a nosy bald beech, can i ask you a question about how you met DH?
I don't really see a problem. It would definitely cause drama, but if the sister and the brother in law don't have children together, they should have much reason to see/speak with each other
Zaynab how long after you broke up with SO did you get with DH? Is your DH A FULL sibling of your ex and did they grow up together? And what was your now BIL's reaction, had you dated for a long time?

please excuse the thirstiness for info!!!
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Zaynab how long after you broke up with SO did you get with DH? Is your DH A FULL sibling of your ex and did they grow up together? And what was your now BIL's reaction, had you dated for a long time?

please excuse the thirstiness for info!!!

No. There was no relation, no BIL situation. I'm saying that if it were me as the OP stated, I wouldn't see that as a big deal because they weren't techincally related and it was a former BIL.

I dated a guy, we broke up. I saw dh a few times here and there later. I had never met dh while I dated the guy b/c I lived out of town, I'd only heard about the "friend" (dh) never met him. It's a big joke now 12 years later though:lol:
Zaynab i think i'm tired. i just re-read your first post. I don't know where i saw sibling there. There I was thirsty as hell over a non-issue lmao
In this case, it depends if the sister is gonna go for it. Cause if she doesn't, it ain't happening. This chick dates her brother then her ex-husband? Oh hell no.

In my case, I would never date an ex's sibling. It just seems awkward and weird, especially if it was a serious relationship and knew the sibling through the ex.
Wow great input ladies!! I kinda feel like I know what type of advice to give her now, and to answer another post, I know they had a kid together (the sister and the ex-BIL), and they did meet thru the ex boyfriend but other than that I'm alittle fuzzy on the details. I dunno what I'd do in this situation because I have always felt like of you love them, or can see yourself with them then go for it, but who wants the extra drama in their life??

No Matter If You're Relaxed, Natural, or Texturized, we're all beautiful black women....and it don't get no better than that!