Why Young Christians Aren't Waiting Anymore


Well-Known Member
Why young Christians aren't waiting anymore

By John Blake, CNN
(CNN) –True love doesn’t wait after all.
That’s the implication in the upcoming October issue of an evangelical magazine that claims that young, unmarriedChristians are having premarital sex almost as much as their non-Christian peers.
The article in Relevant magazine, entitled “(Almost) Everyone’s Doing It,” cited several studies examining the sexual activity of single Christians. One of the biggest surprises was a December 2009 study, conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, which included information on sexual activity.
While the study’s primary report did not explore religion, some additional analysis focusing on sexual activity and religious identification yielded this result: 80 percent of unmarried evangelical young adults (18 to 29) said that they have had sex - slightly less than 88 percent of unmarried adults, according to the teen pregnancy prevention organization.
The article highlights what challenges abstinence movements face. Movements such as “True Love Waits,” encourage teens to wear purity rings, sign virginity pledges and pledge chastity during public ceremonies.
Yet many of these Christian youths eventually abandon their purity pledges, Relevant’s Tyler Charles concludes in the article. Tyler talked to people like “Maria,” an evangelical woman who said she wanted to wait until marriage to have sex.
But she said she started having sex with her college boyfriend when she turned 20 because nearly everyone, even most of her Christian friends, were having sex.

It seemed everyone in my life, older and younger, had “done it.” In fact, I waited longer than most people I knew and longer than both of my sisters, even though we were all Christians and came from a good home.
Relevant theorizes about why it’s so hard for so many young Christians to wait, including the saturation of sex in popular culture, the prevalence of pornography and a popular “do what feels good philosophy.”
Yet the article also asks a question that rarely comes up in discussions about abstinence movement. Relevant notes that in biblical times, people married earlier. The average age for marriage has been increasing in the U.S for the last 40 years.
Today, it’s not unusual to meet a Christian who is single at 30 - or 40 or 50, for that matter. So what do you tell them? Keep waiting?
Scot McKnight, author of “The Jesus Creed,” and "One.Faith: Jesus Calls, We Follow," acknowledges that young, single Christians face temptations that their counterparts in the biblical age didn’t face.
He tells Relevant:
Sociologically speaking, the one big difference – and it’s monstrous – between the biblical teaching and our culture is the arranged marriages of very young people. If you get married when you’re 13, you don’t have 15 years of temptation.
So what should a Christian parent or youth pastor do? How do they convince more young Christians to wait until marriage, or should they stop even trying?

John Blake - CNN Writer
So what should a Christian parent or youth pastor do? How do they convince more young Christians to wait until marriage, or should they stop even trying?
They need to stop teaching that it's "okay" to sin as long as you believe in Jesus, and that Jesus will forgive you over and over and over again.
Good post. It's wrong, no matter how they try and justify it. What do we do in our Church/family? Teach our catechism. It's mortal sin and removes the saving grace until it's restored via confession. You cannot even get married (have to receive eucharist) if in a state of mortal sin...and if you lie, you further complicate things for your soul. I'm talking about the 6 months or so of prep/counsel with the priest. Well, this is what we do and then we talk about the possible complications in health, etc. But the first is the moral base.
So what should a Christian parent or youth pastor do? How do they convince more young Christians to wait until marriage, or should they stop even trying?

Are 'they' kidding???? Please tell me this question is a joke.

Sit them down and remind them of the consequences of sin? What makes them think this is okay? Do they even realize that God 'sees' them, IN ACTION.

Do they even care that God sees them?

What is their recourse, Heaven or hell?

Have they lost their mind?

Have they forsaken the God who loves them?

As them what if they had their last breath instead of a climax? If so, where would they go? I'm being real here.

What are 'they' even in need of having to have a conversartion regarding the consequences of sexual sin?

And yes, I'm ticked off. Are they kidding me?


People dont teach on Hell no more. They dont teach that God destroyed Sodom and Ghomorra (25,000 people in one day) (sp) for the sin of fornication. They teach love, love, love, love.. This generation has no fear of God, nor any reverence. The bible says to fear the Lord is to depart from inquity.No one is departing because there is NO fear of God..

And another thing,what is CNN basing thier Chrisitanity on? What makes them to be called a Christian? Did CNN just ask them "Are u Christian?, and they said "Yes we are", and they did this article on them? So now it looks like "Christians" are just having sex all over the place and we dont even know if they really are Chrisitans :ohwell:

Christian means to be Christ like--so are they?????
Religious affiliation doesn't necessarily mean anything. But even for the genuinely born again, I think a lot of this is the church's fault for trying to embrace worldly values when it comes to putting off marriage but then expect young people to not succumb to the temptation it creates. Particularly given the fact that young adults are thrown together for unlimited amounts of time on college campuses...it's not even like those more old fashioned gender boundaries are respected anymore. So it's just a perfect storm of temptation.

Yes, every single person needs to be abstinent, period. However, we have made things much more challenging than they need to be. Paul gave his advice that it's better to marry than to burn for exactly this reason. Christian parents and pastors should put more energy into helping prepare their young adults to marry young when it makes biological (and biblical) sense instead of being like the world and telling them to pursue extra degrees first, "live your life," etc.

ETA: Also, having had sex is not the same thing as regularly having sex. I'd like to see more of a breakdown of current activity rather than simply past experience.

Aaaannnd, I think the example of marrying in the bible at 13 is extreme. There's so much room for the church to embrace a culture where people are marrying closer to 20 than to 30 and that would probably help a lot. If young Christians aren't ready for marriage at 20, the question should be why not and what parents and the church should be doing to make them more mature.
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I honestly don't even know how they can go about making the necessary changes. I think back over my life and it was really my own focus on what God wanted that made me decide to wait. I wasn't one to cave into peer pressure or believe that because many people engaged in something that it was right. But I see now that kids these days are weak. It takes more than just saying that the Word speaks on this and that God is not pleased. When people are young, they don't think about long term consequences such as hell. I liken it to how many people don't start saving for retirement early on in their careers. It's because the end result doesn't seem real to them.

Poohbear, I agree to a certain extent. We've talked about this before. We're NOT supposed to keep doing the same thing over and over without true remorse and expecting forgiveness. That's not true repenting. But I don't even know if that's truly the issue here.

Bottom line I think they believe that because sooo many people do it, that all of these people couldn't possibly be hell bound, and so they figure that maybe it's not such a sin in the first place.
People dont teach on Hell no more. They dont teach that God destroyed Sodom and Ghomorra (25,000 people in one day) (sp) for the sin of fornication. They teach love, love, love, love.. This generation has no fear of God, nor any reverence. The bible says to fear the Lord is to depart from inquity.No one is departing because there is NO fear of God..

And another thing,what is CNN basing thier Chrisitanity on? What makes them to be called a Christian? Did CNN just ask them "Are u Christian?, and they said "Yes we are", and they did this article on them? So now it looks like "Christians" are just having sex all over the place and we dont even know if they really are Chrisitans :ohwell:

Christian means to be Christ like--so are they????


Thank you so much for pointing this out. It makes so much sense. There are many who say that they 'are' Christian and yet have absolutely no concept of the true meaning of Christianity.

There are 'True Believers', Non-Believers and 'MAKE Believers'.

If one truly has Jesus Christ in their heart, the conviction of the Holy Spirit truly has reign over Christians when they sin. I am absolutely miserable when I do something wrong. The Holy Spirit becomes grieved and I can feel it so strong in my heart. That alone moves one into repentence. And this is not an opinion.
There was a thread posted in here about 2 years ago. One of our members from the Off Topic forum, created a thread, asking about Christians who have sex outside of marriage. She was basically asking how many Christians were in this 'practice'.

She said that she asked because in the other forums, there were many women who professed to be Christians yet they were 'boasting' of their sex lives.

I took it as an 'afront' to Christianity, a life that I stand steadfast upon.

Hence this article, I see as another afront.

I thank God for the statement made in Alicialynn86's post. Are they really Christians?

The devil has his counterfeits. Do you hear me? They are strategically placed to mislead and misguide and misinform onlookers about the true heart of Christians.
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I honestly don't even know how they can go about making the necessary changes. I think back over my life and it was really my own focus on what God wanted that made me decide to wait. I wasn't one to cave into peer pressure or believe that because many people engaged in something that it was right. But I see now that kids these days are weak. It takes more than just saying that the Word speaks on this and that God is not pleased.

When people are young, they don't think about long term consequences such as hell. I liken it to how many people don't start saving for retirement early on in their careers. It's because the end result doesn't seem real to them.

Poohbear, I agree to a certain extent. We've talked about this before. We're NOT supposed to keep doing the same thing over and over without true remorse and expecting forgiveness. That's not true repenting. But I don't even know if that's truly the issue here.

Bottom line I think they believe that because sooo many people do it, that all of these people couldn't possibly be hell bound, and so they figure that maybe it's not such a sin in the first place.

This is another very good point. And it shows that they don't have the heart of Jesus Christ. They're playing games with sin and are no different than the world.

It reminds me of the days of Noah before the flood. People saw so and so sin and hell didn't open up for them, so it became a chain reaction of sinners who refused to have an ear for God's voice; which resulted in the flood.

The 'retirement' analogy was excellent for comparison.
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All people need to do is learn how to examine themselves and their actions against the 10 commandments. We all fail, but get back up. We have the grace. You do x, you need y for z. Shrugs.
Thats why I believe the Media is biased in alot of ways. Why when they interview a African American, it has to be the one who doesnt speak correct grammar, rollers in their hair, houserobe on?(no offense, just example :look:) Its like they pick the worst and stereotype everyone off that one or few people.

Why when they are doing news interviews on foodstamp or welfare issues, its always a black person they interview? When statistics shows it more whites on it than us?

Same as this Christian article, they went and got these
"Church-ians" (people that just go to church with no real commitment to God) and base the whole Chrisitian group on it.They do this stuff on purpose (and im not trying to sound like some Conspiracy Therory dectective either :lachen:) . Do they ever do news article on someone living sold out for God? ummm, i havent seen any..But they quick to show Eddie Bishop Long CONTINOUSLY with his sex scandal. What this does is it makes that person who wants to live a godly life, feel like its impossible to do it, because all this garbage going around.

There was a thread posted in here about 2 years ago. One of our members from the Off Topic forum, created a thread, asking about Christians who have sex outside of marriage. She was basically asking how many Christians were in this 'practice'.

She said that she asked because in the other forums, there were many women who professed to be Christians yet they were 'boasting' of their sex lives.

I took it as an 'afront' to Christianity, a life that I stand steadfast upon.

Hence this article, I see as another afront.

I thank God for the statement made in @Alicialynn86's post. Are they really Christians?

The devil has his counterfeits. Do you hear me? They are strategically placed to mislead and misguide and misinform onlookers about the true heart of Christians.

Thank you so much for pointing this out. It makes so much sense. There are many who say that they 'are' Christian and yet have absolutely no concept of the true meaning of Christianity.

There are 'True Believers', Non-Believers and 'MAKE Believers'.

If one truly has Jesus Christ in their heart, the conviction of the Holy Spirit truly has reign over Christians when they sin. I am absolutely miserable when I do something wrong. The Holy Spirit becomes grieved and I can feel it so strong in my heart. That alone moves one into repentence. And this is not an opinion.

I agree with most of the things that have been shared in this thread.

On the other hand, I don’t think we should leave those in darkness who have backslidden and say they never loved God. This is where the saints supposed to step in and speak the truth in love and perhaps get to the root cause of the issue.

Peter denied Christ three times; a disciple of Jesus who walked with the Lord and witnessed signs and wonders. Peter even walked on water….. Yet, God forgave Peter and did not leave him out from the house of faith.

Our fall may not be fornication but it could be or have been something else; and God showed mercy. I wouldn’t be so quick to say we never loved God and was a fake believer.
We wasnt speaking on EVERY person that has backslidden or caught in the act of fornication.We know this was something that David in the bible did and we know that he repented of it and God forgave him. We dont have a clue who this article was done. We are just making a GENERAL statement and point of view of the article

"But she said she started having sex with her college boyfriend when she turned 20 because nearly everyone, even most of her Christian friends, were having sex."-------this doesnt sound like a struggle, but a way of life.

Diclaimer: This is only my opinion :grin:

I agree with most of the things that have been shared in this thread.

On the other hand, I don’t think we should leave those in darkness who have backslidden and say they never loved God. This is where the saints supposed to step in and speak the truth in love and perhaps get to the root cause of the issue.

Peter denied Christ three times; a disciple of Jesus who walked with the Lord and witnessed signs and wonders. Peter even walked on water….. Yet, God forgave Peter and did not leave him out from the house of faith.

Our fall may not be fornication but it could be or have been something else; and God showed mercy. I wouldn’t be so quick to say we never loved God and was a fake believer.
We wasnt speaking on EVERY person that has backslidden or caught in the act of fornication.We know this was something that David in the bible did and we know that he repented of it and God forgave him. We dont have a clue who this article was done. We are just making a GENERAL statement and point of view of the article

"But she said she started having sex with her college boyfriend when she turned 20 because nearly everyone, even most of her Christian friends, were having sex."-------this doesnt sound like a struggle, but a way of life.

Diclaimer: This is only my opinion :grin:

My comment wasn't just in reference to the article...I was speaking in general about those who have backslidden...sin is sin.
We can go back to getting married younger :- ( It's no coincidence that you are more likely to be a virgin in you marry earlier.

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I agree with most of the things that have been shared in this thread.

On the other hand, I don’t think we should leave those in darkness who have backslidden and say they never loved God.

This is where the saints supposed to step in and speak the truth in love and perhaps get to the root cause of the issue.

Peter denied Christ three times; a disciple of Jesus who walked with the Lord and witnessed signs and wonders. Peter even walked on water….. Yet, God forgave Peter and did not leave him out from the house of faith.

Our fall may not be fornication but it could be or have been something else; and God showed mercy. I wouldn’t be so quick to say we never loved God and was a fake believer.

PinkPebbles... none of this is personal towards you. I need to make this crystal clear. I'm very serious about this issue and it is imperative that I make it clear that my comments are not about you nor anyone else in this thread. I am addressing the issue, the subject matter ONLY.

@the bolded in your post: THIS is the huge part of the problem... right here:

Allowing folks to be 'babied' in their sin. Don't dare correct the sin with the firm Word of God. Just pat em' on the back 'straight to hell.'

The root cause is the Flesh and rebellion and just plain foolishness.

There are INDEED some situations which MERIT tender loving care when one is in sin; but it doesn't apply to all of them. This article is just plain mess going on and there are no excuses... IF they be Christian.

There comes a point when an epidemic has to have strong measures of elimination. It has to be wiped out before it destroys everything else around it. A little leaven levens the whole lump. From the looks of this article, this is indeed an epidemic and it's spilled over into the Church far enough. It's time to put a stop to it. This is one of the reasons why homosexuality is running rampant, too many supporters are loving them steadfast in this sin. And now this mess has spilled over into the Churches.

If this article is truly about Christians, then the point I'm making is self evident. No one is setting things straight with a firm hand. God, Himself becomes weary with the explosion of sin, hence Noah and the Ark, the earthquake which swallowed the Children of Israel due they rebellion, Sodom and Gomorrah.... this earth as we live in it now, is reacting to the weight of sin [earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, oil spills, the economy and more and all of which has been prophesied by God's Word]. Just how far is it supposed to go?

Love PLUS a firm hand of God's Word is what's needed; for God chastises those whom He loves.

Being passive about it, isn't the answer. For why is it only getting worse? Either they are saved or they are not. Live the life. Stop making excuses about others who have fallen. Of course we all know that King David fell, however there was a lesson to be learned from his experience. Don't do what David did.

This may not be what folks want to hear, however it's not going to change the truth of the matter. God is not playing games. He is not. So stop playing games with God. He is not a toy; he is not the latest iphone, ipad, or play station. HE's GOD and He changes not.

This not a message of doom and gloom. It's a warning. Stop playing Games with God. There's a conversation where a member became upset because it was mentioned by another member that California had an unusual weather disaster impending. The poster asked why does it have to be the US? Meaning that the US has been unjustly targeted. Obviously there was fear behind the poster's question. Fear of the sin they were in.

The earth is reacting to sin; it cannot bear the weight of it. The heavier the sin, the weaker the earth's surface becomes to support it.

This article... if it be true of Christians, they need to be compelled to get it right. Jesus said "Compell them... sinners to repent of their sins. Repent means to turn away from, not say 'I'm sorry and then do it again.

It's way too late if allowed to seal their fate. Compell them to repent.
@PinkPebbles... none of this is personal towards you. I need to make this crystal clear. I'm very serious about this issue and it is imperative that I make it clear that my comments are not about you nor anyone else in this thread. I am addressing the issue, the subject matter ONLY.

@the bolded in your post: THIS is the huge part of the problem... right here:

Allowing folks to be 'babied' in their sin. Don't dare correct the sin with the firm Word of God. Just pat em' on the back 'straight to hell.'

The root cause is the Flesh and rebellion and just plain foolishness.

There are INDEED some situations which MERIT tender loving care when one is in sin; but it doesn't apply to all of them. This article is just plain mess going on and there are no excuses... IF they be Christian.

There comes a point when an epidemic has to have strong measures of elimination. It has to be wiped out before it destroys everything else around it. A little leaven levens the whole lump. From the looks of this article, this is indeed an epidemic and it's spilled over into the Church far enough. It's time to put a stop to it. This is one of the reasons why homosexuality is running rampant, too many supporters are loving them steadfast in this sin. And now this mess has spilled over into the Churches.

If this article is truly about Christians, then the point I'm making is self evident. No one is setting things straight with a firm hand. God, Himself becomes weary with the explosion of sin, hence Noah and the Ark, the earthquake which swallowed the Children of Israel due they rebellion, Sodom and Gomorrah.... this earth as we live in it now, is reacting to the weight of sin [earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, oil spills, the economy and more and all of which has been prophesied by God's Word]. Just how far is it supposed to go?

Love PLUS a firm hand of God's Word is what's needed; for God chastises those whom He loves.

Being passive about it, isn't the answer. For why is it only getting worse? Either they are saved or they are not. Live the life. Stop making excuses about others who have fallen. Of course we all know that King David fell, however there was a lesson to be learned from his experience. Don't do what David did.

This may not be what folks want to hear, however it's not going to change the truth of the matter. God is not playing games. He is not. So stop playing games with God. He is not a toy; he is not the latest iphone, ipad, or play station. HE's GOD and He changes not.

This not a message of doom and gloom. It's a warning. Stop playing Games with God. There's a conversation where a member became upset because it was mentioned by another member that California had an unusual weather disaster impending. The poster asked why does it have to be the US? Meaning that the US has been unjustly targeted. Obviously there was fear behind the poster's question. Fear of the sin they were in.

The earth is reacting to sin; it cannot bear the weight of it. The heavier the sin, the weaker the earth's surface becomes to support it.

This article... if it be true of Christians, they need to be compelled to get it right. Jesus said "Compell them... sinners to repent of their sins. Repent means to turn away from, not say 'I'm sorry and then do it again.

It's way too late if allowed to seal their fate. Compell them to repent.

You missed my point. My comment wasn't in total reference to this article. I'm not justifying sin or being passive about it. And I certainly do not play games with God.

You made a statement about backslidden believers and I commented on it. Of course we are to speak the truth and expose sin for what it is. However, we are to disciple the backslidders rather than condemning them to hell. We should be focused on telling them to get out of sin and the consequences for not; instead of saying you are a fake believer and never loved God.
And while we are on the topic of sins, let us EXPOSE IT ALL so everyone can be delivered up in this camp.

SINS that are overlooked in the Body of Chirst.

Thats why I believe the Media is biased in alot of ways. Why when they interview a African American, it has to be the one who doesnt speak correct grammar, rollers in their hair, houserobe on?(no offense, just example :look:) Its like they pick the worst and stereotype everyone off that one or few people.

Why when they are doing news interviews on foodstamp or welfare issues, its always a black person they interview? When statistics shows it more whites on it than us?

Same as this Christian article, they went and got these
"Church-ians" (people that just go to church with no real commitment to God) and base the whole Chrisitian group on it.They do this stuff on purpose (and im not trying to sound like some Conspiracy Therory dectective either :lachen:) . Do they ever do news article on someone living sold out for God? ummm, i havent seen any..But they quick to show Eddie Bishop Long CONTINOUSLY with his sex scandal. What this does is it makes that person who wants to live a godly life, feel like its impossible to do it, because all this garbage going around.


Your entire post is so ON POINT! Thank you again and again.
You missed my point. My comment wasn't in total reference to this article. I'm not justifying sin or being passive about it. And I certainly do not play games with God.

You made a statement about backslidden believers and I commented on it. Of course we are to speak the truth and expose sin for what it is. However, we are to disciple the backslidders rather than condemning them to hell. We should be focused on telling them to get out of sin and the consequences for not; instead of saying you are a fake believer and never loved God.

You saw what you wanted to see in my post.

I didn't condemn anyone to hell. Neither did I say you were passive. Nor did I say you were playing games with God. I made it clear in my post that none of what I said was personally directed towards you.
And while we are on the topic of sins, let us EXPOSE IT ALL so everyone can be delivered up in this camp.

SINS that are overlooked in the Body of Chirst.


PinkPebbles... including yourself? Right?

It's obvious that you are venting.

You wrote this post out of anger. The same way I wrote my posts about this thread's topic and the issue behind.

There's an ought in your heart. Oh yes, it's definitely there. :yep: Whatever you don't like about what I said, have said in past posts/threads, let it go.

Let it go.

You need to let it go. :yep:
PinkPebbles... including yourself? Right?

It's obvious that you are venting.

You wrote this post out of anger. The same way I wrote my posts about this thread's topic and the issue behind.

There's an ought in your heart. Oh yes, it's definitely there. :yep: Whatever you don't like about what I said, have said in past posts/threads, let it go.

Let it go.

You need to let it go. :yep:

Let me tell you what you need to let go...

You are so quick to preach to someone and rebuke them, but the minute someone expose your dirty drawers you can't handle it. For once in your life swallow your pride, your self rigtheous attitude, and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Allow God to hold a mirror up to your heart because my dear, it is deceitful.

I never professed that I'm perfect. I put that list up there so we can all be delivered.

So if the shoe fits wear it, and be delivered.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
The heart is deceitful above all things. And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord search the heart, I test the mind.
Aw, man...that was a great testimony and I applaud you for sharing this. You never know who is reading that will be encouraged by your testimony today... it is very relevant to this discussion...

@ the bolded :amen:

God bless~

I haven't read the whole article or all of the replies to this thread. I will have to eta later on. I just wanted to say that I am 20 years old and I'm still a virgin. Has it been difficult? Yes, especially since I had unbalanced hormones and had to go on birth control. I thought because I wasn't having sex, I was ok to do other "things" to help control my urges. I have been battling this addiction/ problem for years until recently when I believe God slapped me up side the head..I believe that this sin, was /is the portal of my cancer. Especially due to its location and everything. Sorry for going a bit OT. I'll write more later, but I defiantly think this is a real issue that needs more attention, and stop being stupid and encouraging "boys to be boys",etc.
Amen!! To the testimony! See people need to hear our struggles , but also how we came out of them and how we dont have to be Chrisitans struggling and barely hanging on, but we can be overcomers through Christ because He said we are more than conquerors....!!!! :yay::yay: