WL Divas - Waist Length 2012 Partner Challenge (Open)

Hello my lovely WL Divas!

Will you finally hit WL in 2012?
Would you like a partner to support (and to support you) along the way?

Let's do it!

Let's partner up and retain those inches. WL Divas will check in with a partner each week (on Monday) in a private message and check into this thread every two months.

Check in Dates:
1. Early check-in any time before January 1st (optional)
2. January 1st
3. March 1st
4. May 1st
5. July 1st
6. September 1st
7. November 1st
8. January 1st, 2013 = Final Reveal!!!

Ready to join? Here is how:

1. Join the WL Divas by "thanking" this post. The cut off to join is January 1st

2. Respond to this post with the answers to the following questions:
a. What is your current length?
b. When do you plan to hit WL?
c. Are you natural, relaxed, or somewhere in between?
d. What is your hair growth story? What brought you here?
e. How will you hit WL? What is your reggie?
f. What will you do once you hit WL?

3. Include photos in your response. Include a photo of yourself at the start of your journey as well as a recent picture (or just include a recent picture if this is the start of your journey).

4. Message your partner. In order to avoid confusion I will buddy you up, but if you have a preference please let me know :-)

You will send your partner a message every Monday letting her know how your journey is going. Did you stick to your reggie last week? Is that wig not working out? Share your ups and downs!

5. Get growing! 2012 is our year ladies. Let's do it!
I'll get this party started!

a. What is your current length?
APL. I have never straightned, but I think I am full APL

b. When do you plan to hit WL?
December 2012

c. Are you natural, relaxed, or somewhere in between?
Texlaxed and loving it.

d. What is your hair growth story? What brought you here?
I have always had thick hair but it was never all that long. This is probably about as long as my hair has ever been. I chopped it off because I was tired of having bone straight hair and was dying to have some of my kinks back!

e. How will you hit WL? What is your reggie?
My boring reggie is currently just wigging with cornrows. I cleanse when it feels dirty, so about a week or two. I am keeping the braids in for 1-2 monthsso that I can see growth every time I take them down. I seal while damp with a mixture of shea butter and vegetable oil. That's about it.

f. What will you do once you hit WL?
I think I will get a major trim and wear it out a lot more!




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Ok...I think I'm a little confused...I would love a WL mentor, but I thanked you and I'm not WL...how does that work?
Subscribing. I'd love a partner with the same stats as me.
I'll check back in be January.
OMG. Yes. This will be great for me. I would LOVE to be waist length in Dec 2012. I almost at BSL and I'm under a weave now until the 3rd week in Dec.
Hey Diva,

Neither you nor your partner will necessarily be WL. We'll support each other along the way. However, I just got a PM from a WL chica, so if you want a WL partner I can hook that up :-)

Ok...I think I'm a little confused...I would love a WL mentor, but I thanked you and I'm not WL...how does that work?
I'm in since i won't be WL this year.
a. What is your current length? I'm currently MBL.
b. When do you plan to hit WL? I'll have to get back to you on that one (once i retouch next month and measure).
c. Are you natural, relaxed, or somewhere in between? I'm relaxed.
d. What is your hair growth story? What brought you here? Well throughout my journey i have had many, minor setbacks (old scissor happy stylist). I was actually googling "black healthy hair" when i was introduce to another hair board. So many ladies kept referencing lhcf so here i still am so many yrs later. I'm the typical, overprocessed stuck at SL/APL 20yrs+ story. I've been relaxed since i can remember and i still wanna see the great lengths this relaxed journey can take me too. I wanna be living proof that black hair grows.
e. How will you hit WL? What is your reggie? I retouch no sooner than 16wks. I shampoo and dc once a week. I absolutely dc with EVERY shampoo. Moisture and scarf nightly. Air dry mostly, sometimes in the fall/winter I rollerset and dry under my pibbs. I protective style 90% of the time. I got to my stylist for my retouchs and trims.
f. What will you do once you hit WL? I am in another beyond WL challenge so i will keep growing my hair. But i will eventually decide to maintain a blunt cut at WL or MBL. Of course i will try to wear my hair out more and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I also promised my sister we would take pics next Xmas 2012 so i do plan on officially documenting this milestone.

I'l be back to post pics of my journey.
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I'm in. My goal for 2012 is at least to touch WL

a. What is your current length? MBL

b. When do you plan to hit WL? Hopefully by the end of 2012...giving myself the whole year.

c. Are you natural, relaxed, or somewhere in between? Natural

d. What is your hair growth story? What brought you here? Just love long hair care.

e. How will you hit WL? What is your reggie? I'm wigging it. Mainly HH halfwigs...but just recently purchased a yaki HH full wig.

f. What will you do once you hit WL? Dance!!!, lol. This will be the end of my longer hair journey, and I will wear my natural curlie hair out everyday and only focus on hair hair and maintaining healthy ends.

I plan to do progress pics when I get my new Sedu flatiron in the mail.
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a. What is your current length? MBL
b. When do you plan to hit WL?August
c. Are you natural, relaxed, or somewhere in between?Natural
d. What is your hair growth story? What brought you here?Motivation to grow hair long and to get advice and tips
e. How will you hit WL? What is your reggie?Bi-weekly - Do S&D, Wash, DC, ACV, tea Rinse, Moisturize & Seal braid hair and wear wig until I reach WSL.
f. What will you do once you hit WL? Stop wearing wigs and wear my hair, mostly buns and whatever else I feel like.