Will YOU Be Paying $25 For Kimmay's New Book?

I have already brought and read Sistaslick's book without the review from Kimmaytube. This is the best hair reference book I have ever purchased and it is thorough on natural and relaxed hair. For me this book is worth the investment. Sistaslick you did an extraordinary job writing this book!
At first I was like no more hair books, what more can she say after Sistaslick's but then I saw it was actually Sistaslick's book,
If I buy it would be to support Sistaslick. A lot of the information that we reference on this forum is from her. I believe she's the one who wrote all the articles on understanding protein and moisture and having a balance between the two. She's been a wealth of knowledge over the years.
I will probably buy the book to support Sistaslik and I probably will learn something new, she has a wealth of information regarding hair care.
When it thought it was Kimmay's book, I was going to say no. :lachen: Now that I know its not her book, and from the reviews it sounds like its worth reading, I may get it next time I have a gift card for Amazon.com. Ill check out my library system to see if I can borrow it that way first though.
I probably will get around to buying it. I love all things hair and I don't mind supporting a sister who is doing what I wanted since the first time I became interested in healthy hair almost 8 years ago-talking about our hair, black hair.
naw. only because 1) $$-broke college student. 2) meh @ hair science. not really my thing.

but I do wish her the best of luck!! it seems like a good read if you're interested in that sort of thing.
when something is worthy, i don't mind paying the price if i can afford it!!
the book is worth every single penny!!
I will be buying it. Sistaslick answered every question i have ever asked her and she does offer a lot of knowledge for free. We spend a hell of a lot more on the new rave products that we end up not using.
I have already brought and read Sistaslick's book without the review from Kimmaytube. This is the best hair reference book I have ever purchased and it is thorough on natural and relaxed hair. For me this book is worth the investment. Sistaslick you did an extraordinary job writing this book!

Ditto, I agree.
I bought the book. It is very well written and informative. There is a lot of in depth information about the care of natural and relaxed hair. She also mentions specific products and their uses. I have purchased many books written by black authors on black hair care and this one is the most informative of all.
I will certainly be buying the book. I just wish there was a way to preview it first.

Sistaslick is one of the most knowledgeable people about black hair. I'm sure the book will have lots of good information.
Got my book in the mail today! :yay: Man, that was fast! I have read a few chapters and must say that this book is worth every penny spent.