Wigs for kids?


Hi Ladies,

I am sure that there will be someone who can help me with this one. My little cousin who is about to be 9 years old has a severe hyperactivity disorder which causes her to be on medication. This medication has made all of her hair fall out!
I am not just talking about breakeage here, it is gone. The way my aunt describes it, she looks as if she were a cancer patient. The hair that she has left is baby thin, and short. She is REALLY having a hard time in school. The kids are being just awful to her and her self esteem has taken a huge hit. Right now my aunt has her wearing wigs, which as far as I know is really all that she can do. Do any of you have any suggestions of what she should do, or what types if wigs look most natural and would be appropriate for a child? Please help..it is really breaking my heart to see how this is affecting my cousin. TIA!