Comparing LHCF to "The Science of Black Hair"


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LHCF & "The Science of Black Hair"

If you had to compare/contrast LHCF's hair forum to Audrey Davis-Sivasothy's "The Science of Black Hair" what would you say?

How are the two resources similar or different?

And if someone lived a busy life (or didn't have much time), do you think that she could get most of what she needs to know about healthy hair care from "The Science of Black Hair?" In other words, could the book serve as a substitute?

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The same since she was/is long time member and many of her ideas came from here and she shared many things as well

Look up sisterslick

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i am happy a sistah put out book..make that $$$

but the book is based off this website and a collabo of other hair sites....point blank period...

there are very few--detailed books about AA hair post the internet...with the internet and its wealth of info--that book was written... like many other books in diff genres

aint mad at the author--but lets keep it all the way real!
I don't buy any healthy hair books because I have yet to see any that didn't tell me what I already knew base don what I've learned from this website. Haven't even read chicorro's book or that other girl that had a book in the 90's that everyone loved.

That's like being a chef but having a cookbook that tells you how to make pb&j.
The book is what prompted me to start a healthy hair journey and LED me to this website. For someone that had no clue on the proper way to take care of hair, this book was excellent. If I would have found the website first, I would have been overwhelmed. I would have had to search and piece things together. But the book starts at the beginning and chronologically goes through caring for your hair. It gathers those random snipits of knowledge that you find on sites and puts them together. And I am sure that she had some research of her own, instead of "copywriting" everything from the internet. This site has been a very good compliment to what I learned in the book.

Although if may be full of things learned from different sites, it puts them in a way that is understandable and without varying opinions. Also, I have read things in the book that I have NEVER seen on this or any other site.

Long story short, it was excellent for those that did not know it all.
I'm not into hair care books i'd rather search and register and browse forums and blogs that gives so much more, besides i love me some good hair porn and the blog and websites provide enough of that for me to :drool:. I love the internet hair community reading a book is so boring when you can share here and elsewhere and get amazing feedback.
I got the book. A lot of the info on this site and many other sites were given out by Sistaslick. She has consistantly been one of the top contributors so I don't think she got all of her info from here and then wrote a book. She was dropping her knowledge left and right and doing all kinds of free articles and posts helping people.
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I think it's the same. The reason I would say the book is better is because the information is more concentrated. When you first start your hair journey it can be overwhelming. And diving into forums can be even more overwhelming because there is so much to discover. The book is an organized "start" to your journey. It gives you the tools to take care of your hair without having to weed through information that doesn't pertain to you just yet.
If your are new to this HHJ, a book would be your best bet.
there is a great deal of misinformation on websites and blogs and if your naive or gullible you could be an easy target to all of BS.

When I first started my journey,I was the naive girl and I believed everything that read and one of the things I took to heart was not trimming my hair well to make a long story short it did not end well.

I got the book and I revisit it quite often, it contains heaps of valuable info and I wouldn't trade it for the world but that's my dos centavos
I wouldn't say that sistaslick exactly took info from this site, but rather developed her info on this site. She used this site as a guineapig and some things that we were discussing she took it a step further. There was a sticky on her articles. People would talk about things and she would do more research and bring the information back more developed. I have her book and I have been meaning to read it front to back. Beautiful Hair.
I haven't read the book, though I would like to. I feel both would be beneficial and work together.
I agree with Mande30

If you are short on time, I say go with the book. I like the structure of the book and I like being able to reference it. If you search for something here, you will get 50 threads and 500 posts on the topic and the information is all fragmented.
Note I brought the book and read her articles even though I am a member

I support her

I know she contributed a lot as well as others this board has been online
I joined in 2005 under a different name and she ( and others) had a following back then

I agree have a quick organized source instead of reading tons of threads is best

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I think her books are wonderful resources, and that yes you could develop a sustainable healthy hair regimen just from reading her books.

I was also around in 2005 (lurked in 2004 and joined in 2005), and many of the ideas on LHCF came from her (Sistaslick) articles and input. She didn't base the info off the boards, its the opposite, she shared her knowledge with us and we all experimented together.
I stumbled upon this site around 2003/2004...later joined. I can say I understood the importance of moisture/protein balance for my then relaxed hair and of course lots more based off the information SisterSlick posted...but as a whole this board gave my hair life and I later transitioned to natural.

I remember reading her threads taking notes in my (hair) notepad as though I was prepping for class I believe her book is a great resource that she condensed from all of her research in which she had already given to this board...for free basically. I joined this board in 2005 she was around before me so she had about 10 years in (research) before this "movement" of black hair care.

This book is a great reference to achieve a HHJ...and it's so much more than someone gathering information from here and putting it in a book. Our hair isn't a topic of beauty it's over looked and almost always referred to as unruly, untamed, unmanageable, etc. So I support her work, she is someone who has researched for years upon years, AND she looks like me and has hair like mine.
Can't you find everything about everything on the Internet anyway? So should bookstores and libraries close down? Should only fiction books be written since the net has everything?

If Sistaslick did get her information from this site, does it matter? You don't think R&D exec's are on every hair forum on the web? You haven't noticed that as soon as something is discovered by any hair board member it ends up on the shelf within a few months?

We don't have any problem making White people or Asians rich who are in the black hair products or service business, but if a person is black we have 50/11 thousand reasons why we shouldn't support them.
The book. A million times over and question about it really.

The information in LHCF is very scattered. It can also be wrong and can easily mislead if one doesn't already know. It's so much better to get a base of knowledge from an accurate source and then use forums/blogs once the base is already built, otherwise one can just end up following the masses, jumping on bandwagons and doing things that may or may not apply to the head in question. Reading the book gives one a complete perspective, whereas a newbie will never know if they have all the information needed because the info in a forum is just much too scattered/incomplete.
I have learned so much from LHCF. I have listened, read and asked. I also have resource manuals from Chicoro, and two from Sistaslick. I have been with the board going on three years. The book has detailed information on topics that are listed in an index. That makes things easy to find. I am on LHCF daily, but I still use the books to review on topics of interest. When I was younger, we used an encyclopedia to glean information. Books are more portable. I might take a book to a doctor's appointment and read until I am called. I once went under a dryer with henna and ended up with green hair. I was embarrassed. I remembered that treating green hair was in my book. I reviewed the book and used a tomato based product to treat it and remove the green. They are both good and both have their place in my opinion. HTH.:yep:
About a year ago she had offered a free download on Amazon to your kindle. I have the book on my kindle because of that and refer to it from time to time.

It has a wealth of knowledge in one place for anyone to reference.
Can't you find everything about everything on the Internet anyway? So should bookstores and libraries close down? Should only fiction books be written since the net has everything?

If Sistaslick did get her information from this site, does it matter? You don't think R&D exec's are on every hair forum on the web? You haven't noticed that as soon as something is discovered by any hair board member it ends up on the shelf within a few months?

We don't have any problem making White people or Asians rich who are in the black hair products or service business, but if a person is black we have 50/11 thousand reasons why we shouldn't support them.

So true!!

I've never heard of it before but thanks to this thread, I'll order it. :yep:
I stumbled upon this site around 2003/2004...later joined. I can say I understood the importance of moisture/protein balance for my then relaxed hair and of course lots more based off the information SisterSlick posted...but as a whole this board gave my hair life and I later transitioned to natural. I remember reading her threads taking notes in my (hair) notepad as though I was prepping for class I believe her book is a great resource that she condensed from all of her research in which she had already given to this board...for free basically. I joined this board in 2005 she was around before me so she had about 10 years in (research) before this "movement" of black hair care. This book is a great reference to achieve a HHJ...and it's so much more than someone gathering information from here and putting it in a book. Our hair isn't a topic of beauty it's over looked and almost always referred to as unruly, untamed, unmanageable, etc. So I support her work, she is someone who has researched for years upon years, AND she looks like me and has hair like mine.

You put into words what I couldn't. I still have her fotki bookmarked with protein/moisture balance, forming a regimen, etc. She did much more than just regurgitate information from the site and a lot of the stuff we take for granted she was the one who took the time to really explain way back in the day
Plus I love the section in the book on the structure and science of hair. It really set the foundation for understanding everything else that came after.