Wigs as a protective style


Well-Known Member
How do you take care of your hair under the wig? I'm thinking about wearing a wig for my protective style for the cold season but the few times I've worn it, at home to practice, my hair has become very dry. I tried wearing a full head baggy under the wig but that had my hair really wet. Am I doing something wrong?

I guess I should mention that I am 4a with very fine hair.

Thanks in advance. :)
I bought a half wig not too long ago, and I've only worn it 5 or 6 times. I moisturize my roots and let them get mostly dry. Then, I part my hair in half horizontally and baggy just the ends with S-curl and shea butter. This way my hair isn't soaking wet, it just feels moisturized. I've only worn my wig up to 5 hours or so (when I go to class or work part time). Whatever moisture/seal method you use, I wouldn't recommend getting your hair too wet so it won't get soggy.
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I'm using CFCG or Wave Nouveu (sp?) to baggy. I'm also using a wig cap because I was told that I should use one under the wig. Maybe the wig cap is what's drying me out? Maybe I need to use a different moisturiser when I baggy under the wig?
I have fine hair, too. I wear a wig as a protective style but this time instead of wearing a wig cap, I'm just leaving on the silk headscarf thingy I wear to bed at night. I'm also greasing my scalp with Dr. Miracle's Hot Gro and Temple and Nape Balm as an experiment because of the tingling sensation. I spray my hair with non-chlorinated water every night and moisturize the ends with BB Oil Moisturizer. Every now and then, I'll throw in some Parnevu Leave-In Conditioner (for Extra Dry Hair) when I remember or have any to use. My hair is not dry at all when I wear wigs. The key is to moisturize or do whatever regimen you do every night.
Hey Belle,

I have worn wigs for a very looooooooong extended period. Underneath them I would saturate my freshly washed hair w/Parnevu LIC, and corn row my hair, I would then apply Parnevu T-Tree growth creme to the cornrows and to my scalp.

During that time, however I wasn't as educated as I am now about moisturizing, so to fight dry hair I would apply braid sheen to my cornrows and scalp. And I also used a wig cap.

My experience from that was damaged edges (that are now growing back healthy and strong)...so I would suggest that you use a satin wrap cap to protect your edges from the wig. Try to avoid half wigs that have the combs, you need to be able to adjust the wig so that the blood can circulate.

JMO - Good luck