WINTER COATS<HATS< purse handles &HAIR?

APL and WInter coats/hats & hair

  • I wear my hair up, so dont worry bout it!

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • I only wear coats with silky fabric

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no problems with coat material and hair breakage

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • My hair's not there yet, but give me tips when I get there

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, what do you all do with shoulder length and longer hair in the winter with coats and hats??
In the winter I try to only wear puffer coats with silky hoods, and line the inside of my hats with silky material. I like wool pea coats but feel they would tear my hair out at this length(apl) Any suggestions or tips?
Also including seat belts.
I'm thinking about getting a wig until maybe March or so when the temps get a little milder.
You can wear your hair pinned up while you are outside and have your winter apparel on and then when you get to wear you are going you can take the pin out. Or just wear protective styles period. I used to wear a silk scarf over my winter coat so that when my hair brushed against my shoulders, it would be brushing against silk but I spent so much time worried about the whole thing that it was nerve racking. That's why I'm wigged up this season so I don't have to worry about it.
Call me ghetto fabulous, but whenever I know that I'll be exposed to the harsh elements, I just put on my scarf. I usually get mistaken for Muslim or Indian, but hey, what ever works!
this is my 2nd winter as a natural and i have a "don't play" rule - i tuck away my ends in a french braid or a satin lined hat......not very sexy but im in grad school so i spend my days locked away in lab :)
Call me ghetto fabulous, but whenever I know that I'll be exposed to the harsh elements, I just put on my scarf. I usually get mistaken for Muslim or Indian, but hey, what ever works!

lol this so me. But most winters my hair is in protective styling - braids, twists anything that doesnt show my hair.
When I wear my hair down in the winter, I can feel it snag on my heavy winter coat. When I need to wear that coat, I pin my hair up or I wear a satin lined hat. My other winter coat has a fur lined collar and I have never noticed my hair snagging with that coat.

The purse that I carry most often does not have a shoulder strap so it sits at my elbow most of the time. When I do have a shoulder bag, I usually just sweep my hair out of the way or pin it up.

Seatbelts have yet to be a problem but mine are height adjustable. They do not come close to my hair unless DH has been driving my car and then I have to adjust them back to my setting.
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If I'm wearing my hair down I just grab a scrunchie and keep my hair up if I'm sitting on the bus or train. I don't really care if my hair is brushing up against my coat and I don't always wear a hat. My biggest concern is the purse strap yanking my hair. I have to be very careful when my hair is down and I put the strap over my shoulder. I never had this problem till I reached BSL and I was like ok this is new LOL Now I just make a conscious effort to flip my hair to the side before putting on the strap.
:hiya: I'm BSL and I:

  • Carry my purse on my wrist or elbow area
  • Wear those winter scarves that don't snag my hair (by Merona at Target)
  • Wear satin scarf around my coat collar around my family members ONLY :look:
  • Every morning before arriving to work, my hair is still tied in my satin scarf and covered with my satin bonnet. I finger-comb it when I get to work
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This is a great thread.

I rarely wear my hair down, but when I do, I pin it up until I get to my destination.

Shoulder handbags and my seatbelt are the devil though. I'm really short so even though I have an adjustable seatbelt, I can still feel it brush my hair. :sad:
I put on my satin bonnet then put my hat on over it.

This is something I currently do :yep: I worry just as much about the cold dry winter air sucking the moisture out of my hair as I do snagging my hair on coats etc. Sometimes I wear a silk scarf tied over my head with the chenille hat on top, sometimes I just go with the satin bonnet under the hat.

:hiya: I'm BSL and I:

  • Carry my purse on my wrist or elbow area
  • Wear those winter scarves that don't snag my hair (by Merono at Target)
  • Wear satin scarf around my coat collar around my family members ONLY :look:
  • Every morning before arriving to work, my hair is still tied in my satin scarf and covered with my satin bonnet. I comb it when I get to work

Back when I used to work outside the home I would keep my hair wrapped and put my warm hat over it while on my way to work, and then I'd go and comb my wrap out in the ladies room. :yep:
Since I live in Southern California, the heaviest coat I wear is a leather jacket. So, I don't worry about it too much. I do wear my hair up a lot, though.
This is my first winter during my HHJ so it's trial and error figuring out with sweaters, coats, scarves, etc... snag my hair and which ones don't. So far, I'm wearing my hair up if I've got wool on.
I wear a satin scarf or skull cap under my hat when I go out. Sometimes I wrap my hair before putting on the scarf so that my ends won't touch my wool coat. When I get to wear I'm going, I just take my scarf off and style my hair.