With All the Bad Advice in Sophisticate's Thank GOD for LHCF! (long)


Well-Known Member
i was just thumbing thru a few old copies of Sophisticates Black Hair magazine that i'd saved at home because i thought they contained good advice. boy was i wong! Sophisticates is filled with bad advice & old-school type hair myths. i'm not saying everything they say is wrong but let's say that i'm so grateful that i discovered LHCF & i'm thankful to all the women here who've helped me. if i'd taken the advice given in Sophisticates, i'd have broken off, dried out short hair! not a single one of my hair goals would be met.

example: SBH - June 2004 advises that "the dryer, coarser & longer natural hair is, the less it should be shampooed (or wet), maybe once every two to three weeks to avoid drying the hair out."

i know now that that just doesn't work for me (or a lot of the women here.) we've seen the benefits of water and weekly, bi-weekly or daily washing/rinsing! my hair used to be very dry and now, its soft and moist!

And of course, they advise trimming every 6-8 weeks, which is good advice, but I've found that, if you don't have damage, you don't need to trim! That's what hampered a lot of my length - going to a scissor happy stylist for touch-up trims every 8 weeks, then wondering why my hair was the same length for years.

Not everything in SBH is bad. They're advice has gotten better over the years! But I'm soooo happy I found LHCF. I get all the good advice I need from people who have beautiful hair in every stage of growth and every texture! Instead of paying $5 for a single copy of SBH filled with myths and bad advice, I'll just stay here!
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wyldcurlz said:

example: SBH - June 2004 advises that "the dryer, coarses & longer natural hair is, the less it should be shampooed (or wet), maybe once every two to three weeks to avoid drying the hair out."

That dumb magazine and all of it's sister publications are ridiculous and should be shut down IMMEDIATELY!!!

They are still giving out the same advice and probably using the same pictures that they were using when I used to shell out my hard earned babysitting money to pay for that mess. And that was like 15 years ago!:eek:

I just feel sory for the young girls who read that stuff and just don't know any better. Then they feel bad because they're "doing everything right", but their "hair still won't grow."

*Sigh*. I used to be that girl many moons ago.:(
I hate when they have a Natural hair section with styles done on Relaxed hair ( No Offense to anyone) But with all these natural haired people walking around!!! Now I have seen some Natural hair in them but who knows.
Not to mention all of the celebrity interviews with them claiming to use products that you know they don't. the "how-to's" for hairstyling that all have the same picture diagrams that aren't helpful at all, and the styling tips to get your hair to look like Beyonce's wig, without mentioning that she's wearing a wig....:ohwell: