Women are my weakness and I struggle with lust


Well-Known Member
If a man says that to you in the getting to know them stage, what would think about this?

I have a friend, thats just a friend. My mother really likes him and she keeps telling me to give him a try. Now I am not ready for anything right now but my friend said this to me the other night and I am thinking well if I was gonna him a chance, I definitely wont now. Ok yes, we are all human beings but the statement just screamed "player" to me. Plus the fact that hes really deep into church made me kinda uneasy..I know christians or anyone for that matter arent perfect but still..

Maybe I am being too cautious, because of past dissapointments but my mom thinks nothing is wrong with what he said and she's keeps pushing me towards him:rolleyes:

What do ya'll think? Feel free to tell me I'm reading too much into it..
RUN far away from that man; don’t even entertain the idea of giving him a chance. I have learned over the years that when men make such statements we really have to listen. Forget that mummy likes him... no disrespect to mom but you are the one that would have to deal with the deception and heartache.
If a man says that to you in the getting to know them stage, what would think about this?
I have a friend, thats just a friend. My mother really likes him and she keeps telling me to give him a try. Now I am not ready for anything right now but my friend said this to me the other night and I am thinking well if I was gonna him a chance, I definitely wont now. Ok yes, we are all human beings but the statement just screamed "player" to me. Plus the fact that hes really deep into church made me kinda uneasy..I know christians or anyone for that matter arent perfect but still..

Maybe I am being too cautious, because of past dissapointments but my mom thinks nothing is wrong with what he said and she's keeps pushing me towards him:rolleyes:

What do ya'll think? Feel free to tell me I'm reading too much into it..

Believe him:yep: And wait for someone else to come your way that is able to control himself.

OR...if you wanna deal with him, take the relationship for what it is (if you are not looking for anything serious) have your fun...but don't waste any effort in trying to make him hubby material. And use condoms!:yep:
Believe him:yep: And wait for someone else to come your way that is able to control himself.

OR...if you wanna deal with him, take the relationship for what it is (if you are not looking for anything serious) have your fun...but don't waste any effort in trying to make him hubby material.[/B] And use condoms!:yep

Cosigning on this post.......
Run now and thank the good Lord that he told you this upfront. Some women wait years to find out this information.

Believe him.....
Believe him:yep: And wait for someone else to come your way that is able to control himself.

OR...if you wanna deal with him, take the relationship for what it is (if you are not looking for anything serious) have your fun...but don't waste any effort in trying to make him hubby material. And use condoms!:yep:

True just *** him and leave the money on the nightstand if you're the type that can do that. My poor girlfriend tries to be all hard and just have one night stands but she always ends up falling for the d. :lachen::grin:
"If, someone shows you who they are, Believe them."
-Dr. Maya Angelou


I was getting ready to post the Maya Angelou quote but Volare beat me to it.

I'm so tired of women,myself included, trying to explain what men mean when they say something. He means what he said. Plain and simple! He's telling you what his problem is. When you date him all you are going to do is worry about whether or not he is trying to hook up with some other girl. Save yourself the stress. Move on!
If a man says that to you in the getting to know them stage, what would think about this?

I have a friend, thats just a friend. My mother really likes him and she keeps telling me to give him a try. Now I am not ready for anything right now but my friend said this to me the other night and I am thinking well if I was gonna him a chance, I definitely wont now. Ok yes, we are all human beings but the statement just screamed "player" to me. Plus the fact that hes really deep into church made me kinda uneasy..I know christians or anyone for that matter arent perfect but still..

Maybe I am being too cautious, because of past dissapointments but my mom thinks nothing is wrong with what he said and she's keeps pushing me towards him:rolleyes:

What do ya'll think? Feel free to tell me I'm reading too much into it..

Giiiiirl, *woosa* okay..... I met someone three years ago who told me the exact same thing; that he just "loves women" and even that he doesn't want to be in a relationship. I took that as him being honest and appreciated it but DID NOT DATE HIM. Unfortunately we became friends though. Then even more unfortunately adult things happened. Do what's in your heart. Some men change. Some don't. BUT please understand that what he said is real talk and that he most definitely will struggle with commitment.
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I was getting ready to post the Maya Angelou quote but Volare beat me to it.

I'm so tired of women,myself included, trying to explain what men mean when they say something. He means what he said. Plain and simple! He's telling you what his problem is. When you date him all you are going to do is worry about whether or not he is trying to hook up with some other girl. Save yourself the stress. Move on!

Exactly! If you aren't ready or can't deal, then don't even go there because it is not easy dealing with someone with that kind of problem.
I was getting ready to post the Maya Angelou quote but Volare beat me to it.

I'm so tired of women,myself included, trying to explain what men mean when they say something. He means what he said. Plain and simple! He's telling you what his problem is. When you date him all you are going to do is worry about whether or not he is trying to hook up with some other girl. Save yourself the stress. Move on!

DITTO to this post.
Men say something and women put imaginary earplugs in their ears and try to rationalize behavior and mentality. Do not rationalize anyone else's traits, when they speak, listen, and take it for what it is, whether it be verbal or by actions.

A woman's superior bedroom skills and good looks is not enough to keep a malewhore from being a malewhore. :ohwell: He has that set in his heart, so let him be one, and move on to greener pastures.
"If, someone shows you who they are, Believe them."
-Dr. Maya Angelou


Agreed, Keep it moving and never look back. Thats just a dissappointment waiting to happen, why subject yourself to that. I would've looked at him and said :look: thanks for sharing that with me good day.:cheers::cowgirl:
I say trust the man at his word. If he told you women are his weakness and he struggles with lust, then trust that for what it is. If you decide to persue a relationship with him, them you cant say you havent been warned about what issues may come into the relationship.
Thanks ladies. I knew I wasnt trippin. I swear my mom is crazy:spinning: she's so desperate for me to get married:rolleyes:

I'm not the type do the casual/one night stand stuff, so that's outta the question.

Ive known him since January/ February. He was just a friend, I never looked at him in a romantic way, he's not really my type but my mom think he's so great:rolleyes:

We were just having a regular conversation about thing we struggled with and thats what he said. We have never tried to make a move on me, and never insinuated that we could me more than friends. strictly platonic.

even though I didnt look at him as a romantic prospect, I was hoping he'd be a decent guy, guess not. I'm slowly getting back into my men aint ish phase..:perplexed:
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Thanks ladies. I knew I wasnt trippin. I swear my mom is crazy:spinning: she's so desperate for me to get married:rolleyes:

I'm not the type do the casual/one night stand stuff, so that's outta the question.

Ive known him since January/ February. He was just a friend, I never looked at him like that, but my mom think he's so great:rolleyes:

I didn't think so from what I know of you.

Mama doesn't ALWAYS know best. :nono:
This man will cause you nothing but heartache, so please, don't subject yourself to that kind of pain.

I was foolish for a man who always played the field and was never able to commit. I knew how he was from the beginning and tried to tell myself that I didn't want anything serious from him, but I ended up falling...HARD.

No matter how pretty, sexually freaky, or considerate you are, it'll never be enough.

Spend your time and energy on someone who you can trust.
That brotha is bold as hell but at least he's honest. Now if you still decide to fool with him you can't be mad at him for messing with other girls because he put you on alert already. I would have to leave that brotha alone. He is pu&^%y weak! Thats a problem for me!
I'll be friends with him but like I said thats all it ever was. he never flirted with me or anything. it was mom amping everything up.

I'll hang out with him and it will be strictly platonic.

I learned two lessons though:

1. Dont expect a man to be perfect just because he goes to church.

2. And take your time getting to know someone even if they are just a friend.
Mama doesn't ALWAYS know best. :nono:

Yeah, I had to learn this the hard way.

I can't speak for all moms, but unfortunately, many "old-school" moms seem to think that men are always gonna cheat and be unfaithful, but you have to look past that to see if he's a "good man" overall... :ohwell: And if you complain that your man seems to have a player vibe, then you're being too particular.

Nuh uh, not me.

I learned not to say much to momz anymore.
Yeah, I had to learn this the hard way.

I can't speak for all moms, but unfortunately, many "old-school" moms seem to think that men are always gonna cheat and be unfaithful, but you have to look past that to see if he's a "good man" overall... :ohwell: And if you complain that your man seems to have a player vibe, then you're being too particular.

Nuh uh, not me.

I learned not to say much to momz anymore.

You described my mother to a T. Shes like all men cheat but as long as he's rubbing it in your face, it's ok.:rolleyes: Which I strongly disagree with.

Anyway, I'm officially out the dating game, I have very little faith right now..
That's the first thing I thought too when I read that. You are not reading too much into it; you are right. Don't give this man a chance. :nono: That's the same thing he's gonna say after he cheats on you...followed by, "baby, you knew that's how I was". :wallbash:

You're very smart to PREVENT further disappointment. Don't do it to yourself. You can find another man who'll only lust after you! :yep:
I was getting ready to post the Maya Angelou quote but Volare beat me to it.

I'm so tired of women,myself included, trying to explain what men mean when they say something. He means what he said. Plain and simple! He's telling you what his problem is. When you date him all you are going to do is worry about whether or not he is trying to hook up with some other girl. Save yourself the stress. Move on!

ita! men are very logical, black and white. run for the hills and don't look back!
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Marriage is like buying a car...before you buy make sure it is as problem free as you can possibly get. Once you have bought it, you are stuck with repairs.

My advice would be to leave him alone. I wouldn't take that chance.
Believe him:yep: And wait for someone else to come your way that is able to control himself.

OR...if you wanna deal with him, take the relationship for what it is (if you are not looking for anything serious) have your fun...but don't waste any effort in trying to make him hubby material. And use condoms!:yep:

Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there... having sex with a man with a weakness for women means exposing yourself to all manner of sexual diseases... Dude could even be banging nasty broads like strippers/hookers. :barf: :barf: :barf: And many STDs/STIs can still be transmitted even when you use a condom! Examples include: warts, syphilis and herpes. :sad: Save your lovin' for someone who at least has a chance of not being a scumbag.