Winter regimen: goal till the end of my 8-10 week stretch.


New Member
Winter regimen:

Bought some pony hair to do buns.

So my winter regimen is as follows!

2 days are for Co Wash so ill try to redo my bantu knotz/flexi

Planning on doing buns 3 days a week over the winter.

I can wear my out hair straight if I want for 2 days.

So Ill probably do DP and my tea rinse on sunday, tea rinse until shedding calms down...


Wear bantu knots/flexi rods Monday and Tuesday.

Cowash tuesday night, wrap set for bunning.

Bun. Wed- Thurs - Fri.

Cowash again Friday night and either bantu or flexi rod or some other curling tech on Sat and part of sunday.

Then DP and my major washing on sunday.

My hair was just relaxed so the most straightening I am gonna do is probably my bangs so they look nice. and maybe not even those.

Otherwise attempting a no/minimal heat winter!

Goal is to do this until my next relaxer in 8-10 weeks.

Is there anything I should add/subtract/try?

I am taking multivitamins, vitamin d and adrenal pills 2x a day and gonna be eating a ton of carrots/carrot juice. I also plan on henning again soon too.