Worked out my regimen and new pictures


New Member
OK so i have figured out my regimen for the next 6 months while I am in Africa. I did some research both on this board and off so we'll see what consistency can do. 5 inches or bust!

Regular wash: Every week
Shampoo- Copa ph balancing poo- yes its from that horrible kit but the actual poo is really gentle- Sodium Alpha Olefin Sulfonate and Lauramide DEA are the cleansing agents.

Conditon- Joico K-Pak reconstructor- the only protien I found in the entire store which has human hair keratin. HHK is the only protien apparently that has all 19 amino acids found in human hair which is recommended for a good protien.
Moisture- mixed with the protien will be Burts Bees Apricot baby oil which contains no mineral oil
Sorry I really hate MO. Anyway, this has Apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, and wheat germ oil.

Airdry, no heat- no flat iron, no blowdryer, no curling iron for 6 months!

Conditioner wash: 1 or 2 a week. My hair can't take much more than that.
Suave Naturals Milk and honey or Nature's Gate
Natural Jojoba Conditioner. You all know about Suave, but this natures gate is amazing. It was only like $4, but it has great ingrediants.
I don't use any hair styling products or moisturizers cause they cause hairloss for me when I try to comb my hair.
Vitamin: Fish oil supplements- 1500mg

I am sooo excited! i wanna start now!
I've never had a regimen before.
I get my sorely needed relaxer on Wednsday, probably with Affirm Mild. I have been using no lye for years but I want to go back to lye. OK that's it. I put some new growth pics in my album too.
Whoa thats alot of hair! your regimen sounds great

You can do the no heat regimen. Ive been on it for 5 months..only seven more to go. If I can do it, you can do it
pleaseee let us know how the affirm mild turns out. i plan on using it for my next relaxer but i'm afraid it wont get my hair as straight as i'd want. btw you have gorgeous hair!
Thanks Ayeshia. I figure if I don't bring the tools to begin with then I have no choice!

Bree- I'll def. let you know about the Affim. We have kind of similar hair! Except mine has thinned out at the ends recently because of seasonal shedding but i'll be back! Good job keeping it looking so good.
abainaa said:
Thanks Ayeshia. I figure if I don't bring the tools to begin with then I have no choice!

Bree- I'll def. let you know about the Affim. We have kind of similar hair! Except mine has thinned out at the ends recently because of seasonal shedding but i'll be back! Good job keeping it looking so good.

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yeah my blowdryer broke on me so I had no other choice
Your hair looks so good. I love the length and thickness. Good luck on keeping it in optimul health while you are in africa. Also for added moisture you can apply moisturizers and sleep in a plastic cap. This works wonders.
Your hair is so beautiful. I notice that you don't use leave's making me rethink whether I need them or not because I always get a little breakage everytime I use them. I'm going to try cutting back on them for now. Thanks for posting your regimen.
3 and your hair!!

One long did it take you to grow your hair from your shortest length in your album to mid shoulder blade?
Thats a hard question to answer because it wasn't a straight path. i had one big chop and a couple of illness related hair loss incidences but in all, eight years spanned between the two pics. But I would say that was only about three years of growth minus all the drama.
Great pics, you're an inspiration, hey don't forget to send my something back from Africa, and don't forget to pm me with what you said you would do for me
lol, keep us posted on how your regiman is working out..hey you might even find some new products there, but don't leave your LHCF family hanging...
Just wanna say that I alot of ladies here had problems with the Joico K pak reconstructor. So perhaps you may wanna try Keraphix or Dudley's DRC.
abainaa ... Have you tried all the prouducts you bought yet. I stock up on a lot of things when I am in the states to bring back here. Sometimes I find once I get here, I don't like some of what I've purchased. If you can, try everything that you bought before flying to Africa, so you din't get there and realize you don't like what you have. Then you have time to find something else.

BTW ... you have beautiful hair.
cutebajangirl said:
Just wanna say that I alot of ladies here had problems with the Joico K pak reconstructor. So perhaps you may wanna try Keraphix or Dudley's DRC.

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Really? What kind of problems? Now i'm scared
Please let me know cutebajan.
To oglorios, yes I will definitely remember.
And i'm definitely going to checking out the BSS over there. Maybe they have something amazing!
Anyway, I leave on Friday, spend Saturday in London, then arrive on Sunday. It might take me a little while to figure out my internet situation tho. S if you guys don't hear from me for a little while, thats why.
ballet_bun said:
abainaa ... Have you tried all the prouducts you bought yet. I stock up on a lot of things when I am in the states to bring back here. Sometimes I find once I get here, I don't like some of what I've purchased. If you can, try everything that you bought before flying to Africa, so you din't get there and realize you don't like what you have. Then you have time to find something else.

BTW ... you have beautiful hair.

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Thanks Ballet bun. Yes I have tried everythhig excpt for the Joico k-pak. But now I am getting scared about that.

ok, thanks cutebajan. I think i'll start another post asking about that before I lose any hair.
Abainaa... gyal, what a "tick" and lovely head of hair!!! Do have a safe trip. You're in my prayers... and DON'T be a stranger!
AJamericanDiva said:
Abainaa... gyal, what a "tick" and lovely head of hair!!! Do have a safe trip. You're in my prayers... and DON'T be a stranger!

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Thank you! Nuh worry diva, I won't. If they give me the chance i'll probably spend all my time at work on LHCF.
Have fun! Just one word of advice I was in Ghana for 3 months last year and my scalp is still recovering from the heat/sun "damage". Cover your head EVERY chance you get.