Will of Decree vs. Will of Command


Well-Known Member
DISCLAIMER: There are times when the Lord sends us a direct message, as evinced in the Bible, and especially for those who have the gift of prophecy. This sermon does not discount that, but focuses on the majority of cases - when God does not speak to us directly.

I stumbled upon this sermon while searching for something for myself. I felt this message was for me, but sometimes (and I believe it to be true in this case) a message is both for us to receive AND for us to share with others who will receive it. So for those who are open to receiving this message ...

Here is a snippet from the sermon:

If you have a desire to know the details of the secret, sovereign future will of God, you don't need renewal; you need a crystal ball.

What is necessary is that we have a renewed mind, that is so shaped and so governed by the revealed will of God in the Bible, that we see and assess all relevant factors with the mind of Christ, and discern what God is calling us to do. This is very different from constantly trying to hear God’s voice saying do this and do that. People who try to lead their lives by hearing voices are not in sync with Romans 12:2.

There is a world of difference between praying and laboring for a renewed mind that discerns how to apply God’s Word, on the one hand, and the habit of asking God to give you new revelation of what to do, on the other hand. Divination does not require transformation. God’s aim is a new mind, a new way of thinking and judging, not just new information.

For the full sermon: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/sermons/what-is-the-will-of-god-and-how-do-we-know-it