Why so DRY!!!

Does Cowashing work for you?

  • Yes, i love it!

    Votes: 61 77.2%
  • No it doesnt!

    Votes: 18 22.8%

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New Member
Hey ladies I have a problem...well...i cowash my hair like every 3 to 4 days after i cowash i apply my MN to my scalp, then my sulfer 8, then aphogee leave in conditioner and then motions moisturizer and braid it up....the next day i wake up and my hair is super dry...what am i doing wrong? Before i started using two moisturizers it was still this dry so i know im not over moisturizing it...im just so confused. Should i not cowash? help me please :sad:
You may have product build-up. When was the last time you clarified? Try using a clarifying shampoo, chelating shampoo, or maybe baking soda and water on your hair to see if that helps.
What cowashing conditioner do you use? How often do you shampoo? Do you clarify? Does your conditioner, leave-in, and moisturizer have a lot of cones or petroleum/mineral oil?
Well i just started using the aphogee leave in conditioner before i used it i seen the same dry results. I use ORS Replenishing conditioner.....and the oils and moisturizers i use contain no cones, protroleums or minerals....thats why im so confused! and i washed my hair last week to see if it was product build up and i still saw the same results.....should i use different products?
1) Your hair may not like that particular conditioner and/or mix of products
2) Your hair doesn't like too many cones
3) Product buildup
I was having a dryness problem last week. it came out of nowhere and I hadn't changed my regimine so I have no idea what happened. I added olive oil to my routine. I cowash and detangle with suave coconut mixed with a bit of pantene relaxed and natural then rinse with cold water. Now after rinsing I put another little bit of the suave (without the pantene) in my hair and leave it in. Then I seal with evoo. After 2 days it was softer than before. hth.
Well i just started using the aphogee leave in conditioner before i used it i seen the same dry results. I use ORS Replenishing conditioner.....and the oils and moisturizers i use contain no cones, protroleums or minerals....thats why im so confused! and i washed my hair last week to see if it was product build up and i still saw the same results.....should i use different products?

Ummm, do you know what cones/petroleum/mineral oil are? Because I'm pretty sure all of those products have at least one of those things in them. Which specific products are you using? I mean, what's the name of the products?
If I am not mistaking ORS Replinishing Conditioner has protein in it. Maybe the combo of the Aphogee leave in and the ORS was is too much?
*My Regimen*
Wash hair with ORS shampoo
Condition with ORS Replenishing Conditioner
Apply my MN and Sulfer 8 to my scalp
Spray a tad bit of Aphogee Leave in Conditioner on my hair
Apply Motions Moisturizer to my hair
Apply Carrot oil and Grape seed oil to my hair
Cornrow and let air dry......

Should i try different products?
*My Regimen*
Wash hair with ORS shampoo
Condition with ORS Replenishing Conditioner
Apply my MN and Sulfer 8 to my scalp
Spray a tad bit of Aphogee Leave in Conditioner on my hair
Apply Motions Moisturizer to my hair
Apply Carrot oil and Grape seed oil to my hair
Cornrow and let air dry......

How often are you using the ORS shampoo? It clarifies and chelates...basically it's a really deep cleaning shampoo. It's probably adding to your dryness and you aren't really replenishing your hair with anythign substantial.

Then you use the ORS conditioner and the Aphogee Leave In, both of which have protein. Which would probably be ok but you don't have enough moisture to counteract them.

I don't know which Motions moisturizer you're using but from what I've seen they are all basically laden with cones and petroleum and mineral oil. None of which truly moisturizer your hair.

And, I don't know what benefit the carrot and grapeseed oil have, especially since you're not giving your hair much moisture in the first place. If you're going to seal you should use an oil that is proven to penetrate the strand and actually help the hair (coconut, olive, or avocado).

Should i try different products?

Yes, you probably need to try different products. But mainly you need to research the ingredients in your products, find out what they do, and why they're not working for your hair. That way when you go out to buy new products you will choose things that are best for your hair instead of choosing things at random.

You should definitely check out Sistaslick's articles on regimen building and other topics (choosing shampoo/conditioner, moisture/protein balance, etc.). Also check out this thread before you buy anything.
How often are you using the ORS shampoo? It clarifies and chelates...basically it's a really deep cleaning shampoo. It's probably adding to your dryness and you aren't really replenishing your hair with anythign substantial.

Then you use the ORS conditioner and the Aphogee Leave In, both of which have protein. Which would probably be ok but you don't have enough moisture to counteract them.

I don't know which Motions moisturizer you're using but from what I've seen they are all basically laden with cones and petroleum and mineral oil. None of which truly moisturizer your hair.

And, I don't know what benefit the carrot and grapeseed oil have, especially since you're not giving your hair much moisture in the first place. If you're going to seal you should use an oil that is proven to penetrate the strand and actually help the hair (coconut, olive, or avocado).

Yes, you probably need to try different products. But mainly you need to research the ingredients in your products, find out what they do, and why they're not working for your hair. That way when you go out to buy new products you will choose things that are best for your hair instead of choosing things at random.

You should definitely check out Sistaslick's articles on regimen building and other topics (choosing shampoo/conditioner, moisture/protein balance, etc.). Also check out this thread before you buy anything.

What conditioner and moisturizer would you recommend? Im super new to this so i need all of the help i can get.
What conditioner and moisturizer would you recommend? Im super new to this so i need all of the help i can get.

I don't recommend products, all I can say is what works for my hair. But your hair is different than mine and I'm sure it needs different things. The only thing I can recommend to you, since you are new, is to read those articles and research as much as you can before you start buying products. Focus on the basics (washing, conditioning, and moisturizing) and go from there. Sistaslick's regimen building article is great so start there.
The Ladies have given you good advice here. I would definitely Clarify so you can start over with a clean slate. Perhaps from there you could work backwards to see what products are causing you "problems":look:

I would "possibly" incorporate some Porosity Control into your regimen, at least weekly, since you are saying you have an inability to retain Moisture in your hair and chance are you probably have alot of Buildup with the products you are using Thus, blocking out Moisture and anything else from your hair.

IMO: It also sounds like you are using alot of Protein Based Products. I would try to Balance that out More, by adding Moisturizing Conditioning Treatments into your current Regimen.:yep:
Hey Newbie WELCOME!!!!

I am a newbie as well but I know it helped me to get out of the BSS and look in the kitchen.:blush::blush::blush: Coconut milk, honey, bananas, avocado are excellent assists with moisture. I love to mix and have found that once I leave the BSS chemicals laden products and mix them with oils, butters and kitchen ingredients like those I mentioned it is an excellent balance. My hair love Spectrum coconut oil & EVOO

Look at Sisterslicks article and take your time. Do your due diligence, drink water, exercise patience and a sound mind when making decisions for YOU and YOUR hair. But most importantly enjoy your becoming....:yep::yep::yep: :yep:
I think ORS is actually a very good chelating/clarifying shampoo - you just have to remember that is what it is - a very strong, high pH shampoo designed to remove product and mineral buildup from your hair. Using it when your hair needs the deep cleansing is a good thing - it's not good to use with frequency because it is so strong. You mentioned that you use ApHogee products - they have moisturizing shampoo and conditioner - perhaps you can try those? I can't recommend because I don't use them, but it's the same product line you seem to like. I do recommend something for porosity - there are several recent threads, a challenge, and an excellent article by SistaSlick - you really should read all of her articles and check out the stickies- more excellent information.

What you want to think about is the moisture/protein balance - another SistaSlick article and a stickie. Deep conditioning is important IMO, though there are some ladies who do not. Grapeseed oil is pretty good stuff, but I think you're missing the benefits because of the other products. Make sure you're aware of what's in your products and what those ingredients do. I'm not one to go off all cones, etc. completely, but you must be aware of when and how often you're using them and the impact on your hair.

Read, read, read, read - get some moisture in your routine, especially a moisturizing deep conditioner, use a product for porosity, lay low on the protein for a minute, and you should be fine.
Well i just started using the aphogee leave in conditioner before i used it i seen the same dry results. I use ORS Replenishing conditioner.....and the oils and moisturizers i use contain no cones, protroleums or minerals....thats why im so confused! and i washed my hair last week to see if it was product build up and i still saw the same results.....should i use different products?

Unless they changed up the formula on me, Sulfur 8 is petroleum based. Its "hair grease". :nono: If you want sulfur w/o the petroleum switch to Boundless Tresses or Bee Mine.

If I am not mistaking ORS Replenishing Conditioner has protein in it. Maybe the combo of the Aphogee leave in and the ORS was is too much?

I had the same issue with this combo when I was experimenting. ORS has too much protein for regular use (for my head). It was too drying.

Ultimately if you are constantly putting moisture on your hair but not retaining moisture in your hair then you may need to address a porosity issue. I am a huge fan of Roux Porosity Control conditioner, since it helped solve my dryness issues.
Sulfur can dry out the hair. And you are not using a moisturizing conditioner, just an oil based moisturizer and protein. You may want to kill the sulfur for awhile, add a moisturizing conditioner and see if things improve.
ORS Conditioner tore my hair to shreads it was breaking like nobodys business and extremely dry! This was before i realized that it was supposed to be for moisture but it acted like a protein in my hair. I suggest Aubrey Organics HONEY Suckle rose to get your moisture back up. and maybe use the aphoghee a bit less.
Some of the reasons for your hair being too dry:
1. ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo is too drying--you might want to switch out that shampoo for a moisturizing shampoo.
2. Too much protein in your hair.
3. If you are MN & MT you need to be using a really hydrating conditioner.
4. Drink more water because it will be reflected on your hair.
5. Cut down on protein conditioner--Aphogee to every 2 weeks(followed by a moisturizing conditioner immediately) and up your moisturizing treatments to your hair to every wash/co-wash.
Do you use heat to deep con? I think if you deep condition under a dryer with a moisturizing conditioner that should help, alot.it allows the conditioner to penerate and lift the cuticle to allow the product to enter the hair.
When my hair was always dry and brittle, protien was the culprit. I went over board with the protien. So, now when in doubt I moisten it out:lachen:!corny, but it helped! I used keraCare humecto and kenra moisturizing con with heat and noticed a difference each wash. I hope this helps you some.
Welcome to the board!
Are you co-washing with ORS Replenishing Conditioner every 3-4 days?? Please someone correct me if I read that wrong. And then using the Aphogee after that. I think that's the main problem right there!

It's probably better to try one of the moisturizing cheapy conditioners. A lot of ladies here use LTR, Hello Hydration or Vo5 Moisture Milks. Either way, you NEED to incorporation a moisturizing conditioner into your regimen ... and maybe a less proteiny leave in ... I think popular ones here are LTR leave in, S-curl and homemade glycerine/water mixes.
Have you tried giving your scalp a rest? Although I'm not relaxed anymore, I must say that since I've stopped "greasing" my scalp my hair has thanked me. No more problems of dry scalp or flaking and my hair at the roots actually feel more conditioned and softer than before. I dont know if that helps with the entire dry hair issue but maybe it can be a start?
Hey ladies I have a problem...well...i cowash my hair like every 3 to 4 days after i cowash i apply my MN to my scalp, then my sulfer 8, then aphogee leave in conditioner and then motions moisturizer and braid it up....the next day i wake up and my hair is super dry...what am i doing wrong? Before i started using two moisturizers it was still this dry so i know im not over moisturizing it...im just so confused. Should i not cowash? help me please :sad:

The MN is very drying. Motions is very drying to me as well. . .it dries out like the old pinl lotion use to.

I've been using Elasta QP feels like silk and Kids Organics Shea Butter moisterizer and together they are keeping mine and my daughter's hair very moist, but not wet

BTW: thanks for the sulfur 8/MN combo reminder. you ladies are really feeding my PJism today.
Please do not use ORS to co-wash that's your culprit right there cos it is a light protein. Urban gave good examples of conditioners to use. Also reading is fundamental and MSA as usual is on point when she says to read Sistaslicks articles on basic hair requirements.

Don't be so quick to rush into using every product mentioned on this board. HTH
YOu're overloading on protein AND you have product buildup. If you cowash, sometimes you have to so a conventional shampoo of some sort to remove the wax build up.

The wax may be your biggest problem at the mo. Get rid of it periodically by washing and do the protein no more often that 2wks-1 month or even longer intervals, depending on your hair.
protein does not make your hair dry... hard, perhaps, but not dry, and especially not after using a LIGHT protein.

& the MN isn't a problem either, because it's applied to her scalp, and not the length of her hair.

the problem is product build-up. i think you're just using way too many products on your hair.

pick a single leave-in to use, and stick with that. also, consider incorporating an oil into your regimen to soften your hair up a tiny bit. coconut, jojoba, and olive oil are three excellent ones. that should help :)
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Well i just started using the aphogee leave in conditioner before i used it i seen the same dry results. I use ORS Replenishing conditioner.....and the oils and moisturizers i use contain no cones, protroleums or minerals....thats why im so confused! and i washed my hair last week to see if it was product build up and i still saw the same results.....should i use different products?

it might be product buildup...ORS condish is very heavy.