Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Brides

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thanks Shimmie. Yes that's the book.:yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

What a beautiful thread! I enjoyed reading these beautiful testimonies that miracles happen everyday.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I posted a while back that I needed encouragement in my marriage, and I was encouraged by some of the ladies of the CF. I know others read my thread and did not respond, but still must have been praying for me. I would like to testify that I have seen some really positive changes in my marriage, and I've seen my husband even taking some tiny steps in being more of a spiritual head for the family. That's what I want from him, for him to take the lead. But I realize I can't just sit around and wait for him to do it. I still have to go on and be commited to God, with or without him.

When I stop interjecting what I want, what I expect, what I want him to be, things go so much better in the relationship. I am not nearly as frustrated. The love I have for him can come through better, and I'm not sure, but I think this makes him feel more appreciated...more respected. I bought this book that someone suggested I get entitled "Love&Respect: The love she most desires; the respect he desperately needs". I admit, I did not even get a quarter of the way through the book (I might pick it up again), but the concept has helped me a lot. And when he told me two nights ago that I was his best friend, that just turned my heart so much toward him, and I wanted to act like his best friend. I want to be his "safe place".

Thank you, to all the ladies who prayed for me and those who pray for Christian marriages.

Trenise, I remember your marital issue and at some point suggested that book to you. I am so glad that it was helpful to you. Sometimes we don't always know the right thing to say so having a resource to say it makes it easier on both parts. So, thank you for posting an update about your marriage! I am praying things continue to get better for you. You deserve happiness just like everyone else!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I am so happy for you and your hubby. :giveheart:

Is the book you have by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs? If this is the book you have I am very happy for you.

He is hilarious and so low key about it. I have his DVD where his Minsters his message on love and respect. He uses a wonderful sense of humour with his messages. I love the 'airhose' analogy that he uses for men.

I could go on about Dr. Eggerichs' messages. He uses the clock illustration of the cycle of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Love is at 12 o'clock. Respect is at 3 o'clock. Love is at 6 o'clock and Respect is at 9 o'clock.

For a woman to get love, she has to give her husband respect, for a husband to get respect from his wife, he has to give his wife 'Love', and the cycle continues.

I'm just happy to hear your praise report and my prayers will always be for your marriage to continue to grow in love and to flourish in the goodness of God. Love and blessings to you and your husband, for always. :love2:

Shimmie - I had the pleasure of seeing him and his wife live at my former church - I believe it ended up being a 2 day conference on the Love & Respect book. It was an amazing experience - even though my friends and I were single in a pool of married/engaged folks! You're right - he is an excellent speaker. I would encourage anyone who can see them live to do it.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie, one 'mo 'gain:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie - I had the pleasure of seeing him and his wife live at my former church - I believe it ended up being a 2 day conference on the Love & Respect book.

It was an amazing experience - even though my friends and I were single in a pool of married/engaged folks! You're right - he is an excellent speaker. I would encourage anyone who can see them live to do it.

You ....... saw....... Dr. ........ Eggerich?


Wow, what a blessing he is. I love his ministry. He is sooooo funny when he imitates the husband 'crying out' "Get off my air hose'. :lol:

Hairlove thank you so much for sharing this. You made my day. :yep:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Trenise, I remember your marital issue and at some point suggested that book to you. I am so glad that it was helpful to you. Sometimes we don't always know the right thing to say so having a resource to say it makes it easier on both parts. So, thank you for posting an update about your marriage! I am praying things continue to get better for you. You deserve happiness just like everyone else!

Thank you Hairlove.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Praise the Lord, Trenise....Praise the Lord!!!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Praise the Lord, Trenise....Praise the Lord!!!
Precious Wavy... "Hairlove" saw Dr. Emmeron Eggerich in person at her Church...


I love this man's Ministry. :love3: He reminds me of the blessing of yours and Pastor's 'A's Marriage Ministry.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Precious Wavy... "Hairlove" saw Dr. Emmeron Eggerich in person at her Church...


I love this man's Ministry. :love3: He reminds me of the blessing of yours and Pastor's 'A's Marriage Ministry.
I know...:thud: His ministry is powerful...:yep: Thank you for saying that, Shimmie...you are a blessing to my life :kiss:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

That's some powerful stuff.... Listening now, and learning. Thanks for the link Shimmie...

Without Love she reacts without Respect,
Without Respect, he reacts without Love..
.... :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I know...:thud: His ministry is powerful...:yep: Thank you for saying that, Shimmie...you are a blessing to my life :kiss:
Oh Lawd... I 'typoed' his first name. I spelled it 'Emmeron'... :blush3:

It should be 'Emerson'... I was hyped. :lachen: I couldn't wait to tell you.

I was in my racing mode to get to you... 'Sis, sis, guess what?' :cowgirl: :lachen:

And what I said about you and hubby's Ministry is so true. :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

That's some powerful stuff.... Listening now, and learning. Thanks for the link Shimmie...

Without Love she reacts without Respect,
Without Respect, he reacts without Love...... :yep:
Laela.... I LOVE this man's Ministry. I have to find one of his 'funny' ones. He has me on the floor. :rofl:

Enjoy Angel... :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Oh Lawd... I 'typoed' his first name. I spelled it 'Emmeron'... :blush3:

It should be 'Emerson'... I was hyped. :lachen: I couldn't wait to tell you.

I was in my racing mode to get to you... 'Sis, sis, guess what?' :cowgirl: :lachen:

And what I said about you and hubby's Ministry is so true. :yep:
:lachen::lachen:...I love "Whoa Daisy":lachen::lachen::lachen:

Thank you sis....:kiss:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This video really is so simple and yet so powerful. I am really taking notes and taking all this to heart, 'cause I want to be a good wife.

Lord make me over. Make me over again.

Thanks Shimmie.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

...might repost this later.
Last edited:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie and Wonderful Women of God,

I just want to thank you so much for all of the testimonies and encouragement. I am so encouraged!!! Shimmie, the details of table settings, ambiance, cakes and the Word are awesome and I know I feel so special!
I "lived as married" for 12 years before I returned to the Lord and rededicated my all to HIm. I have been celibate for the past 13 years and am waiting on the Lord to do things right this time. Since I am older and my children are grown, I was feeling like marriage may not be in His plans for my life.
Now I have hope. I believe that when it is time, He will bring the marriage He designed me for into my life. In the mean time, I am determined to worship Him in my singleness. I love this bridal shower!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hello Sisters in Christ. I am sort of a newbie and a lurker. You ladies have given me so much hope and blessings, I thought I should come out of lurk mode and at least share how the Lord blessed me with my DH. Here is my story: It seems everyone around me was either married or getting married. I felt so lonely and as if God had forgotten about me. I had a friend who was in the same situation as me -feeling unloved and unwanted. One day, the Lord placed on our hearts to fast and pray for our spouses. Not long after our fast, my friend met and married her hubby. I was so upset that my prayer had not been answered. Around the same time...one of my nieces, who is about my age, became engaged and she did not want to tell me because she was afraid I would be hurt. I had to find out from someone else that she was getting married. At the time, I was in college working on another degree. I dropped out of school, moved back home with my parents, and called my older brother, who had been living in TN. for decades. I'm the youngest in a large family and my brother is also my godfather. I called my brother and asked him and his wife if I could move to TN and live with them. I told them I wanted to go back to school and needed to get away from my home state. On November 22, 1995 I left my roots, my dear parents, friends, and family and I moved to TN. I stayed to myself while living with my brother and his family and rarely went out with them to a movie, restaurant, or anywhere. On Christmas Eve they asked if I wanted to attend a Christmas celebration at one of their friend's house. I usually said "No" every time they asked me to go somewhere with them, but this time I said "Yes". You see...I am very timid and really do not like to be around large crowds. Nevertheless, I went to the celebration and had a nice time. The next day the hostess called and asked me if I would like to meet her cousin. She blurted out: "Since you are new in town, I figured he could show you around." I told her it would be fine if she gave her cousin my phone number. I received a phone call from her cousin and my future husband in January. He was down to earth, talkative, and made me feel immediately at ease. We went out on our first "blind" date sometime in January 1996 and we were married November 30, 1996. Yes, we had a short engagement, but we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I even got married before my niece who was afraid to tell me about her engagement!! God is so faithful. My hubby and I are about to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary. We have two handsome boys (an 11 year old and a 6 year old) and we are happily married. We did have some bumps in the road, but Christ has been faithful to keep our marriage together. The moral of my story is- when I stopped looking for my mate, God sent him to me. I hope this story encourages those of you who are waiting on the Lord for a mate. Pray diligently and seek His kingdom first and He will bless you with the desires of your heart.
In His Grip...Saved1291
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Saved1291, what a beautiful love story you have! God is so amazing how He weaves and executes His plan. You had to get to a place of discomfort in order to step out of your box, and move to TN. So, even though you weren't looking for your hubby in the natural, your prayers ordered your steps, and you literally walked right to him. That is utterly incredible.

People seem to magnify struggles in marriage or the issues that we may have in communicating with the opposite sex; to hear godly women telling their stories is so edifying because happy marriages do exist and you beautiful sisters are shinning examples of that, and I thank you for being an example to me.

F8THINHIM, we are on this journey together, and I feel you. I messed up earlier in my life, and now that I am getting older, I am gaining wisdom. I have been celebate for nearly 10 years, and my single walk has been painful at times, but I had to find the value in me first, before I could expect him to see my worth. God is so good, and he has husbands for us.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie and Wonderful Women of God,

I just want to thank you so much for all of the testimonies and encouragement. I am so encouraged!!! Shimmie, the details of table settings, ambiance, cakes and the Word are awesome and I know I feel so special!

I "lived as married" for 12 years before I returned to the Lord and rededicated my all to HIm. I have been celibate for the past 13 years and am waiting on the Lord to do things right this time. Since I am older and my children are grown, I was feeling like marriage may not be in His plans for my life.

Now I have hope. I believe that when it is time, He will bring the marriage He designed me for into my life. In the mean time, I am determined to worship Him in my singleness. I love this bridal shower!

Hello Precious Daughter of God... :giveheart:

Your post is so sincere and heartwarming. This came into my heart as I read your beautiful testimony.

When the Progical son returned home to his Father, a ring was placed upon his finger and a coat was placed upon him and there was royal celebration.

For you the celebration was this...

The Invitation...


The Rings...


Your Covering... (The Coat of Honour).

"Your Wedding Veil" (Notice the Details on the end: "Tied the Knot".)


Your Flowers... called "Purity" Gentle White Tiny Blossoms -- on a bed of Green.

From Song of Solomon 1:16 "How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming! And our bed is Verdant".

Your Marriage Bed is 'Verdant'... on a bed of fresh green... A brand new Life, a new Beginning for you and your husband the two of you... "Verdant" and Pure.


The Celebration...


:Rose: Abundant Blessings for you.... For you have been faithful and it's never too late to be blessed by God who is Faithful that Promised.

Whatever you give up for Christ (the sake of the Gospel) He rewards you 100-fold 'now' in this time, for you have 'Faith in Him" ... :yep: :yep: :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hello Sisters in Christ. I am sort of a newbie and a lurker. You ladies have given me so much hope and blessings, I thought I should come out of lurk mode and at least share how the Lord blessed me with my DH.

Here is my story: It seems everyone around me was either married or getting married. I felt so lonely and as if God had forgotten about me. I had a friend who was in the same situation as me -feeling unloved and unwanted.

One day, the Lord placed on our hearts to fast and pray for our spouses. Not long after our fast, my friend met and married her hubby. I was so upset that my prayer had not been answered. Around the same time...one of my nieces, who is about my age, became engaged and she did not want to tell me because she was afraid I would be hurt. I had to find out from someone else that she was getting married.

At the time, I was in college working on another degree. I dropped out of school, moved back home with my parents, and called my older brother, who had been living in TN. for decades. I'm the youngest in a large family and my brother is also my godfather. I called my brother and asked him and his wife if I could move to TN and live with them. I told them I wanted to go back to school and needed to get away from my home state.

On November 22, 1995 I left my roots, my dear parents, friends, and family and I moved to TN. I stayed to myself while living with my brother and his family and rarely went out with them to a movie, restaurant, or anywhere.

On Christmas Eve they asked if I wanted to attend a Christmas celebration at one of their friend's house. I usually said "No" every time they asked me to go somewhere with them, but this time I said "Yes". You see...I am very timid and really do not like to be around large crowds. Nevertheless, I went to the celebration and had a nice time.

The next day the hostess called and asked me if I would like to meet her cousin. She blurted out: "Since you are new in town, I figured he could show you around." I told her it would be fine if she gave her cousin my phone number. I received a phone call from her cousin and my future husband in January. He was down to earth, talkative, and made me feel immediately at ease. We went out on our first "blind" date sometime in January 1996 and we were married November 30, 1996.

Yes, we had a short engagement, but we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I even got married before my niece who was afraid to tell me about her engagement!! God is so faithful. My hubby and I are about to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary.

We have two handsome boys (an 11 year old and a 6 year old) and we are happily married. We did have some bumps in the road, but Christ has been faithful to keep our marriage together.

The moral of my story is- when I stopped looking for my mate, God sent him to me. I hope this story encourages those of you who are waiting on the Lord for a mate.

Pray diligently and seek His kingdom first and He will bless you with the desires of your heart.

In His Grip...Saved1291

What a beautiful testimony and you have proven that God is surely 'Fathful' and does not leave us hopeless nor without fulfilling His exceeding great and precious promises to us.

I wish you and your hubby and your beautiful sons, all of life's blessings and more than you've ever hoped and prayed for. You are a blessing to this life we live in. You live to 'please and to allow God to be God' in your life which will always be a living, breathing testament to the world of those who do not believe. Because you do, many of them will turn and believe in Him too.

Blessings to you Woman of God; your house will always stand and your marriage will never fail; for God is the cornerstone of who you and your husband are ... "HIS"; you are the apple of God's heart and His eye. :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hello Precious Daughter of God... :giveheart:

Your post is so sincere and heartwarming. This came into my heart as I read your beautiful testimony.

When the Progical son returned home to his Father, a ring was placed upon his finger and a coat was placed upon him and there was royal celebration.

For you the celebration was this...

The Invitation...


The Rings...


Your Covering... (The Coat of Honour).

"Your Wedding Veil" (Notice the Details on the end: "Tied the Knot".)


Your Flowers... called "Purity" Gentle White Tiny Blossoms -- on a bed of Green.

From Song of Solomon 1:16 "How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming! And our bed isVerdant".

Your Marriage Bed is 'Verdant'... on a bed of fresh green... A brand new Life, a new Beginning for you and your husband the two of you... "Verdant" and Pure.


The Celebration...


:Rose: Abundant Blessings for you.... For you have been faithful and it's never too late to be blessed by God who is Faithful that Promised.

Whatever you give up for Christ (the sake of the Gospel) He rewards you 100-fold 'now' in this time, for you have 'Faith in Him" ... :yep: :yep: :yep:


You are such a BLESSING!!!!! I am in awe and remain speechless! :cry: Thank you for sharing that word from the Lord. I am blessed beyond words. :blowkiss:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


You are such a BLESSING!!!!! I am in awe and remain speechless! :cry: Thank you for sharing that word from the Lord. I am blessed beyond words. :blowkiss:
Right back at you' :blowkiss:

It's never too late, to reap the blessings of love and obedience. :Rose: