WL 2011

Ok, I'm so excited because I've been on my hhj since January of this year and I think I'm finally finding staple products and building a solid reggi that will get me to WL (and maybe beyond...but we'll see ;) )

So here it is

Cleanse hair and steam every Sunday, moisturize and seal daily, BUN BABY BUN :grin:, then cowash on Wednesday and repeat all over again. And I think I'm finally kicking the pj habit! :look:

I've been doing this for the past 2 weeks and have noticed a HUGE difference in my hair! It's much lower manipulation, and lower maintnence :yep: I'm finally getting the hang of it. I'm also on a personal 'bun til the end of the year challeng' and I'm limiting my direct heat.

I'm so excited for everyone!! I get positive vibes from this thread (a little cheesy sounding I know :spinning:) But I just want everyone to reach their goals! HHG ladies!

P.s can I be added to the list of challengers please :giggle:
Well, I relaxed my hair on 10/6/10 but I don't know how to update my siggy anymore. My hair is getting closer to BSL but it's not there yet.....I'm hoping to have a blunt BSL by the end of December.

I have to go to Sally's tomorrow to get a couple of combs.....my hair hasn't had a proper combing in at least 3 days (to make a long story short I left my rattail comb on another island and lost the only half of my favourite comb that broke a few months ago). Right now the only comb I have in my arsenal is my seamless detangling comb (I need something with the teeth closer together to get rid of shed hair!).

I'm trying to stay on top of my moisturizing and sealing game as well as my JBCO applications. My ends are still looking good and I hope they stay that way!
Been VERY MIA. School has been the priority. Trying to get ready for the LSAT in December and started applications. Nothing special. I switched my leave-in to Giovanni Smooth as Silk Conditioner. Other products are the same. I either, ponytail, bun, or wash n go. I don't think I am gonna straighten again until next year, around April-ish till I graduate in May =)

Oh and I died my hair Jet black. Highlights just weren't me; I never got used to is 3 months later.

More hair stuff: yeah I am somewhere around MBL-ish (lol). Hope to be WL by graduation. Maybe I will do a stretched pic in December. I might be missing for a while again. Jut dropping in.
Just stopping in to say hey, ladies. My internet is on the fritz so I'll be MIA for a few days, unless I get on LHCF through my Blackberry. HHG, everyone!
I kept my beehive twist for 1.5 wks but I need to wash my hair in the next few dys. The ends feel good-kimmay's leave in+Vaseline on the ends is preventing tangles and sealing in moisture. I'm going to try to go wigless for a week and will be experimenting with protective styles. After that, wigs until Dec.
So I'm trying an experiment that I call "365 days of dressed up buns" My plan is to wear my hair in a bun for 365 days (maybe not 365 CONSECUTIVE days :look:) and never use a ponytail holder.

I have unintentional layers from wearing buns with too tight pontytail holders:nono: So to give my hair a break from the breakage I've invested in hairsticks, flowerclips, spin pins, forks, and numerous other 'hair toys'. And this also gives me motivation because they are so fun to use and pretty to look at so it breaks up the monotony of the granny bun :lol: I just thought that I'd share that. I'm thinking of starting a blog so I don't have to bombard the board with pictures of my stupid buns :lachen:

As always, HHG everyone!
I kept my beehive twist for 1.5 wks but I need to wash my hair in the next few dys. The ends feel good-kimmay's leave in+Vaseline on the ends is preventing tangles and sealing in moisture. I'm going to try to go wigless for a week and will be experimenting with protective styles. After that, wigs until Dec.

constance, a good moisturizer and vaseline been keeping my ends from split city! So I'm just cosigning on the vaseline!:grin:

end of the year is approaching and I am so excited. I am so loving the HYH of 2010. Amazing how close we are to the end of the year :)
end of the year is approaching and I am so excited. I am so loving the HYH of 2010. Amazing how close we are to the end of the year :)

JJamiah, so am I! The year is going by fast and I can't wait to see all of the December Reveals/Starting Pics! Good thing I have two weeks off for the holidays cause besides posting my own pics, I'll be stalking a whole lot of y'all on here too. LOL!

WL & Beyond here WE come!
Alright, I can do a proper update now. :)

I straightened last week and I am officially BSB. I have been mostly wearing buns out of habit...I have worn my hair down a few days with these cute spiral curls on the ends that I formed with satin-covered sponge rollers. I have always loved this look, and now my hair is long enough to do it.....if only my hair wasn't so fine! (Pics of my straight hair are in my Fotki.)

I think I will start my straight hair winter regimen with my next blowout the first week of November. I will use this one as a dry run to see how long I can get it to last....after a week my edges are a little frizzy, but I am resisting the urge to re-straighten them (mostly with headbands and clips). I do need to incorporate more twistouts/braidouts, and I am looking into Curlformers or Caruso rollers.

If I can't get my straight hair to last all 4 weeks, I will go into damp buns for however long it takes to get me through the cycle. I love the way my hair looks fresh from the salon, but I REFUSE to go any more often than once a month. Gotta preserve all this hard work I've put in! Anyway, still aiming for full BSL by the end of 2010.

HHG everyone!
Tomorrow, God willing, I think I'm gonna DC on dry hair with some AOGPB and co-wash with YTCu. I haven't rollerset in a while, if I'm not too lazy I will do that.
I just completed a 2 yr length check and it looks like I grew 5-6 inches total. Yr#1 I only retained/grew @1.5inches and the remainder is from yr#2 so I'm happy I'm finally doing something right. I'm maybe 2 inches from WL--I'm not trimming since the ends are healthy and I rarely straighten.

I started taking Biotin 1000mcg yesterday with the hopes it will accelerate my growth if I can hang in there until Dec. I plan to slowly increase to 5000mcg by Nov 1. Keeping my fingers crossed. Happy hair growing, ladies.
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I just completed a 2 yr length check and it looks like I grew 5-6 inches total. Yr#1 I only retained/grew @1.5inches and the remainder is from yr#2 so I'm happy I'm finally doing something right. I'm maybe 2 inches from WL--I'm not trimming since the ends are healthy and I rarely straighten.

I started taking Biotin 1000mcg yesterday with the hopes it will accelerate my growth if I can hang in there until Dec. I plan to slowly increase to 5000mcg by Nov 1. Keeping my fingers crossed. Happy hair growing, ladies.

constance, CONGRATS! On improving your retention! That's awesome! 2 inches away!

Shampooed and letting my hair air dry in prep for dying my grey. I've gone back & forth on whether/not I should dye, but I just look too old and washed out with grey hair. I use Naturtint (3N Dark Chesnut Brown), which is supposed to be less damaging than most dyes, but we all know a dye is still a dye. I apply it sparingly~along my front hairline and where I part in the front. Once or twice a yr I dye the back but just the part that is visible when I wear my hair in 2 buns/1 bun and the remainder down. I'll condition with AOHSR, moisturize w coconut oil, and seal w. Vaseline.
WL seems so far away sometimes, but I'll take the plunge. Count me in. I'll measure later and come back with an update.
I just changed my PS, I'm wigging it now. It's getting cold and I can't do the daily co-washes/buns anymore. Plus, I'm just lazy.

Wash and DC weekly
*Currently using generic Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo and Elasta QP DP-11
*ORS Olive Oil Moisture Lotion
Braid in about 6 cornrows (my version of cornrows)
Moisturize daily (and nightly if needed)
*ORS or whatever else I have under my sink
I just changed my PS, I'm wigging it now. It's getting cold and I can't do the daily co-washes/buns anymore. Plus, I'm just lazy.

Same here wigs have become my new bff.
I only wish I tried this sooner instead of using the flat iron every winter :ohwell:

So far since starting this challenege I've had 2 dreams that my hair was wl ... Lol the anticipation is killing me :rolleyes:
I would like to join this challenge if it's not too late. I'm about 3" from waist length. I would love to be there by 12/31/2011.
Same here wigs have become my new bff.
I only wish I tried this sooner instead of using the flat iron every winter :ohwell:

So far since starting this challenege I've had 2 dreams that my hair was wl ... Lol the anticipation is killing me :rolleyes:

Yeah! I love wearing them as well. I am venturing into really SHORT tapered cut wigs now. I have my lace front stash, wig stash now I need my Short Diva cut stash LOL
Yeah! I love wearing them as well. I am venturing into really SHORT tapered cut wigs now. I have my lace front stash, wig stash now I need my Short Diva cut stash LOL

I am wearing a short cut right now. The people at work are going crazy over it. I have folks coming up to me saying "nice hair cut" and I'm like "yeah, thanks". I wasn't trying to fool anyone because to me a wig is just an accessory, but dang I'm gonna keep my mouth shut if they think it's real.:lol:
Hi Ladies,

Just checking in!!! I went to the wedding this past weekend and I had to straighten my hair...making good progress...I'm back to hiding it though for my HYH challenge, but I am optimistic about the end of this year!
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I am wearing a short cut right now. The people at work are going crazy over it. I have folks coming up to me saying "nice hair cut" and I'm like "yeah, thanks". I wasn't trying to fool anyone because to me a wig is just an accessory, but dang I'm gonna keep my mouth shut if they think it's real.:lol:

SPILL IT who is she and where can I get her :lachen:

I don't try to fool anyone either but I want it to look like I can. I personally need to stop telling people it's a wig, it's a wig. Some people look at me like I have two heads like where do you hide all that hair. LOL

People have a misconception that only people with short hair wear wigs, but reality check, Us gals with MBL hair and beyond rock them too!

As Long as it looks good who cares :) :yep:

NOW SPILL it with that short cut I want one LOL