****Winter 2010 Vitamins/Supplements Challenge****

checking in for the last week.

I've been doing my morning liver cleanse (olive oil + whole lemon) drink and taking my vits. I've noticed a positive change in overall energy and hopefully that means that my vitamins are being absorbed better. I've also been sure to get fish oil in its natural form - had some wonderful salmon over the course of 3 days this week. Also bought a huge bag of lentils and started eating them on Wednesday. It's still been hard for me to stay on top of my water game bc I'm simply not thirsty. I want to start back taking Biotin (Country Life 5000 mcg) but until my water game is on point, I'm avoiding doing so.
Checking in...took some of my vitamins a little early today and the rest I'll take a little later this evening.
I haven't been checking in, but I've been taking my supplements daily.

I missed 3 days of chlorella because I ran out and couldn't find the Earthrise chlorella anywhere, but that's the only thing I missed.

Strangely enough the stores I went to had plenty of Earthrise spirulina...:scratchch Now I have to find out if they've discontinued making their chlorella.
Totally missed the last 5 days or so, for no good reason. Just couldn't be bothered I guess lol. I'm back on though. Just took Vit C, NAC, Iron, and multi.
Taken: I'm so proud of myself. I've been consistent with taking my vitamins and haven't missed a day! I'm on my second box of viviscal.