Worst BKT/Liquid Keratin Treatment Horror Stories

why did cubanit's hair explode? i'm skurred!!! where are the pictures of cubanit's hair? did she give any details on what she did before/after that may have caused this to happen? it would help to know so no one else will do the same. y'all are making me want to take the plunge, but exploding strands of hair!!? what if i'm that 1 in 1000 that this happens to?
why did cubanit's hair explode? i'm skurred!!! where are the pictures of cubanit's hair? did she give any details on what she did before/after that may have caused this to happen? it would help to know so no one else will do the same. y'all are making me want to take the plunge, but exploding strands of hair!!? what if i'm that 1 in 1000 that this happens to?

Awww I understand your fears. Yeah, just click on the arrow next to Cubanit's name in the post. There were all kinds of theories and responses. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the original post and to her pictures of her hair also. :yep:
Oh, and this might be a good place for updates from Brittany, who's been BKTing for about 18 months. She had an update vid that she posted on Youtube of her 4 month results. She first started BKT with much damage that she has gradually trimmed over time. The first vid is her BKT'd hair after about a year of BKT. Her second vid below is her BKT'd hair about 4 months later.

Jan 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bak-igzBSr4
May 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdxhmUgMZxA
the formaldehyde part scares me. I mean I went natural to get away from caustic chemicals.

Between this and a relaxer. a relaxer sounds safer
Awww I understand your fears. Yeah, just click on the arrow next to Cubanit's name in the post. There were all kinds of theories and responses. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the original post and to her pictures of her hair also. :yep:
Sheba1 I had to comment on your progress. You're making great progress there!:grin:
There are good sides and bad sides to this product. It works for some and fries the hair of some others. I really think after hearing all sides of the BKT debate, it really is a " use at your own risk" situation. It could make ur hair swang and look luscious, or it could make u look like a hot mess with hair that won't revert. Whatever the on the fencers decide, just make sure that you are aware of the risks and that negative outcomes are possible.
^^^ Hey there, Kurlee, I'm going to have to mildly disagree. I think we're still trying to figure out how to make BKT do what we want. It's not new, but it's new to our type hair. But if one can flat iron their hair without damage, they can BKT. If during application one flat irons not much different than they normally would (with maybe an additional pass or two) there is no chance for frying of the hair.

BKT has always stated it would make damaged hair straight. The cuticle of processed hair (texlaxed, etc) is always going to go straight. This is a plus for those that want bone straight results but do not want to relax bone straight. I think we just have to use BKT responsibly and we'll achieve fabulous results. Just like any product, it will not do what everyone wants since everyone's situation is different and everyone wants different things. Just like any product on lhcf, it is imperative to find someone with similar hair and mimic their process in order to have the best result.

I will definitely agree, as with any product here, it is use at your own risk.
^^^ Hey there, Kurlee, I'm going to have to mildly disagree. I think we're still trying to figure out how to make BKT do what we want. It's not new, but it's new to our type hair. But if one can flat iron their hair without damage, they can BKT. If during application one flat irons not much different than they normally would (with maybe an additional pass or two) there is no chance for frying of the hair.

BKT has always stated it would make damaged hair straight. The cuticle of processed hair (texlaxed, etc) is always going to go straight. This is a plus for those that want bone straight results but do not want to relax bone straight. I think we just have to use BKT responsibly and we'll achieve fabulous results. Just like any product, it will not do what everyone wants since everyone's situation is different and everyone wants different things. Just like any product on lhcf, it is imperative to find someone with similar hair and mimic their process in order to have the best result.

I will definitely agree, as with any product here, it is use at your own risk.

I agree, but I feel that we have to be mindful and open to seeing the downsides. Usually on LHCF when something gets really popular, people don't really want to see the negative sides of the product. I see some sugar coating :look: in a lot of the BKT threads, especially when people try to talk about a negative experience. I just want to learn as much as I can and from what I have seen, for most, it works fine. For some, it tears up their hair. I'm still concerned about the formaldehyde and its derivatives in the formaldehyde free versions. This product has not been tested for long term safety, so as it stands, it really is touch and go. We are the guinea pigs until something goes wrong....... or doesn't. Yes there is formaldehyde in nail polish and the like, but they are not going on my scalp and the fumes are not being dispersed for long periods of time, nor are they in as high of concentrations as BKT.

I can't make an informed yay or nay about BKT if the negative experiences are hushed or sugar coated. I think it is important to take an honest approach, regardless of how much you like something. BKT makes a lot of peoples hair look amazingly soft and shiny and it could be harmless and semi-permanent. However, we have to be open to find out if it actually lives up to its initial results and expectations.
I agree with both of you. It's kinda like haircolor - some women use it with no problems whatsoever, others have serious problems - even when applied correctly to healthy hair.

There's really no way to tell if it's going to be OK for your hair or not. I researched BKT for awhile before I decided to use it. I have very strong hair - many years ago a hairdresser once left a relaxer on my hair for 40+ minutes (she got busy and forgot me) and my hair was not damaged at all. It didn't burn my scalp and I didn't shed excessively afterward. She freaked out because she just knew my hair would fall out - but it didn't. With that said, I was somewhat comfortable with my decision because of prior experience with chemicals. My hair looks pretty much the same no matter what is done to it. (3c/4a) The BKT relaxed my new growth a little, but after 12 washes (3 weeks), it's already starting revert. It has made my hair feel really strong and silky, however.

Everyone knows their own hair and how resilient it is. If your hair is sensitive to products and treatments, or if it can't withstand high heat without damage, I would stay away from BKT or just do a small section and wait a few months to see the outcome.

Sorry bout' the dissertation.
But I guess that's the thing, Sipp. I have the furthest thing from super strong hair. I have cottony, fragile, fine strands.

That being said, I'm not sure there is much sugar coating going on about BKT when there are threads with titles such as this one, Kurlee. I think, if anything, BKT gets great big warning signs all over... and I'm not sure it's warranted. Merely putting relaxer on your hair can damage your hair. There is not a single relaxer, texturizer, etc that you can put in your hair and leave it for four days or until your next wash. With BKT, putting it in your hair does not cause the damage, it's the fusing part... and that part is completely up to the applicant.

I do agree that there is no long term study on whether the formaldehyde is a danger. I personally don't think it is, so I use the product. But I do not believe the application of BKT poses a danger to the hair. If someone's hair can't withstand 450 degrees, then don't use 450 degrees. I don't. If someone's hair can't withstand a naked blow dry, then apply to towel dried hair. That's what I do. Like anything, personal knowledge of your hair is needed in order to make an informed decision. Having read all the threads on lhcf there are plenty of "beware bkt" posts. But usually they're from people who haven't used the product.
Hey Sheba! Well, you were vigilant with your research and then felt OK about your decision. But if someone is very hesitant or unsure, I think they should go with their gut instinct and keep away from the BKT - or just test a small patch. Luckily, it turned out well for both you and I :)
^^^ Amen, Sipp. Girlfriend, I was sleeping and eating BKT for a while before I decided to take the plunge. I remember Cubanit's negative update had even come out before I did it. I was certainly informed and I actively looked to build in methods that would make the process better for my hair. I troubleshoot for a living so I worked to neutralize potential problems with the application process before I did it. Hypothesis is working A ok. Yay!

ITA, I also recommend a patch test to everyone that PMs me and asks me about BKT. I'm glad I jumped right in, but I want others to take their time.
Just like the Good Book says, "Study to show thyself approved..." That goes for EVERYTHING in life. Making informed decisions leads to much less headache.

P.S. Check your PMs. Thanks
But I guess that's the thing, Sipp. I have the furthest thing from super strong hair. I have cottony, fragile, fine strands.

That being said, I'm not sure there is much sugar coating going on about BKT when there are threads with titles such as this one, Kurlee. I think, if anything, BKT gets great big warning signs all over... and I'm not sure it's warranted. Merely putting relaxer on your hair can damage your hair. There is not a single relaxer, texturizer, etc that you can put in your hair and leave it for four days or until your next wash. With BKT, putting it in your hair does not cause the damage, it's the fusing part... and that part is completely up to the applicant.

I do agree that there is no long term study on whether the formaldehyde is a danger. I personally don't think it is, so I use the product. But I do not believe the application of BKT poses a danger to the hair. If someone's hair can't withstand 450 degrees, then don't use 450 degrees. I don't. If someone's hair can't withstand a naked blow dry, then apply to towel dried hair. That's what I do. Like anything, personal knowledge of your hair is needed in order to make an informed decision. Having read all the threads on lhcf there are plenty of "beware bkt" posts. But usually they're from people who haven't used the product.
Totally agree. I was more concerned with the long term effects on the body, especially in the blowout/flat ironing process. I am a natural who likes to press occasionally. I workout alot, so reversion is an issue. BKT sounds promising, but because of some complaining of hair not reverting, that's a red flag, because I want to keep my texture. Also, hair can be damaged an grow back, be cut or whatever. I am more concerned with how it affects the body, because that is something that I can't grow back and "redo". I just want the real deal, even if it's bad, so I can have thorough research, but it's really looking like I should just Sabino it out.