Wives were you attracted to your husband when you first met him???

I think this is a highly personal choice.
For me I need to be attracted. I want to desire my husband.
Honestly, I have mainly dated men I have very little attraction to and it's the pits.
Well I've had it both ways. I've dated guys I was highly super attracted to. Like Thank you Jesus fine! So much passion we can start a fire. :grin::kisslips:

This guy I'm dating now is super sweet, funny, and a nice person but the passion is just not there. I'm hoping that as we get to know each other more feelings will start to develop. Cause he is one of the most genuine guys I've ever dated.

After dating so many good looking jerks, its nice to have a guy isn't a jerk.

He's too nice of a person for me to cut out of my life
Yes, there was an immediate spark and definite attraction for both of us.

I was actually trying to dodge an ex I saw pulling into a parking spot, by dipping into a restaurant. I was mesmerized by this man seated alone who was so fine. I asked if I could sit with him, just in case the ex came in because I wanted my ex to think I was with somebody else, so he could KIM (of course this man didn't know this at the time). His mannish self smiled, stood, and pull out the chair for me. We've been together ever since.
He wasn't what i considered my type but he was attractive , had a great personality ,funny ,intelligent ,extremely generous and romantic .He treated me like a queen.I fell in love so quickly ,he was amazing .
No I was like 8. couldn't stand him but he would always say he loved me & I'll be his wife. Lol
I beat him up shortly after he said that.
We met at work and FH actually trained me on my first day, but we weren't instantly attracted to each other. It sounds crazy, but we're both the "tunnel vision" type. It took us about four months to actually SEE the other, and now I think he's a fox.

He thinks I'm pretty alright now too. :lol: