Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Brides

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This thread has really been touching to read. I had given up complete hope of being married at all. I thought I was being teased. Why would I have this desire, this thought and no one who I thought would want me? My SO is so cold and distant. He claims he can't talk to me about deep personal things. I have tried to be there for him. I have tried to be open. I have been completely naked (in a figurative sense) and nothing.

It hurts so bad, and the stress has shut my periods down. I needed to read this, to have hope that there is someone out there for me. I don't think I am with him now, but I don't know what to do. I don't feel I can stay just to hang out to see if he will ask me.

A part of it is my own pride.

"Why should the next chick benefit from all my hard work?" that kind of thing.

I just think I have to let go and let God, but I am so scared...I just ask for some prayer. I appreciate all the tales, and I hope to read more. Thank you.

Fear not to let go for as you do so, you will land upon the wings of an angel who will carry you safely into the arms of God your Father.

You need never fear another reaping the benefits of your hard labor...God promises you this. :yep: Shall I prove it? Better yet, shall God prove it?

Look at what He says in Isaiah 65 ... :yep:

21 And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

23 They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

SunkistDiva... you will enjoy the fruit of your labour, not someone else. When you leave, your blessings go with you. They cannot stay where they are not appreciated, for there is no substance or life to keep them flowing.

Just as the 'fig tree', they will wither and die for you are not there to 'water' them and keep them alive. No one can come in behind you and reap the benefits of all you've given. A 'man' has to stand on his 'own' merits, not lean on what he has not earned. He has too much weight leaning against a pillar no longer there.

Psalm 1:1-3

1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

SunkistDiva, a man has to 'stand' on his own merits, otherwise he becomes a failure and cannot prosper.

You need not worry about what some other woman may get from him. If he truly has something to give, then you would not be the one doing all of the giving. Another woman will only be doing the same, giving her all and ending up with nothing.

The longer you stay, the more you'll be drained and the longer you'll delay what God truly has for you, which is far, far better. :yep:

Blessings to you. :Rose:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I feel so ready...ready to love, to be loved, ready to take care of my husband, ready to help, ready to give.

Some day I will share my story. For now, I'd lilke to share this. I'm 30 something and my mom, whom I love dearly, never, ever mentions anything about me getting married, dating, etc. She never even inquires if I met a man or had a date. I live in L.A. alone, so you'd think mom would be a little interested, right. Lol!!

Anyway, just recently mom and I were on the phone talking. She said, "I was having breakfast with your nephew this morning and I saw your husband." She changed the subject and kept talking. I said, "wait, back up. You met who? what? You saw one of my friends?" She said, "No, God let me see your husband today."

Now, I almost fell off the chair because mom never mentions anything about me having a man. She's over protective and I love her dearly, but...

She goes on to say, "I was sitting there with your nephew and suddenly it was like I caught a glimpse in the spirit. You brought your husband home. I was staring him down, trying to see your body language, but you told me you loved him and I knew he was your husband." She said God gave her a vision of this.

Mom said that he wasn't even intimidated by her questions and that I was very happy.

Again, I almost fell out of the chair. Of course moms tried to brush past the subject and I told her that I needed her to patiently give me details. I praised God because this made me feel like I'm closer than I've ever been. God has really done some work on me. I see the changes. I feel like a wife. He's working on me. I know I'll never be a finished project while I live on this earth, but I feel like something's happening.

Of course I had to ask mom what he looked like. She gave me a few details. She knows I adore Ray Allen (Boston Celtics). So, she goes on to say that my husband is alot more attractive than Ray. Awww!!

Ladies, there is/was someone in my life. The situation looks sooo dim. Only God could resurrect it. I cut all ties. Tired of the in between, etc. Whoever God has and chooses for me is the one that I want.

Okay, wanted to share. Back to the wives!!

Yodie, I'm feelin' your mama. :up:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie, thank you for this thread. I feel renewed and refresh. I feel that God is preparing me for my husband. I'm not quite finish yet, but I feel before the summer next year I will be.

But I prayed a specific prayer to God that all old relationships will not resurrect. I only had two, in my life so no big deal. I know they won't.

I have been praying for my future husband as well. Lately I've been praying this prayer ALOT. At first I had no idea why, but I'm leaving it all in God's hands. Although the guy in my little picture up there would be ideal.. hehehhe

This is a prayer that Prettyfaceabnd (I think that's right) posted:

[pray]"Lord God, your Word declares that if I delight myself in you—if I enjoy and seek your pleasure above mine—you'll give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Desiring a husband is neither evil nor selfish because marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13:4).

At the beginning of creation, you proclaimed, "It is not good that man should be alone" and then you created Eve to be a suitable partner for Adam (Genesis 2:18).

In the name of Jesus, I ask that you would protect the husband—a suitable partner—you have chosen for me. Because the covenant of marriage is sacred (Mark 10:9), I ask for a man of God. Please give me a husband whose love for me is only outmatched by his love for you; a man who will cherish me and build me up (Proverbs 31:28); a man who will honor me (I Peter 3:7) and our marriage vows; a man who will be a good father and provider; a man whom I will be attracted to physically, emotionally, and spiritually; a man who will love me as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25).

Keep me from attaching myself to another man out of desperation. I will not settle for a relationship that's second best, convenient, or one that feeds my insecurities. Guard my purity and give me the patience to wait. And when I meet him, confirm to me that he is the one.

Release from me the baggage of past relationships, and prepare me for the man You have chosen to be my husband. Free me from any hindrances to a healthy and godly marriage: insecurities, habitual sins, selfishness, and emotional hurts. Dispel my unrealistic expectations that set me up for disappointment. I place my trust in you rather than my partner.

In this period of waiting, I will look to you alone to be my companion and best friend. You are the one who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things (Psalm 103:4-5).

I will not be anxious, but as I present my requests to you, flood me with the peace that surpasses all understanding so my heart and my mind are guarded in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7).

In this request, I commit myself to trust you and do good, to dwell in the land and feed on your faithfulness. I commit my way to you and trust that you will bring it to pass (Psalm 37:35). Amen" [pray]
(author unknown)

This is absolutely Beautiful. I love this post and this prayer. Thank you, for sharing this, 'Changed'. :giveheart:

I set my heart in total agreement for every woman who is a Bride-to-be. That God will bless each of you with His fulfilling love and marriage, eternally.

With the right man, and you will each be at the right place at the right time; not too early and most definitely not too late. You and your future have a special date that no one can break. And it's all in the Plans and the very Heart of God our Father who never fails to 'betrothe' His beautiful daughters.

With all of my heart...for each of you I pray. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

:love2: :circle: :love2:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

My story is an emotional one, much like p31s story. We went through some stuff before we received the promise. I think I'm just going to cut & paste from some PMs I shared with a very special member. I may come back later and delete part of the testimony, because it is very personal and I don't like to share it. But it is a major demonstration of His power and I want you all to know that God does things in a way so that you will absolutely KNOW for sure that it is HIM working.

Back in a second...
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I met my husband way back in 1993! We were in a high school AP Chemistry class together. I was a senior. He was a junior. We were not at all interested in each other. I was a well-known senior at our fairly large high school and couldn't be bothered with a junior. We were friendly, that's about it. But what's funny is that after we started dating (later in life), he showed me a drill team picture that I'd given him and a place that I had signed in his autograph book. I must've thought I was all that to be giving him a picture! I think I thought it was a really cute picture of myself. I didn't even remember giving it to him!

Fast forward to summer of 1998. I had one year left of college, but I was home for the summer. I remembered a wonderful church that one of my favorite high school teachers had started. I'd had a chance to visit there a couple of times when I was 15 and I really wanted to join. My mother told me that as long as I was a minor under her roof, I would continue to be a member of the highly traditional, United Methodist church that she'd grown up in and that I was now growing up in. There was little growth there. But in 1998, while I was home from college that summer I realized that I was old enough to go and join the church of my choice! I started to attend my high school teacher's church every Sunday. I would go to church with my mom and then hit the late service at the other church. I noticed many faces from high school, understandable since our high school teacher was the pastor of the church. David (my husband) was a member there. We got a chance to talk and catch up one Sunday after church. He was telling me that he had one year left of college and I was telling him that I did too. I told him that after graduation, I planned to enter the Dallas Alternative Teacher Certification program. He said that he was planning to do the same! But no... this is not where it all started either.

One Sunday, a few weeks before I was to head back to college I was sitting in the church pew after service was over. I don't remember why I was still sitting there, but I remember that I had my head down and the word *husband* popped into my head and as it did, I remember looking up and David was crossing 2 pews in front of me. I thought to myself that that was so weird and I dismissed it citing that he was not my type.

I headed back to college for my 5th and final year...
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I returned home in May of 1999, so so grateful to my Lord for letting me make it through that difficult university! So many days, I wondered if I would indeed graduate from there. Three days after graduating, I started the Alternative Certification (AC) program as planned. I remembered that David said he was going to try to get into the AC program also. But I didn't think I would run into him. There were several divisions in the program, depending on what one wanted to teach and what college credits one had in a particular area. Me--I was going for elementary education. But sure enough, David was too and we ran into each other the first day of the program. So as it goes, we were seeing each other each Sunday at church, each Monday night at Bible study, AND every day Monday through Friday as we worked toward earning our teaching certifications that summer. Still didn't think anything of it, nothing special, nice to know someone in the program, that was all.

About mid June, I had a dream about David. It was one of those dreams that makes you think twice (thrice, four times, etc.) about a person. It wasn't sexual or anything like that, but it definitely impacted my thoughts about David. I prayed about it and again told myself that he was not my type. I dismissed it a few days later.

Near the end of June, I saw David one Sunday after church and we spoke as normal, but when he spoke to me he said "Hey Sweet Pea" and everything in my heart went wild. I didn't let it show on the outside, but for some reason, his little salutation had gotten to me in a new way, a good way. I walked to my car with my heart all smiling and a voice within clearly said "that's your husband." And so the "he's not my type" argument came up again, but much weaker. Maybe God knows better than me...
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I prayed. My prayers were more prayers of thanks than prayers of "what should I do" because I felt like God had clearly spoken to me on this. I was not looking for companionship at the time and I felt like this was a special unexpected blessing from God. Shortly after, our pastor preached a sermon about God giving you the desires of your heart. I loved that scripture and had always interpreted as God blessing you with what you desire, because you are honoring him. Also, I felt like that meant your desires would somehow be pure, God honoring desires because your relationship with Him changes your heart and your desires. However, my pastor explained it in a new way, he said that God would actually GIVE you the DESIRES. In other words, God would put certain desires in your heart so that he could fulfill them. I was in tears during that sermon, because again 1) David wasn't my type and 2)I wasn't looking for/longing for companionship/marriage at the time that God spoke to me about David. So I felt like God had put desires in my heart regarding this.

There was a time in my life when I decided that I never wanted to be married. My parents are divorced--they divorced when I was 2. But even when I was in college, I could still see conflict between the two of them because of the divorce (dealing with child support issues). So I decided I wasn't even going there. While I was a college student, I found a wonderful church there and they did a Bible study for young adults weekly and most of our topics centered around dating and future marriage and I learned, thank you Jesus, that I didn't have to be afraid of marriage. I just had to honor God and follow His plan toward marriage and he would cover me, breaking generational curses and all. So I prayed that I could one day have a marriage built and centered on Him, one that was blessed and joyful, one that would last. I was by no means where God wanted me to be and little did I know what the process would be for this prayer to be answered. God had to do some things in me, because my parents' divorce affected me in ways that I had not realized and even with good Bible teaching and understandings about marriage, God still had to work on MY heart and get me to see Him as the redeemer of the effects of my parents' failed marriage on me. Yes, I was only 2 when they divorced so having divorced parents was kind of the "norm" for me. It was a way of life, but God's plan included 2 parents, a man and a woman married, in the home to nurture and raise children and when that doesn't happen there are repercussions. God can fix that, but it is a process.

So back to David and I in summer of 1999

I liked him! It was fun to like someone. I wondered if he felt the same way. I remember praying almost daily just saying thanks to God and also wanting God to guide me on next steps. David and I exchanged graduation pictures, both black and white photos with scriptures on them. --not that all of the coincidences meant something (or did they?!) but I am such an analytical person, I couldn't help but notice it. He would walk me to my car daily. An older woman in the program, Ms. Tamara, approached me one day after he'd walked me to my car. I'd become fond of Ms. Tamara, but never mentioned that I liked David. And she just busts out talking about how sweet both of us are and that she was praying for us to get together.

One day, something silly happened but it was MAJOR at the time. David had worn a baseball cap that day. We were very casual each day at the program. And so I jokingly pulled the cap off his head. He became visibly upset/annoyed and asked me to please give him his hat back. So I did, but I was so heartbroken that he'd gotten annoyed with me like that. I went home and cried. It's funny now, we laugh about it now. But you know in those beginning stages where you like someone, every little thing can make you or I prayed and asked God to work it out. Right when I finished praying a David's Bridal (Bridal shop) commercial came on the TV. I laughed at God's sense of humor. I was thinking David (my hubby's name) and bridal together surely had to be God telling me to calm down.

I went to work (the AC program) and went out of my way to avoid David. You know how us females do. But why did he pop his head into one of my sessions and tell me "they" wanted to see me in the office. Ugh! My plan to avoid him had failed. Why did they have to send him of all people? When we got into the hallway, he told me that he lied and no one really wanted to see me except him. ***where is the melt smiley*** Do you know this man gave me a card and inside he had written an apology and explained that he hadn't combed his hair the previous day and that he was just in one of those moods and that he was so sorry for snapping at me. Well, hot dog--go God! So all was well.

The last day of the program was his birthday. I'd gotten him a card and also put a sign on the door that I knew he'd come in that said happy birthday. I don't advise that! I was trying too hard girl. But the sign didn't say my name on it or anything. He came in and gave me a huge hug and I gave him his card. We were all in our final session and this clear girl who happened to be married made this comment "He is so cute--if I wasn't married..." and she kind of didn't finish it but of course I made an inference. Girl, the sista in me wanted to rise up and tell her to step off but I didn't. I remained Christ-like.

I had prayed really hard that this particular day, his b-day and the last day of the program, would be a special day. I had even fasted. But I didn't have much of an appetite during those days anyway--I was so head over heels, ya know. Anyway, he walked me out to my car and he gave me a letter he'd written me. He listed 21 things about God, us, and our lives as future teachers on the letter. (21, because his b-day was on the 21st). One of the things he'd put on there was his phone number and then the last thing said "This is just the beginning." Girl, my heart must've jumped up to Heaven when I read that.

A group of us (not including him, ladies only) went out to eat afterwards at my FAVORITE Mexican restaurant, but I did not eat one bite. I was so in la la land by that time.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I called him that evening. I don't advise that! I was way too quick to call, but I was slick. I did the whole "I have your number, but you don't have mine." thing. But I will say he was super-happy that I'd called him. And after that, with him having my number and all , I didn't have to call him again for a while. He called me each day and we would talk and maybe even discuss a few scriptures that we thought were meaningful--not necessarily relationship scriptures, just good scriptures that had meant something to us individually at various times in our lives.

We went on our first official "date" on my birthday which was August 7th. I was so nervous. We went to Celebration station, a place where you go and play games, fun, casual first date. He came to the door with a rose for me and one for mom and a card for me and a T-shirt that said Spirit on it, but it looked like the Sprite logo. It was cute. I remember him holding my hand at the game place and I felt so special.

When he brought me back home, I remember us hugging for a really really really long time. We had a lot of hugs like that. But if I were advising a young sister, I would tell her to stick to sideways hugs for a while. I loved hugging him, don't get me wrong but looking back I just see how the sideways hugs may have been better, at least at first. We didn't kiss for a while which is good. I might even advise that a young couple wait for engagement or even the alter to share a first kiss. But he was such a gentleman and I thought that was wonderful. Within a month of that first date, I got my first "I love you" from him. I was on Things were so great, so perfect. It was amazing. I spent so much time just thanking God and crying because I couldn't believe God loved me this much to send this wonderful man into my life. Many days I didn't feel worthy. David had a different background than I did. He came from a 2-parent home, son of a preacher, and I could sense that David had never been sexually active.
I, on the other hand, did go through a season of promiscuity before I "rewrapped" my gift and decided to become celibate until marriage. I always thought I would have to find a guy that would "tolerate" my celibacy, but God showed me that I didn't have to have someone that tolerated it. I could have someone that agreed with it and wouldn't have it any other way!

Things were wonderful. BUT one day, instead of walking me to my car after Monday night service, David rushed off saying he had to do something (I forgot). I knew. I sensed it. Everything within me just FELT that something wasn't right. Woman's intuition, Holy Spirit--it let me know something was wrong. I just knew it. It felt awful. I tried calling him and couldn't even get in touch with him. I felt like he wasn't returning my calls. What was up? I cried. I asked God what was going on. I asked if I had been mistaken when God told me this was my husband. I was confused. Maybe I was mistaken. Finally, David called...
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

correction: this was on a Sunday night that David finally called

So he starts with the "we need to talk." Oh Lord, here it comes! He tells me that we'll have to put the breaks on our blossoming romance and that we'll only be able to be friends. Now prior to this, we had talked about courtship and our courtship leading to covenant eventually and all that so this was quite a blow, but he said the Lord had spoken to him on it and that he wasn't supposed to be dating right now. God , I thought you told me otherwise about me and David. I was so so so confused. I'd never shared with David that *I believed* God had spoken to me about David being my husband. But I took David at his word when he told me God had spoken to him. I wasn't a new Christian per say, but I was new to a church with the kinds of teachings my new church had. We learned about the Holy Spirit, praise, worship, God speaking, supernatural, all of that that I'd never learned about in my stagnant traditional Methodist church. So I didn't have a lot of experience with other people telling me "God said." I just took it for what it was.

"I know this is confusing," he told me "but we'll get confirmation in the Word tomorrow night." (at Monday evening Bible study) By this time, the school year had started and we were each teaching (sixth grade ) at separate schools so we didn't have to see each other or anything like we had in the summer. He told me we should just trust God on this. We got off the phone and I put my head into my pillow and cried and just asked God to help.

Monday morning, I got up and wen to work--boy I was craving a Minute Maid orange soda really bad for some reason--but I drove on. He and I would usually talk as we each drove to work but this morning there was no phone call. After we each got off work, we'd usually talk on the way home but not on this day. I went to church Monday evening so downtrodden. As I approached the building, two little girls that I didn't know ran up to me excitedly and hugged me. I thought to myself, surely David told them what I looked like and told them to hug me to lift my spirits. I later found out that he didn't. I think God was just trying to send me some sunshine. God is a sweetie! We sang "I'm looking for a miracle" during praise and worship. I shol' was! The message was about Jonah and the whale. I was trying to hard to make it fit what I was going through, because David said we would receive confirmation but um Yeah, it wasn't happening. I still wanted my Minute Maid orange soda too! I walked to my car alone and conversed with myself about where I would stop to get my Minute Maid orange. I decided not to stop at the convenient stores closest to mom's house (where I lived @ the time) because mom lives in the hood and I didn't feel like hearing any "Hey l'il mamas" that night. I decided to go on home. But one the way home, I noticed a Texaco pretty close to the church, but I'd never really noticed it before. BINGO! I pulled in and saw a couple of brothers that I recognized from church. I got out and spoke to them and then and ONLY THEN did I notice that David was standing with this brothers! Oh Lord--I walked so fast into that store. I'm all talkin' to God in the store. Why is he here? I'm just trying to get my orange soda. Girl, they didn't have any orange soda! Well, shoot I gotta get somethin' or it's gonna look like I came here just for him and I didn't even see him 'til I got out of the car real good... I got a Dr. Pepper.

When I came out, he was waiting for me. He had his hands in his pocket and he was looking like a little puppy dog. He had the most intense, yet softest look on his face. I can't even explain the look. I get goose bumps just thinking about it now. The look said a lot. One of the things it was saying was "I want to be with you so bad, but I'm just trying to obey what God told me." That was the only time that I ever saw that look from him. It was a one-time only special I guess. He asked how I was. I tried to be cool and said "okay" or "fine" or something like that. I asked how he was doing and his voice said "alright" but his tone said "confused" "missing you" "sorry to hurt you." God, what was that about????????
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

The next day at work, I wrote him a letter--7 pages long. I don't even remember what I put in it, but I wrote it. I didn't know when I was going to give it to him. I turned my phone on after work, hoping he'd call but figuring he wouldn't. He didn't call while I was driving home. When I got home, the house phone rang within a few minutes of me being there and it was him asking if he could see me. Of course I said yes, real cool but wanted to scream and stuff. He came and he pulled out a 7 1/2 page letter that he had written me that day.

Of course I gave him my letter. We read letters. We talked. He told me he was glad to have seen me at the store last night and he said that he was going home and he saw some of the bros he knew from church over there and he stopped to talk to them because he was feeling sad and he wanted to talk to them and get some help because obeying God seemed so hard sometimes.

When he left, much hadn't changed but I was glad to have seen him and exchange letters. I could sense that God was up to something. Surprisingly, it didn't take me long to get "ok" with us just being friends. I know that was God helping me to be at peace. The next Monday night after church, I stopped to get gas. I ran into Sister Marcy from church. Marcy and I actually knew each other a little bit from high school. She said "how are you?" I said "fine" and then she looked at me real serious and said "No, really, how are you?" Okay, Marcy knew something. She said she wanted to talk to me, but not at the gas station, so I invited her to Mom's house not too far away. She told me that she knew what was going on and she said she knew why. Why? I asked her--she gave me a one word answer "people." Errr? She repeated it. Okay, so I was thinking some bros at the church told David not to date me. Wow, they don't even know me I thought. She told me that this was a spiritual war and not a flesh war and she said that I would need to fight it with prayer, praise, and worship. I thanked her and she left. I tried to fight the war, but I was really confused. God is not the author of confusion so really what was going on. I didn't know. That night, I gave up on my spiritual warfare really fast and I called David and flat out said "what is the real reason that you said we had to just be friends?" He was quite word-shy. i didn't get a lot out of him. I was through trying. I decided pretty much whatever. I wasn't mad at him--I just didn't want to spend the effort. I didn't want to feel the way I'd felt a week before. Okay, so I made a mistake--God did not tell me this was my husband, I guess I heard Him wrong. Oh well
I continued to live my life...

for the next week I went to Austin, TX (where I'd gone to college) for my sorority chapter's 40th anniversary reunion. I was having the time of my life. It was good to go back as a graduate and see all of my sorors that I loved dearly and had had so many fun times with! I stayed all weekend. On Saturday morning, I got a call from David. It was another "I need to talk to you." But he sounded so up beat. "I just need you to really trust me, okay and things are going to be just fine okay." He sounded really sure of himself and he said we would talk when I got back in town.

Oh dang, students are coming in then I'm gonna take lunch but I'll be back I promise.


I'm back for a second...

By the way, I know this is long but I think it is important to kind of help you see the whole picture the way it happened the good and the bad.

Remember in your thread, I talked about satan opposing Godly relationships. That isn't going to necessarily happen to you but I like to give people the heads up in case they do go through some opposition. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are on the wrong path. But we definitely experience opposition on our journey to marriage.

I got back in town on Sunday and went to our last service at church. we had four services and the last one started at 1:30, so I was able to make it there. After church, David and I went up the the balcony so we could talk. David explained to me that while he was in college there was this one sister that treated him like a little brother and would "look out for him" and sometimes even give him money. Seem harmless, right? She was about 8 years older than us so at this time I was 23, he was 22 and she was just at 30. Anyway, he said that this sister had told him that God told her that he wasn't allowed to date anyone right now. He said he didn't have any reason to not trust her since she had been such a friend before. He said some of his bros at church and our pastor had helped him to see that she was OUT OF ORDER with what she did. So I accepted his explanation and we agreed to continue our courtship. He said he wanted to take me out somewhere really special that evening. Then he was surprised and he said "Don't you want to know who I'm talking about?" But I already knew.

How did I know? Remember Marcy? It wasn't Marcy, but I had gone to Marcy a couple of times to get my hair done and once when I was sitting in Marcy's chair, she was telling me how hard it can be to date a brother from church because church people like to get all up in your biz. She was telling me to stay prayed up about it and then she said "How does Sister T treat you?" weird question, but I thought about it and I said ya know one time she made a really sarcastic remark to me about David and she rolled her eyes when she said it. (and I didn't even really know Sister T too well). Marcy didn't say much more, but I understood that I was to watch out. So I'm sure you have figured out that Sister T was the one that went with the "God said" message for David not to date anyone.

David and I resumed but Sister T would call him and say "Are you doing what God[/i] told you to do?" David said she was getting on his nerves and he was trying to keep his distance from her, but she would use all kinds of excuses to call him. They had a mutual church friend who had back slidden and went to jail. She called him like the sky had fallen in when the guy went back to jail. She would give him "reminders" about not dating. Remember satan comes as an angel of light, she would say. That hurt, because it was like she was calling me satan. It was like she was saying that because I'm attractive and (seemingly)Christian, I'm from satan. I even questioned myself. David tried his best to ignore her.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

As a Christian couple, not having sex, I assumed that marriage would happen for us sooner than later. My impatience started to get the best of me. David would say that it wasn't time yet, that we had to wait on God's timing, that he didn't have peace about us getting married yet. He assured me that we would get married but we would have to wait on God. I didn't like this. I didn't understand how God was going to say "GO" on this. We got into a big argument and David pulled out the "God said" letters that Sister T had given him. He started to entertain her words again. She had a strong hold on him, some kind of way, she did. She had a Jezebel spirit. (I later learned from a few seasoned sisters). I learned that anytime that David and I would disagree, he would pull out her letters. It would upset me. What did she have over him? I was wise enough to know that she wanted him for herself, but one day at church she told him "I'm not saying that she (me) isn't the one, I'm just saying that she isn't the one right now." Okay, I'd caught her red handed. I told David that God was not the author of confusion and that HE was the same yesterday, today, and forever so if HE had earlier said that I was "an angel of light" on Sister T's letter, why would I later be "the one, just not right now." Hmmm?

But still, she had something over him. It was definitely a spiritual stronghold. It was quite scary if I'm being honest with you. I wanted so bad to get married not realizing that he really WASN'T ready. If he wasn't strong enough to figure out that this woman was a fraud, he was not ready to be a husband! God was working on some things in me too, especially patience. Impatience was not a new character trait for me. We're in year 2000 by the way.

David asked me to marry him and I was so happy... but only for a little bit. I realized that he'd only done it to make me happy. That's how much he loved me.

I had been spending more time talking to my dad since college graduation. I'd always been a daddy's girl and loved my dad, but we never had had the conversations we were having now. My mom had a lot of bitterness after the divorce and would speak negatively of my dad in my presence and she shared too much with me about the wrong things he did in their marriage. Have you seen the movie Not Easily Broken? I could so identify with the story of the mom poisoning her daughter and it affecting her daughter in her relationships.

I finally got to ask my dad about his side. I'm not saying mom lied. It's just that I[/i] didn't need to hear about what went wrong between them. But dad had a side too and he told me that mom felt she had to always be in control and if she wasn't she'd get upset. He explained how her background and upbringing contributed to this. He said he understood, but that they couldn't continue to live together. I recognized the control-freak in me. (remember God was answering my prayer to have a healthy, lasting, blessed marriage so he was working on me). I high-tailed it to David's after this conversation with my dad. I gave him back the ring and I said I don't want it like this. (meaning I was relinquishing my need to control regarding our engagement/marriage). I said I wanted it when we were both ready. He told me he loved me so much and reminded me that we would be husband and wife one day.

In 2001, he told me that he felt it was "time" and we got engaged and all we had to do was wait for a new pre-marital counseling session to start. We didn't set a date. At my church, you have to complete your counseling before you can set a date which I think is GREAT. (didn't love it at the time, but totally get it now). I was so happy. So how did God let David know that it was time? He said he'd felt God's peace about it. This was summer of 2001. A new pre-marital session was announced in December of 2001, but we didn't go. We broke up.

back in a bit...
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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

You need not worry about what some other woman may get from him. If he truly has something to give, then you would nt beo the one doing all of the giving. Another woman will only be doing the same, giving her all and ending up with nothing.

The longer you stay, the more you'll be drained and the longer you'll delay what God truly has for you, which is far, far better. :yep:

Blessings to you. :Rose:

So true. Everything I invested in my ex-bf were undone, the moment I walked away from him. His family told him, that he revert back to his old ways BEFORE we ever started dating. It was like God took everything I gave him.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

He said he was feeling that we still needed to wait. What? A few months earlier, he'd said that God had given him peace about us going forward. We'd gotten engaged and everything. I was heartbroken. And rather than play this back and forth game, I ended the relationship. I'd never felt so hurt in my life. I called my dad crying like a baby and he did his best to console me, but he could only do so much.

I knew (and had been told) that Sister T was constantly praying against our relationship and that she had recruited two other old miserable sisters to pray with her. Why would God let such an evil prayer work I wondered? Sister T, already the loudest shouter in the church was shouting louder than ever and jumping and running around the church like crazy. I figured she knew we had broken up. She probably asked someone in the pre-marital counseling class if we were in there too. I'd heard that Sister T was employing witchcraft in effort to separate David and I.

I could see it. David's parents had told him. My mom had told him. Our pastor had told him twice. His friends at church had told him that Sister T had other "plans" for him. But with all of us telling him, if he couldn't see it then was he ready to be a husband? Probably not, but I was so so so heartbroken.

This was the end of 2001. In 2002, I was invited to 8 weddings and attended 7--no joke. God and His sense of humor, I tell ya! My stepmom, a very spiritual woman told me to take notes when I went to those weddings.

It seemed like David and I kept in touch almost regularly. The longest we went without talking was 6 weeks when I refused to answer the phone when he called. We were broken up, but I was still trying to get him to see about Sister T and I got tired of trying to convince him. I eventually left the church, because I couldn't stand to see her and her sneaky way of gloating.

I had joined Mary Kay a little before the break up and that kept me occupied a lot. I met so many uplifting women. I knew that God had put me in MK at that time for a reason. I didn't stick with it, but at that time in my life, I needed to be around those ladies. They had so many stories of tragedy and triumph. My stuff paled in comparison. I guess around 2003, I started to feel better. My BFF and I took a trip to NYC and I had the time of my life. It was just what I needed. I really wasn't wanting to date, but I was open to it again. When we got back from NYC, you know who called and said he thought I'd moved and he didn't know how to get in touch with me and he was so sad. He asked me out and I said yes, determined to guard my heart very well. A few weeks and a few more "dates" later, the topic of marriage surfaced (from him). Well, I was refusing to go back to our church, because I knew Sister T was still there and she would try to keep messing things up for us. He pleaded with me to come back to the church and I told him no that I'd been burned there. I realized that there was no way we would ever marry with me going to a different church, so I said we should quit while we're ahead. I didn't want to go through the pain again by dragging it out longer than it should've been. Oh well...

At the beginning of 2004, I started working on my Master's which I don't know if I would've done if I'd been married at that time. I was having trouble with the principal I worked for and decided to step out on faith and look for other jobs. The school district I wanted to work for was geographically out of my stomping ground and out of my comfort zone, but I decided that if I got a job there I'd pack up my apartment and move near my new job.

I landed the job and I was thrilled to be moving. My life was happy. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't feel like I was under the weight of Sister T, David's uncertainty, and a church I'd been wounded in. I felt free and independent. I'd planned to sign a 1-year lease, but the apartment complex special rate was for 9-months, so I signed a 9 month and as mom and I were moving my things in to the new place, I stopped and said "this is temporary." I don't know why but at this moment, I just feel like I'll only be here temporarily. My mom got worried and I said "no mom, it's a good feeling." I love my new locale though. The apartment and area were beautiful. Shopping and dining and everything a girl could love were just moments away. The school was awesome. Almost all the kids were super-smart and ALL of the parents were involved. It was almost teacher Utopia.

My cousin and I had spoken in late 2003 and she said "I remember that you said God told you David was your husband & that really stuck with me." I said "yeah, girl I know but I guess I made a mistake on that one."
She said "well, that really stuck with me." I'm thinking okay, whatever.

So back to 2004 and me having the bravery to up and move and branch out. I was having a good time, but of course David popped back into my mind and back into my life. My goodness, it was hard to keep him out of my life and me out of his. We started talking more regularly and I ended up telling him that I still loved him. Shoot! Where did that come from? He told me we'd been through so much and he didn't want to put me through anymore heartache. Was he turning me way after I'd confessed my love for him? That didn't feel good! But it took him less than 24 hours to show up at my door-step telling me he wanted to try again. We had a lot to talk about.

God had broken me for the purpose of strengthening me and changing my character. Afterall, I'd prayed for a healthy, lasting, blessed marriage. You can't say that prayer and expect it to happen overnight I learned.

Some friends of ours had just had a baby. They invited me to the christening (at the church I'd left because of Sister T and her mess.) It was hard to go back there, but sad at the same time. I saw so many faces of people I'd come to admire and take up friendships with--some who'd cared to call me and say "don't leave because of her" or "I'm praying for you." Our friends that had had the baby, the wife always called me and always remained a constant friend even though I'd met her through David. Her hubby and David are booty buddies! She stayed in touch with me and would visit me periodically. It felt sad to see that I wasn't around for most of her pregnancy and such. Why had I let this lady run me off? I'm human I guess. But it was nice to have people praying for me.

I started back going to the church, slowly but surely. After just a few weeks, guess what happened.

You will not believe this next part. David called me one night when I was chillin' at my new beautiful apartment and said that Sister T had given him this tape of a sermon (not from our church) about obedience and it made him wonder if it was okay for us to be together. ARE YOU SERIOUS? I really thought we had gotten passed this and that he had figured her out. Funny how she didn't give him this tape until I showed up again. I made sure that we were not seen together at church, but I guess my mere presence scared her and made her think he could possibly still love me and so she dug her claws in again.

I didn't even argue. I said I am NOT going to do this. Absolutely NOT! Maybe it really just isn't supposed to happen for us.

"I don't know what she has on me" he told me a few days later. He showed up at my apartment with almost the same puppy dog look from that other time. It was nice to hear that he recognized that this woman had some kind of spiritual hold on him. He said "I don't know why I let her do that again, but I want you and I'm not going to let anything else get in the way of us." I was real cool about it and said "okay." But I knew some things that I didn't know before--I'd read some of those books I talked about earlier!

I let him initiate everything. I still made sure that we were never seen together at church--I didn't want people in our business, especially not Sister T. I didn't want her to have a clue that we were together. I didn't get my hopes up, but somehow it seemed that he had really found the ability to be unaffected by Sister T. I was proud of the growth and maturity I saw in him.

Around October, he told me he wanted to talk to my parents. He wanted to apologize for breaking my heart and also ask their permission to marry me. Now remember, my parents are divorced so he had to go to two separate houses. Dad lives out of town so he had to make a little drive to get to dad's. I didn't press it. He knew my mom's # and I gave him my dad's number and didn't ask any further. I actually had to hear it from my parents that he'd come to visit them. My mom was very guarded understandably.

My stepmom talked about how proud of him she was (she knew our whole story) and she said she could definitely tell he had matured. My dad talked about how much he knew David loved me. I guess this was some time in November. David threw some BIG hints that he wanted to propose on New Year's Eve. I played it cool though. I was letting him initiate, even conversations about marriage and engagement.

I think what happens next will take your breath away...
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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This is probably the post that I will delete later, please don't quote this one

We are getting to the last part of this.

So we are in 2004 and David has gone to speak to my parents, gotten their blessing, and hinted that he will propose on New Year's Eve.

I had a dream about Sister T, and in my dream I was at peace with her. One Monday night I was at church and someone walked by and hugged me. We hug a lot at my church. I didn't know who it was at first, but when I realized that it was her for some reason I hugged her closer to me. When I let go I smiled at her and held her hand for a minute. And... I felt at peace with her. She had no idea of what was going on between David and I though and I still wouldn't have felt comfortable with her knowing.

This next part is something I DO NOT share often or with a lot of people, because I never want it to seem like I am gloating and also because frankly it's kind of scary. God is real and that can be scary sometimes. I'm almost ready to cry now just thinking about it, because it's just like God really is real.


I didn't know what to think. I found the timing so so so eerie. But it was good to know that it didn't take her being out of the picture for David to find his strength and break away from her.


I called my stepmom shortly after *deleted*and I said "I have some shocking information to share with you. *deleted*." (my step mom knew all about her and had even been to the church and seen her) My stepmom was shocked but then she said "Oh yeah, it's time." (referring to David and I) I knew that if David and I ever did get married, Sister T would always be a thorn in our side, probably even causing problems in our marriage. But it didn't come to that.

We were engaged on New Year's Eve though I was sick with an upper respiratory infection. We started our pre-marital counseling in Feb. '05 and were married in July '05--6 whole years after our love story began!

I would not have chosen a 6-year wait. I would not have chosen the rocky road we endured, but everything the devil meant for bad God used it for good. All the times David said we needed to wait and all the times he said he wasn't ready, I didn't realize that I wasn't ready either--I just wanted to be married, but God had to fix and change some things in me too, not just David. God had to fix these things if i really wanted my prayer answered, if I really wanted the curse of divorce not to be upon me, if I really wanted a peaceful, happy, blessed, lasting union.

People always talk about marriage is so hard. Mine is not. It is beautiful, and I know it is because we waited and let God work the works he needed to work in each of us separately and as a unit. It's not about the wedding, but we had a beautiful, nonextravagant, wedding. For weeks, our wedding guests told us and our parents that they'd never been to anything like it and that they could feel God's presence.

I got to learn so much about God in this process. God showed me Himself in so many ways. I got closer to my earthly father who assured me before I got married that my marriage would be fine. "Your mama and I didn't have what you and David have starting out--God." It was like the reassurance I needed all my life to get out of the chains of my parents' divorce.

My husband is a wonderful husband. I am so glad he was patient enough to let God develop him into who he is now. God hooked me up with the right dude! I do not like to do laundry, but David is one that gets up every Saturday morning and does laundry. He does dishes too! It's the little things that help me see that God matched us up quite well.

It will be 4 years in July that we've been married. It has flown by, doesn't seem like it. I thank God and praise Jesus for my husband and the marriage He has blessed us with. And I believe that the best is yet to come.

When I was going through all of the mess, I knew that God would want me to help others one day with my testimony of overcoming. I hope this has helped you in some way. I hope you can see the big picture that I wanted to share in this LENGTHY PM.

God will make it worth your while!

ETA: I have edited out the portions that I did not feel comfortable leaving. My point is not to keep anyone from knowing what happened, in fact you will probably be able to read between the lines and infer some things. That is fine, it's just that I did not feel comfortable leaving certain information on here permanently. Thanks :)
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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This is extra, but this was part of our PM conversation and I thought I should share it too

Wow, that gave me chills.

I am thrilled for you that just reading my story has led you to make some new, yet oh so important decisions. When it is time and when the one God is preparing for you comes along, you will be PRAISING God that your last relationship didn't work out. That is just how things work with God. The latter shall be greater than your past. It is true. I remember discovering that scripture when I was going through things with David.

I believe by the decisions you have decided to make, you have just set yourself up for an AWESOME marriage. It is nice to be loved and respected. It is nice to love coming home to your spouse. It is nice to laugh and be goofy with your spouse. It is nice to be so protected by a man. It is nice to have few disagreements and when you do, they are fair and you love each other more afterwards. It is nice to be able to let people know marriage doesn't have to be hard like so many people say it is. It is nice to shine for God through your marriage. It is nice when your parents tell you "He is such a good husband. I don't worry about you with him around."

It is nice to not be the control-freak I used to be. It is nice to have my impatience more in check. It is nice to tell myself "you don't have to be right all the time." It is nice to be less selfish than I was before I was married. It is nice that God gave me someone that loves me no matter what I did in the past.

It's nice to have someone that lets me get a puppy even though they don't want one! It's nice that he is now in love with the puppy and feeds it every morning so I can sleep a few extra minutes. It is nice to have someone that won't complain about having to find his own dinner when I'm gone to doctoral classes OR studying for doctoral classes.

It is nice to have peace and love in my home. We bought our house 2 1/2 years ago. Our house is nice, but smaller compared to the homes of most of our peers that we each graduated college with. But we tell each other that we love the house because we get to have each other in the house.

So again, my lovely sister--you are setting yourself up for a blessed marriage with your wise decisions. Too many people rush in. After it was all said and done, I thanked God for loving me enough to basically force me to wait. I can't imagine the disaster I would've made if I'd done it my way in my time.

One day, you'll be PMing me your story about your special guy and how your deciding to hold off for now was hard, but that it paid off!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I feel so ready...ready to love, to be loved, ready to take care of my husband, ready to help, ready to give.

Some day I will share my story. For now, I'd lilke to share this. I'm 30 something and my mom, whom I love dearly, never, ever mentions anything about me getting married, dating, etc. She never even inquires if I met a man or had a date. I live in L.A. alone, so you'd think mom would be a little interested, right. Lol!!

Anyway, just recently mom and I were on the phone talking. She said, "I was having breakfast with your nephew this morning and I saw your husband." She changed the subject and kept talking. I said, "wait, back up. You met who? what? You saw one of my friends?" She said, "No, God let me see your husband today."

Now, I almost fell off the chair because mom never mentions anything about me having a man. She's over protective and I love her dearly, but...

She goes on to say, "I was sitting there with your nephew and suddenly it was like I caught a glimpse in the spirit. You brought your husband home. I was staring him down, trying to see your body language, but you told me you loved him and I knew he was your husband." She said God gave her a vision of this.

Mom said that he wasn't even intimidated by her questions and that I was very happy.

Again, I almost fell out of the chair. Of course moms tried to brush past the subject and I told her that I needed her to patiently give me details. I praised God because this made me feel like I'm closer than I've ever been. God has really done some work on me. I see the changes. I feel like a wife. He's working on me. I know I'll never be a finished project while I live on this earth, but I feel like something's happening.

Of course I had to ask mom what he looked like. She gave me a few details. She knows I adore Ray Allen (Boston Celtics). So, she goes on to say that my husband is alot more attractive than Ray. Awww!!

Ladies, there is/was someone in my life. The situation looks sooo dim. Only God could resurrect it. I cut all ties. Tired of the in between, etc. Whoever God has and chooses for me is the one that I want.

Okay, wanted to share. Back to the wives!!
:thud: Wooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Yodie.

Wait a minute.... I gotta get back up. :thud: I mean this is POWERFUL! Go Mom, Go Mom....Praise God! Thank God for Mom and the Holy Spirit.

Now I gotta 'shout'... :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

This is truly a blessing. I'm in total agreement for God's ultimate and soon to appear 'Reveal' in real life. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Praise God! :Rose: Thank you Father God so much for Yodie's husband. Thank you for guarding him; guarding his heart and guarding his precious soul.

Bless them in abundance in the fullness of you and all of who you are. Wherever he is right now, let him feel your presence and the heart of his wife, Yodie. Let him 'know' her in the 'Spirit'... 'Your Spirit' and not that of any other.

Father remove him from the bees in the garden who seek his nector for it is not for them. You have saved and preserved his all for 'you' and for precious Yodie.

Father let him sleep with the desire to 'know' her as his wife and to be with her for a long, healthy and precious life filled with the presence of you.

Father let them be drawn to one another by your 'Spirit' for it is not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit, saith you that all things will be.

For this we praise and thank you Father God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Lord....thank you for Yodie's Bridal Trouseau.... 'Father, 'you know', filled with all of those 'girl' things and dainties that only a woman dreams of. The little things, that make girls feel like girls and women feel like women. Thank you, Dad. :kiss:

Father, I pray this pray for all of the ladies and their 'husbands'. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. Thank you, Lord for hearing our prayers. Amen. :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

So true. Everything I invested in my ex-bf were undone, the moment I walked away from him. His family told him, that he revert back to his old ways BEFORE we ever started dating. It was like God took everything I gave him.

:amen: Changed. Amen.

Ummmm, I had a major typo in my post. :blush3: I was typing way too fast. :lol:

It should read:

then you would not be the one doing all of the giving
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

My story is an emotional one, much like p31s story. We went through some stuff before we received the promise. I think I'm just going to cut & paste from some PMs I shared with a very special member. I may come back later and delete part of the testimony, because it is very personal and I don't like to share it. But it is a major demonstration of His power and I want you all to know that God does things in a way so that you will absolutely KNOW for sure that it is HIM working.

Back in a second...

Supergirl, thank you so much for coming to 'our' Bridal Shower. :giveheart:

I truly appreciate you taking the time and giving your heart to share with us. Blessings to you and your hubby. :Rose:

Off to read your testimony. I know it's a true blessing. :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thanks for sharing your testimony! I could not sleep until I read the whole thing... Some times it seems that God is taking long but He is working on us daily. I thought that I would have moved and been married by now. But I would not have been finished with school, so I have to wait one more year. In the mean while I am continually working on me for my future husband and I pray that God is working on him to be designed for me.

He said he was feeling that we still needed to wait. What? A few months earlier, he'd said that God had given him peace about us going forward. We'd gotten engaged and everything. I was heartbroken. And rather than play this back and forth game, I ended the relationship. I'd never felt so hurt in my life. I called my dad crying like a baby and he did his best to console me, but he could only do so much.

My stepmom talked about how proud of him she was (she knew our whole story) and she said she could definitely tell he had matured. My dad talked about how much he knew David loved me. I guess this was some time in November. David threw some BIG hints that he wanted to propose on New Year's Eve. I played it cool though. I was letting him initiate, even conversations about marriage and engagement.

I think what happens next will take your breath away...
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I also wanted to add a plug for plentyoffish.com for those of you whom are not dating.

It's a free online site that was created by a Marcus, Black man although all races are on there. My sister met her future husband on this site because I referred her to it. May you be blessed and wise by listening to GOD!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Supergirl, thanks for sharing. I read your testimony and I knew before you even wrote it that Sister T had passed. That's unfortunate, but God won't let anyone or anything stand in the way of his purpose. I'm glad that you have a beautiful marriage.

Ladies, let's cut that beautiful cake Shimmie posted.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

:thud: Wooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Yodie.

Wait a minute.... I gotta get back up. :thud: I mean this is POWERFUL! Go Mom, Go Mom....Praise God! Thank God for Mom and the Holy Spirit.

Now I gotta 'shout'... :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

This is truly a blessing. I'm in total agreement for God's ultimate and soon to appear 'Reveal' in real life. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Praise God! :Rose: Thank you Father God so much for Yodie's husband. Thank you for guarding him; guarding his heart and guarding his precious soul.

Bless them in abundance in the fullness of you and all of who you are. Wherever he is right now, let him feel your presence and the heart of his wife, Yodie. Let him 'know' her in the 'Spirit'... 'Your Spirit' and not that of any other.

Father remove him from the bees in the garden who seek his nector for it is not for them. You have saved and preserved his all for 'you' and for precious Yodie.

Father let him sleep with the desire to 'know' her as his wife and to be with her for a long, healthy and precious life filled with the presence of you.

Father let them be drawn to one another by your 'Spirit' for it is not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit, saith you that all things will be.

For this we praise and thank you Father God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Lord....thank you for Yodie's Bridal Trouseau.... 'Father, 'you know', filled with all of those 'girl' things and dainties that only a woman dreams of. The little things, that make girls feel like girls and women feel like women. Thank you, Dad. :kiss:

Father, I pray this pray for all of the ladies and their 'husbands'. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. Thank you, Lord for hearing our prayers. Amen. :Rose:

Shimmie, you have such personal prayers for all of us. Beautiful and very much appreciated. I praise God for letting my mom see this. God has been whispering to me, "There's Life in What Looks Dead." Hence, my siggie.

I'm praying for you, your marriage and your family too.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Supergirl! Who knew? Yesterday, when I invited you to 'our' Bridal Shower', I knew you had a 'blessing' to share with us. But what I didn't know is how Blessed and Beautiful your testimony would be.

I started crying when you and David met after college and started your AC classes together. And I'm still crying.

It's 2:21 in the morning, and I could not stop reading your testimony. I'm so glad that I did. It's powerful.

I cannot wish you and David more joy and happiness. Your lives were meant to be as 'One'. God said that He would 'reprove' kings for our sake. He surely proved this with a ' woman' who would not let up on God's plans for your lives as One.

God gave you His Word and whenver someone or something attempts to interfere with it's course, God will remove it. He surely will. And why is that?

Because "God 'watches' over His word to perform it."

Jeremiah 1:

8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree.

12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

Isaiah 55....

10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

Supergirl, God gave you His word and He kept it....and He kept you and David and He always will keep you and no one can take you from the palm of His hands nor the deepest part of His loving heart.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

God Bless you... :Rose:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie, you have such personal prayers for all of us. Beautiful and very much appreciated. I praise God for letting my mom see this. God has been whispering to me, "There's Life in What Looks Dead." Hence, my siggie.

I'm praying for you, your marriage and your family too.

:kiss: Thank you Beautiful Bride to be... :yep: I 'receive' your blessed prayers.

As for your 'siggie'... Exekiel 37...

Can these dry bones live?

Lord you know.


The 'dry bone's came to life... full life. :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thanks for sharing your testimony! I could not sleep until I read the whole thing... Some times it seems that God is taking long but He is working on us daily. I thought that I would have moved and been married by now. But I would not have been finished with school, so I have to wait one more year. In the mean while I am continually working on me for my future husband and I pray that God is working on him to be designed for me.

Supergirl, thanks for sharing. I read your testimony and I knew before you even wrote it that Sister T had passed. That's unfortunate, but God won't let anyone or anything stand in the way of his purpose. I'm glad that you have a beautiful marriage.

Ladies, let's cut that beautiful cake Shimmie posted.

Supergirl's post is POWERFUL! My Lord, I couldn't go to bed... :bookworm:

It's was worth staying up for. Praise God!

Yodie, isn't that cake beautiful? Too pretty to cut, but it can be as the five loaves and fishes, it will never run out. All of us will be able to have a slice and enjoy it. :yep:

I'll see you Angels later this morning. Sweet sleep and dreams of Jesus and your husbands. :love3: :sleep2:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


I have received "There's still life in what looks dead" three times from the Lord.

First time - my sweet twin brother sent me roses. I love to keep these after they die. I think of it as beauty caught in time. Roses were very dead.

Was praying about the man that I believe God said is to be the husband. This was one of my Hannah moments. After I prayed, I sat to read my word. Holy spirit said look up. I looked at those dead roses and there was a new, baby branch on them. That's when I first heard "there's still life in what looks dead." I took a picture and will post another day. God is amazing.

2nd time - had a dream. Had a pet, ugly pet. Kinda looked like an aardvark and no one else could love this pet but me. Well, my pet escaped and I just knew he had died. I was distraught. Family member kept telling me to look out the window for it, but I wouldn't. I knew it was dead. There was no hope, so I didn't look. Finally, I looked and there my pet was, just barely holding onto a tree and looking for me. My heart was so full because he was alive. He saw me, jumped down and landed, safely, on all fours and ran to me. "There's still life in what looks dead."

3rd time - I was praying and seeking God about my husband, career. Sometimes after I pray and ask God to give me a word, I just open the bible and he speaks. I opened to Ezek 37, "can these dry bones live?" Again, there's still life in what looks dead. Ez 37 is what I received recently and you just shared it again.


Number 2 and number 3 happened within the last month. Then mom shared what she did.

I'm grateful that God loves us all enough to send us his word and then confirm it in the creative way that he sometimes chooses.

Good night ladies. Look forward to reading more testimonies of God's awesome faithfulness tomorrow.
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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Supergirl, I’ve been at work for 1 ½ hours and have not done a lick of work (well…I did do one thing) because I’ve been reading your testimony. Your testimony is so very powerful. I found myself nodding in agreement because I can relate to a lot of what you said. I found myself trying not to tear up because I can relate to a lot of the feelings you had while God was preparing you. Like you, I was *wanted* to get married years before it happened, but I was not *ready* to get married and God knew that. All I can say is I thank God I was obedient because His timing is perfect and I got married at the perfect time. God is so good.

About Sister T…that is scary, but it just shows that God is real and He is not to be played with.

Ladies, with each post that I read God is giving me something that I’ve been missing and needing for so long; renewed hope and renewed joy. These testimonies are awesome.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


Yodie.. yodie.. yodie... that's all I can say! :yep:


I feel so ready...ready to love, to be loved, ready to take care of my husband, ready to help, ready to give.

Some day I will share my story. For now, I'd lilke to share this. I'm 30 something and my mom, whom I love dearly, never, ever mentions anything about me getting married, dating, etc. She never even inquires if I met a man or had a date. I live in L.A. alone, so you'd think mom would be a little interested, right. Lol!!

Anyway, just recently mom and I were on the phone talking. She said, "I was having breakfast with your nephew this morning and I saw your husband." She changed the subject and kept talking. I said, "wait, back up. You met who? what? You saw one of my friends?" She said, "No, God let me see your husband today."

Now, I almost fell off the chair because mom never mentions anything about me having a man. She's over protective and I love her dearly, but...

She goes on to say, "I was sitting there with your nephew and suddenly it was like I caught a glimpse in the spirit. You brought your husband home. I was staring him down, trying to see your body language, but you told me you loved him and I knew he was your husband." She said God gave her a vision of this.

Mom said that he wasn't even intimidated by her questions and that I was very happy.

Again, I almost fell out of the chair. Of course moms tried to brush past the subject and I told her that I needed her to patiently give me details. I praised God because this made me feel like I'm closer than I've ever been. God has really done some work on me. I see the changes. I feel like a wife. He's working on me. I know I'll never be a finished project while I live on this earth, but I feel like something's happening.

Of course I had to ask mom what he looked like. She gave me a few details. She knows I adore Ray Allen (Boston Celtics). So, she goes on to say that my husband is alot more attractive than Ray. Awww!!

Ladies, there is/was someone in my life. The situation looks sooo dim. Only God could resurrect it. I cut all ties. Tired of the in between, etc. Whoever God has and chooses for me is the one that I want.

Okay, wanted to share. Back to the wives!!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Supergirl, I’ve been at work for 1 ½ hours and have not done a lick of work (well…I did do one thing) because I’ve been reading your testimony. Your testimony is so very powerful. I found myself nodding in agreement because I can relate to a lot of what you said. I found myself trying not to tear up because I can relate to a lot of the feelings you had while God was preparing you. Like you, I was *wanted* to get married years before it happened, but I was not *ready* to get married and God knew that. All I can say is I thank God I was obedient because His timing is perfect and I got married at the perfect time. God is so good.

About Sister T…that is scary, but it just shows that God is real and He is not to be played with.

Ladies, with each post that I read God is giving me something that I’ve been missing and needing for so long; renewed hope and renewed joy. These testimonies are awesome.

I didn't understand what that meant until I lived it. Now I am in a place where I would NEVER want to do anything outside of his timing, because I know the blessing of waiting for His timing. It is humbling to know how much He loved me, so much so to make me wait when I thought I knew what was best. I don't believe that David and I would have the marriage (kind of marriage) we have if I'd acted when I thought it should happen. God saved me from myself! It makes me cry.

Yodie, girl you made me get chills when you said you knew about Sis T before you read it. The magnitude of that event still has the power to just stop me in my tracks.

Shimmie & MrsW, thanks for the love. Y'all seemed to have really been able to "feel" my testimony! :lol: Shimmie, I'm glad you asked me to share. As I posted earlier, I always knew that I didn't go through any of that just for myself. I knew God would want me to help others. Hallelujah!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Morning ladies.

Supergirl, thanks for referencing "when you thought you shouldve gotten married." Speaks volumes!! Just think of how Ms. T wouldve interfered w/your marriage and how it may have caused strife and a series of back and forth. God didn't want that.

I love how you loved David throughout.

All of you ladies that have experienced a waiting period have helped me to see that there's always a purpose behind the wait.

I'm so glad I didn't marry someone years ago. I wouldve destroyed their life. I wasn't ready.