Why the "looser" texture in the back?

Where is your loosest texture?

  • Center

    Votes: 20 3.8%
  • Middle

    Votes: 30 5.7%
  • Back

    Votes: 347 65.5%
  • Front

    Votes: 126 23.8%
  • Same Texture All Over

    Votes: 7 1.3%

  • Total voters
Ok, so I have been transitioning for the last 16 months give or take and I have a pretty good idea of my texture. I have some 3c curls in the back of my scalp, a bunch of crazy kink around the edges and a piece around the bang area that doesn't want to curl to save its life.:nono:


I thought I was weird at first for having all of these textures, but the more that I stalk fotkis, the more that i see natural heads that resemble my own head.

More frequently, I see and hear ladies talk about having a looser curl pattern in the back of their head. I was wondering if any of you ladies might be able to shed some light on why that is.

Oh, and I WILL keep bumping until I get responses.... I'm just sayin':look:
Ok, so I have been transitioning for the last 16 months give or take and I have a pretty good idea of my texture. I have some 3c curls in the back of my scalp, a bunch of crazy kink around the edges and a piece around the bang area that doesn't want to curl to save its life.:nono:


I thought I was weird at first for having all of these textures, but the more that I stalk fotkis, the more that i see natural heads that resemble my own head.

More frequently, I see and hear ladies talk about having a looser curl pattern in the back of their head. I was wondering if any of you ladies might be able to shed some light on why that is.

Oh, and I WILL keep bumping until I get responses.... I'm just sayin':look:
I have no clue. I was thinking that it might have something to do with the orientation of the follicles in the skin. I do know that how the follicles are set in the skin (at what angle, how deep, etc) influences the hair that grows from it.
So, maybe because of the 'transition' of the skin at the back of our heads (coming off of mostly bone, and onto mostly muscle and fat), the follicles produce different hairs???

*follows own train of thought*

Interesting. That might also be the reason why baby hair changes - as the skull closes and hardens, the 'set' of the follicle in the skin might shift.

Honestly, I have no clue. I have asked myself this question over and over to no avail. I am bumping this thread for you! :)
not sure exactly what you're asking but i can at least make you feel you're not abnormal.

i'm the opposite of you. some of the nappiest of the kink-curls are located below the crown and the nape is oohlala.

the crown itself is alot looser, wavier and the texture is different from the back and front and the front doesn't have a strong curl pattern.

i just chalk it all up to genetics and a spin of the napp roulette wheel.

it's normal ;)
I am the total opposite ... My hair in the back is 4ZZ and the rest of my hair is 4B with some A. I wish it was softer in the back. I would have an easier time bunning. I transitioned for a year -- that's how I know about my textures and stuff.
My hair is exactly like that. 4a everywhere except for a handfull of hair right in the back about center. It grows out in true S formation, 3c/b waves, not even ringlets. It's very strange and somewhat annoying.
I don't have an explanation for why but my nape area is a 3C & soft, and the rest of my hair is a 4A.

In my crown area the hair is more coarse than the front and back. During my transition I was really surprised to see the inconsistency of my hair. With the relaxer, my hair was all the same.
Could one say, the looser the curl, the faster the growth?
Could one say, the looser the curl, the faster the growth?

I don't know if it's faster, not on my head atleast. It does appear longer than the rest of my hair in the natural state simply because it's a much looser curl. However, when straight, it's all just about the same length.
not sure exactly what you're asking but i can at least make you feel you're not abnormal.

i'm the opposite of you. some of the nappiest of the kink-curls are located below the crown and the nape is oohlala.

the crown itself is alot looser, wavier and the texture is different from the back and front and the front doesn't have a strong curl pattern.

i just chalk it all up to genetics and a spin of the napp roulette wheel.

it's normal ;)

My hair is the exact same way!
I have the same problem, if you want to call it that!! I have looser curls in the back, waves in the front and napps in the crown.
I'm sure this is the LAME way out, but I guess it's heredity. Because I've heard of people with different textures in varying areas of their head, not necessarily just the back to front difference. I've heard of crown, edges, all kinds of things being different.

Mine for example, The hair RIGHT in the middle of my nape is SUCH a loose texture I always feel like that when I do twists, that that one twist is anorexic or something. It never wants to stay up in a style, it drives me crazy cuz it's such a small section of my hair.

Going natural really helped me see why I NEVER had any hair back there. I'm not sure what texture it is or anything, but the rest of my hair has a tight curl pattern. And if you judged that hair by the other 98% of it and relaxed it that long, it couldn't do anything but break right on off.
Don't know why, but I see it a lot with natural heads. I am 3c at my nape( most of the hair downwards past the top of my ears), and the rest of my head is 4a
Ok, so I have been transitioning for the last 16 months give or take and I have a pretty good idea of my texture. I have some 3c curls in the back of my scalp, a bunch of crazy kink around the edges and a piece around the bang area that doesn't want to curl to save its life.:nono:

We have got to be hair twins. That describes me to a T!
not sure exactly what you're asking but i can at least make you feel you're not abnormal.

i'm the opposite of you. some of the nappiest of the kink-curls are located below the crown and the nape is oohlala.

the crown itself is alot looser, wavier and the texture is different from the back and front and the front doesn't have a strong curl pattern.

i just chalk it all up to genetics and a spin of the napp roulette wheel.

it's normal ;)
Same here; the looser curl at the front tangles less and is smoother and silkier than the back plus it doesn't really shrink. The back shrinks and often looks shorter than the front even though my hair is the same length all around.
My nape and edges are the nappiest hair on my head. This is the longest I have ever gone without relaxing my front edges... not even texturizing them. They are forming a kinky, fuzzy wall around my hairline... My nape is like a box of naps in the back of my head. There is at least 2 curls in there but they are very well hidden. Sure there is some fine straight hair around it but I don't count that because its what I call "neck hair":perplexed. My nape had beady beads up until it was like 3-4 inches long

Texture is just random. No two heads are alike, its like finger prints. No real purpose, just the fact that when something like that gets made there is no real blueprint or evolutionary purpose involved when it comes to hair on the head.
Mine is the same way 3c-ish and silky/shiny in the back, and 4a all around...i think i even have a 4b patch...when I bc'd i had 3in in my 3c-area and 1in in my 4a area...i had to consistently cut my twa every 6-8 wks so that I wouldnt have a mullet:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Don't know why, but I see it a lot with natural heads. I am 3c at my nape( most of the hair downwards past the top of my ears), and the rest of my head is 4a

You ain't neva lied!:grin:

That is exactly what I find that my hair wants to do. Right past the ears is where the curls start mainly. I have to dang near kickbox the rest of my hair to get it to curl. It just want to frizz...:lachen:
I have really been thinking about this the more that I see people siggies and fotkis. Most of the pictures talking about their "favorite section of hair" is the back area.

The odd thing is that this area had always been the hardest to flatiron, relaxed or not. I don't get it.

I thank you for the responses ladies.... I didn't wanna keep bumping this thread like crazy...:look: