Are We All Children of God?

I'm trying to understand that you all say that we are all not children of God and saying that Hindus and Buddhist are not your brothers, but these are all things that divide humanity as opposed to offering any kind of unity. In relation to those that do not share the same religion as you.

I hate having to say this, but I feel blankness, a wall whenever I read your words. You hold too much of the world and its ideas within your soul, stifling your spirit and His connection to you. He cannot get through to you! It scares me, to be honest, and not much frightens me anymore. Please, I beg you in tears, strip your mind and heart naked and seek Him alone without any physical distractions. You are in danger and I suspect you already know this

It is because you do not fully comprehend my words, are operating off of feelings and misinformation - not off of any true "blankness." Ma'am, I'm in His Church and all that He desired in fullness is right there before me as it is there before anyone. Per the red-bolded...I'll tell you a story I heard some years back. A christian woman was praying for her friend who had fallen into some sin. She was talking to the L-rd about what she's done wrong and how she could improve and the L-rd told her....(this is not verbatim) ..."be concerned with your own salvation and step out of my way." :blush:

Nymphe, pray for peace for all people, including you and your family...for world peace...for the peace of Jerusalem which is a biblical mandate. Do not be afraid for me.
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I'm not trying to be rude, but if you can back World Peace up from a biblical standpoint I would like to read it.

It is because you do not fully comprehend my words, are operating off of feelings and misinformation - not off of any true "blankness." Ma'am, I'm in His Church and all that He desired in fullness is right there before me as it is there before anyone. Per the red-bolded...I'll tell you a story I heard some years back. A christian woman was praying for her friend who had fallen into some sin. She was talking to the L-rd about what she's done wrong and how she could improve and the L-rd told her....(this is not verbatim) ..."be concerned with your own salvation and step out of my way." :blush:

Nymphe, pray for peace for all people, including you and your family...for world peace...for the peace of Jerusalem which is a biblical mandate. Do not be afraid for me.
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It is because you do not fully comprehend my words, are operating off of feelings and misinformation - not off of any true "blankness." Ma'am, I'm in His Church and all that He desired in fullness is right there before me as it is there before anyone. Per the red-bolded...I'll tell you a story I heard some years back. A christian woman was praying for her friend who had fallen into some sin. She was talking to the L-rd about what she's done wrong and how she could improve and the L-rd told her....(this is not verbatim) ..."be concerned with your own salvation and step out of my way." :blush:

Nymphe, pray for peace for all people, including you and your family...for world peace...for the peace of Jerusalem which is a biblical mandate. Do not be afraid for me.

As someone who lived as the world had, I know when someone sounds just like the world does. He, the Father, gave me all of that scripture to counter the numerous errors you posted. The warning is from Him; I am doing as I am told. Good-night.
As someone who lived as the world had, I know when someone sounds just like the world does. He, the Father, gave me all of that scripture to counter the numerous errors you posted. The warning is from Him; I am doing as I am told. Good-night.

You mean well, at least. I can assure you, Jesus speaks to me directly, through scripture and through His Eucharist. I was called to where I am.
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Everyone isnt doing wrong. Some people are sold out and living for God..

Alicialynn86 - what do you mean by "everyone isn't doing wrong?" Are you saying, "everyone isn't sinning"?

For the some people who are sold out and living for God... what does that entail? How can one be sold for Christ and living for God with sin in their life if everyone sins and can't stop sinning til they die? Or is that concept of the "sinning Christian" simply untrue?

Are you saying that based on 1 John 3:10 nobody does what is right , is that your understanding of the scripture given?
Iwanthealthyhair67 - when I made my initial post, I was being a bit sarcastic in that a lot of Christians take up for themselves or other people when they do not do right. The scripture clearly says, "This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother."

So there's 3 things:
1) If you do not do what is right
2) If you are not a child of God
3) If you do not love your brother
...then you are a child of the devil.

I don't think anyone does what is right all the time, and I know there are people who do not love others.
^^Their are lots of 'believers' who visit the christian fellowship section of this board, who need to know that we are not all children of God either we are going to believe the bible as a whole or not at all...

I am not judging anyone's walk just stating fact according to scripture, no one has disputed that Father loves us all however, he does hate sin. It is He who stands at the door of our hearts and knocks, it is us that will not let him in...His desire is that ALL men be saved and all men will not which proves that we are not all children of God.

I'm sorry but the Hindu and Buddhist etc., are not my brothers, my brothers are those who do the will of the Father.

Iwanthealthyhair67 - I see where you have said that your brothers are those who do the will of the Father... how do you know if someone is doing the will of the Father? By outward actions, inner attitude, or both? And what specific things do they have to do to prove that they are a child of God to you?

You just said God desires all men to be saved which proves that we are not all children of God... so how would you know who's saved and who's not saved? The bible says we have to work out your own salvation with fear and none of us are truly saved YET. Salvation has not come yet. Jesus is our salvation and has not returned yet. We still live in a cruel, evil, wicked world of sin.

Just like you, current Hindus and Buddhists that are living have the opportunity to believe in Jesus and work out their salvation. We are all creations of God.
@Iwanthealthyhair67 - I see where you have said that your brothers are those who do the will of the Father... how do you know if someone is doing the will of the Father? By outward actions, inner attitude, or both? And what specific things do they have to do to prove that they are a child of God to you?

You just said God desires all men to be saved which proves that we are not all children of God... so how would you know who's saved and who's not saved? The bible says we have to work out your own salvation with fear and none of us are truly saved YET. Salvation has not come yet. Jesus is our salvation and has not returned yet. We still live in a cruel, evil, wicked world of sin.

Just like you, current Hindus and Buddhists that are living have the opportunity to believe in Jesus and work out their salvation. We are all creations of God.

Salvation has come. It was available to all men upon the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. When Christ gave up the ghost and said "It is finished" the penalty for our sins were paid for in full. Salvation is a free gift. So when we have believed and trusted Christ as our Lord and Savior and ask him to save us, that's salvation. WE have then accepted the free gift. We're still here in his world to be about his business spreading the gospel to others. When we die physically, it's our appointed time after the judgment. Those who are in Christ, will stand before him at the judgment seat of Christ. Those who are not in Christ, will stand before him at the white throne judgment and then will go to the lake of fire.

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" is probably one of the most misquoted scriptures that man has used to twist the way they think it should be.

Paul was telling the Phillipians (yeah I spelled that wrong, lol) in so many words...hey now that you're in Christ, do what you are suppose to do (pray, study the word, feed the spirit, etc) with respect and reverence to God. Doesn't mean work for your salvation. If it meant that, no doubt he would have said that. Also, if it meant to work for our salvation, it would have contradict Eph 2:8-9.

Haven't seen you in a while Pooh, Hope all is well :)
sorry but I saw no scripture that validates world peace, i'll look again

Seems everyone is attempting to place an evil shade over true world peace. World peace is just world peace, imho. Adherence to religion is another. I spoke on repairing the world which is a Jewish concept taken from scripture.
You mean well, at least. I can assure you, Jesus speaks to me directly, through scripture and through His Eucharist. I was called to where I am.
If you are in the middle of a war, no bibles, churches, and struggling to find sustenance, what will you do? The Bible is full of the various ways He communicates with His people; the only things I have not experienced yet are open (wide awake) visions and full conversations. Don’t you want Him to speak within you?

He may have called you there, but that does not mean you were to stay. He knows the comfort you desire in ritual and tradition, but He will break you of this so you can turn to Him alone. Better to take the lumps now, willingly, than being shocked later. And that goes for all of those comfortable in any religion.

Seems everyone is attempting to place an evil shade over true world peace. World peace is just world peace, imho. Adherence to religion is another. I spoke on repairing the world which is a Jewish concept taken from scripture.
World peace is a human concept; there will be no true peace until the rule of man is destroyed. Any peace man comes up with will be short-lived due to the nature of man. See, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Revelation, and the books of Evangel.

Jesus is my peace, just as He said to the disciples. As long as His Spirit dwells within me and I obey Him, I have nothing to worry about.
"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" is probably one of the most misquoted scriptures that man has used to twist the way they think it should be.

Paul was telling the Phillipians (yeah I spelled that wrong, lol) in so many words...hey now that you're in Christ, do what you are suppose to do (pray, study the word, feed the spirit, etc) with respect and reverence to God. Doesn't mean work for your salvation. If it meant that, no doubt he would have said that. Also, if it meant to work for our salvation, it would have contradict Eph 2:8-9.

Haven't seen you in a while Pooh, Hope all is well :)

I did not say that verse means work for your salvation. I don't believe in works salvation. I'm not sure how to explain what I mean but I wasn't twisting scripture.

But anyway, I've been doing alright for the most part.
If you are in the middle of a war, no bibles, churches, and struggling to find sustenance, what will you do? The Bible is full of the various ways He communicates with His people; the only things I have not experienced yet are open (wide awake) visions and full conversations. Don’t you want Him to speak within you?

He may have called you there, but that does not mean you were to stay. He knows the comfort you desire in ritual and tradition, but He will break you of this so you can turn to Him alone. Better to take the lumps now, willingly, than being shocked later. And that goes for all of those comfortable in any religion.

World peace is a human concept; there will be no true peace until the rule of man is destroyed. Any peace man comes up with will be short-lived due to the nature of man. See, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Revelation, and the books of Evangel.

Jesus is my peace, just as He said to the disciples. As long as His Spirit dwells within me and I obey Him, I have nothing to worry about.

I know you mean well but I don't want your church, I want mine. It fulfills me. If I were in the middle of war with no bibles? I'd pull out my rosary and recite it. If no rosary, I'd use my fingers, toes, sticks and stones to recite it to mark the prayers. What would YOU DO??? That should remain your focus.

He is my peace and He called me to literally drink His blood and eat His flesh. You cannot save me, thank G-d! Thank G-d I cannot save you!!! We are all wretched. He is sufficient. Let every man follow the walk that the Creator has lain before him. I will stand until the day I pass from this flesh in the knowledge and peace of His catholic church.

Attempting to guilt someone, scare via theology, coerce...are all proselytization and that is against another's human dignity. I don't care if you or anyone else ever becomes a catholic...what I care about is if I REMAIN a catholic. Maybe you should return the favor? You cannot scare me into your point of view. Shrugs. I'm solid as a rock. Rather than being fixated on me and succumbing to your emotions which are not prophetic, please look within yourself and make youlife the best christian you can be. Thanks anyway and I truly know you mean well. Hugs.
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God bless your heart GH you are very idealistic however, there will be no world peace, no matter how hard we pray wish hope believe we will never be able to bring about world peace, whatever we do must be done in the name of Jesus only He can bring world peace.

This is the time we are living in, Matt 24:6-7

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Seems everyone is attempting to place an evil shade over true world peace. World peace is just world peace, imho. Adherence to religion is another. I spoke on repairing the world which is a Jewish concept taken from scripture.
God bless your heart GH you are very idealistic however, there will be no world peace, no matter how hard we pray wish hope believe we will never be able to bring about world peace, whatever we do must be done in the name of Jesus only He can bring world peace.

This is the time we are living in, Matt 24:6-7

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

To understand my stance, you need to think about my posts and not interject what it is you think I'm saying because of the code word "world peace" triggering any negative connotations to your religious point of view. Condescension :look: ...there are no children in this thread.

Peace and repairing the world is doing GOOD as G-d would have you do in your own corner of the world...and if it takes one to a larger cooperative/goals etc., then so be it. One starts with self, following the divine order. In this thread, folks started off looking at the world system and its attempt to remove G-d from the equation or, at least, christ (as though everyone is christian). They then began to look at the example provided of We Are The World and then delve into the personal lives of the individual participants, totally omitting what the obvious goal of the org. was, relief of hunger and appealing to all people to realize we all live on this globe of one flesh...brethern.

However that org. evolved it's theological/philosophical points, I don't think the celebrities cared. They didn't write the song, only sang, supported for the cause. U2 was very involved and those are "born-again" christians who regularly support justice the globe over. Governments remained mum about the mass starvations of they are today with Somalia. Someone decided to do something about it on a grassroots level. The theology behind some people not being christian and new age etc. is above and beyond the original intent of that organization.

World peace...that is what charities are all about...repairing the world around them.... in my book and that's what I've explained various times. Jesus said that the poor will always be around. It's an opportunity for all of us to see everyone as He sees us...children from one Father. Don't think I am naive because I realize most are thinking of the final anti-christ and new world order. But as I've mentioned time upon time to no avail, there are various levels of meaning in scripture and this is not to say that all people will recognize Christ. We are still brothers as we are all flesh. He came in the flesh before any of us accepted Him. We're still brethern despite our religious adherence. I don't believe that G-d is asking christians to hedge themselves off from the rest of the world in this way to think that they cannot participate in any general goal to alleviate suffering the world over. This is my take on the issue of the term "world peace" along with scriptural mandate (previously given in other posts) and I don't presume to agree with others in their own interpretation. I'm just clarifying mine.
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^^condescending at whom ... children never implied it

but thank you for everything else...we all entitled to our views and we have both made them abundantly clear, whether others agree or disagree I'm okay with that...
Sigh.....perhaps you missed was in your opening but that's ok. But it was like patting my precious little head as though I haven't a clue. Not! LOL. Anyway, I was coming back in here to put it into another perspective. How is it we project love? I think this is the key. Some people believe it should be first and foremost to G-d...others think that it should be that plus projecting it towards others...then the question of how we act upon it. Those are basically the camps of difference I see in this entire is it we are to project separating ourselves off in this personal relationship we have of G-d or (and/or) fulfilling it through acts of love towards others despite their belief systems. At least, this is what I believe I'm witnessing here. They both are valid.
I'm so confused right now. What exactly is wrong with someone wanting to pray for world peace?

G-d actually commands it. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." This is the world peace...and we herald it in by out acts of love (a Jewish concept of ushering in the Messiah). I've probably just caused more confusion :lol::lachen: with those who don't know what the diddly I'm talking about. But it's biblical.
me calling you idealistic is not being condescending...if you believe that you can pray for world peace then continue ...praying for the peace of jerusalem is not the world you say I don't know diddly of which you speak I can say the same of you at least we are in agreement on something
me calling you idealistic is not being condescending...if you believe that you can pray for world peace then continue ...praying for the peace of jerusalem is not the world you say I don't know diddly of which you speak I can say the same of you at least we are in agreement on something

I didn't say YOU didn't know diddly...I was introducing another concept and knowing I'm introducing something that many will not comprehend ....I was realizing I shouldn't have introduced it but felt compelled even though I would be complicating things. We're not in agreement of nice-nasty and veiled insults, however. I don't want any part of that. Yes, you were condescending by saying "bless your heart." I've mentioned what peace I'm talking about. I'm repost to make sure I am not misquoted through any mistakes:

Quote from that post since you haven't read it:

#11 in We Are the World

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Genesis 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man."
Genesis 8:17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you--the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground--so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
Leviticus 26:9 "'I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.

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He's asking us to not put material things above spiritual things nor to place any other g-d above Him. He created this earth and loves this planet as well as the animals on it and man . He asks us to protect this earth and all the animals in it. He gives us the ability to make our lives better and to invent. He wants us to use the beautiful things He gives and to be thankful for them. And do we remember the second greatest commandment? To love each other as we are to love our very own lives. When true peace and brotherhood is accomplished, there is Christ right there. We know that Christ is the way but we do not know how He accomplishes this in every life and when for each man to make a decision with full knowledge. His desire is that we have a different relationship with Him starting right here on earth but the thing about Jesus, He never forced anyone to believe in Him. It remains an open invitation and His servants are to live out their faith through example, not force. He is opposed to evil and this is how "world" is being used in those scriptures. It would seem odd that a G-d who made man and his environment in the physical would prohibit him from enjoying the very physical nature he placed him within. Evil and idolatry...those oppose the relationship to G-d. Man not being able to see those of other races, creeds and origins as his brethern are not on G-d's side, actually (referring to the fear in the article of We Are the World etc.). He always speaks peace to His children...all of them, not just christians and Jews. There are different levels of meaning in scripture and we sometimes do not look at the whole picture. This is just my opinion on the subject and is not directed to any individual.

#14, same thread:

I just think they are asking people to donate to an organization to relieve poverty and starvation and help others survive. Pooling from world sources makes sense. This is what Jesus says...notice, He doesn't say "christians/Jews/believers..." and in that, anyone can be Jesus when they do the following:

Luke 3:11 “John answered, ‘the man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.’"

Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys."

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: ‘He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.’"

1 Timothy 6:18 “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


He has always looked out for all mankind, not just those under the first covenant, nor the second. Why doesn't it bother me that others are not christians? I don't worry about it because I know that G-d has full control and is just. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in His gift of salvation, I just don't worry concerning how others will be justified or not. Concern doesn't equal worry, though. Well, that's my take on the article.

#20, same thread:

Could one go past christianity into judaism to derive an even older and deeper meaning of "repairing the world" in the attempt to seek out what people should do? Joshua wrote a Jewish prayer that is recited thrice daily even up to today and in it there is a call for the world to abandon idolatry and in that, we will have been perfected. Jesus didn't change any of that and the reason I'm bringing it up is that the new testament is written via the Jews. I still pray these ways and wonder about the development of such prayers and moral concepts to abide by that should continue to influence christianity, which absolutely has. Is this help only allowable if the recipient accepts our own religious beliefs and are we only allowed to help alongside those who solely share those beliefs?

The church absolutely has an obligation to alleviate social ills such as poverty etc. It should definitely stand up against immorality and idolatry. Well, the reason we have the poor who are dying is due to idolatries of others that affect negatively those around him. So, the question is not that if we should not join together to fix this world through compassion, the question is if the church should join with "pagans" to help fix this world (is what I'm gathering from this discussion). This is why I'm wondering why christians are considering themselves "better" than their BROTHER who does not believe in Jesus. We are the same. Christ's conscience is in one but not in the other...or isn't it? The non-christian might be a better representation of what Christ preaches than His own follower. This is why I believe it is important to be careful making assumptions about the salvation of another. It is G-d who justifies. And if a prostitute were coming to help with Katrina and rebuild a home, a believer should not feel that it's beneath himself to pitch in and work alongside her. What is the goal? We often cut off our noses to spite our faces.

Avoiding worldliness doesn't mean making a hedge between "us" and another. The harbinger of protections against evil is Christ/The Father/The Holy Spirit and in His word, He never advised us to behave in such manner. We need to examine what is meant by "the world." I see nothing wrong with the organization and other such organizations to alleviate hunger through cooperation of people from all walks of life. The problem I see is nitpicking into the life of another. Sitting down at the feet of another, listening to his philosophies on life and emulating him is the problem, not working alongside him in the endeavor to alleviate suffering and pain.
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thank you, I gonna get through all that...

but no more comments to you from me on this matter, Ro 12:18 says; If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (no pun intended)

I can do that...
“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
and people who stay one in their hearts with him won’t keep on sinning. If they do keep on sinning, they don’t know Christ, and they have never seen him.

Children, don’t be fooled. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ himself. Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil. He has sinned from the beginning, but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done (1 John 3:6-8 CEV).
and people who stay one in their hearts with him won’t keep on sinning. If they do keep on sinning, they don’t know Christ, and they have never seen him.

Children, don’t be fooled. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ himself. Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil. He has sinned from the beginning, but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done (1 John 3:6-8 CEV).

:clap: :yep:
Nice Lady

:grin:. People never use this scripture! They always want to justify but thanks so much for this!!!
and people who stay one in their hearts with him won’t keep on sinning. If they do keep on sinning, they don’t know Christ, and they have never seen him.

Children, don’t be fooled. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ himself. Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil. He has sinned from the beginning, but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done (1 John 3:6-8 CEV).
Nice Lady

:grin:. People never use this scripture! They always want to justify but thanks so much for this!!!

Thanks. It is still the Word. I guess they just tell others that "their sin did cut" or "they couldn't forgive themselves." It is our job to help a person come to genuine repentance without shaming them. Unless they refuse to stop, then it needs to be brought to attention when they endanger others.