Why short haired ladies tell you how to care for your hair?


Well-Known Member
Not being mean and I like short hair if it look neat and clean..... But they are the main ones worrying about my hair.......comments like. Kept your hair straight(flatiron look)..... Don't wash it so often........ Grease your scalp......don't wear wigs you have enough hair..... You should cut your hair into a style.......get a perm every 6 weeks..... Go to salon to get your hair washed and done........

Too bad most of them has hair that never gets any longer.... I never ask for their advice but seem to get it.
Not being mean and I like short hair if it look neat and clean..... But they are the main ones worrying about my hair.......comments like. Kept your hair straight(flatiron look)..... Don't wash it so often........ Grease your scalp......don't wear wigs you have enough hair..... You should cut your hair into a style.......get a perm every 6 weeks..... Go to salon to get your hair washed and done........

Too bad most of them has hair that never gets any longer.... I never ask for their advice but seem to get it.

Awww. Cute. They want to feel useful:rolleyes:.
Not being mean and I like short hair if it look neat and clean..... But they are the main ones worrying about my hair.......comments like. Kept your hair straight(flatiron look)..... Don't wash it so often........ Grease your scalp......don't wear wigs you have enough hair..... You should cut your hair into a style.......get a perm every 6 weeks..... Go to salon to get your hair washed and done........

Too bad most of them has hair that never gets any longer.... I never ask for their advice but seem to get it.

Because they're jealous of your hair. I got lots of comments from short haired women when I was SL. Especially when I wore it natural. It was like I broke the law and they needed to correct me. After I hit BSL, no one said anything.
Man this thread is timely. I have a friend who keeps her hair short with the occasional weave. She recently as in a week ago took out her weave (a bob style) and recut her hair in a very short style. I had to hear all weekend about how wonderful short hair was and how great it looked on her and then of course it turns to... You should take out your weave... Why do you wear weave... If my hair was like yours... Mind you this is the same person that always had something to say about my hair, wether in a weave or natural or straight. The only time I hear a complement about my hair is when she is telling me I should do it some other way.

Eta: my weaves are always on point. In fact they look very natural because my leave out is long and blends well.
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They're always quick to throw in: "My hair is long/grows quick, but I cut it short because I don't like long hair." <-- UMM REALLY? Cause I've known you for several years and have only seen your hair to your eyebrows.:nono:
i call jealousy, that's like my hair was never longer than apl but a girl said, "how do you put up with long hair" and fake shuddered and said she keeps her hair short because long hair creeps her out wtf. that sounds like she is bald headed and given excuses
Girl. I Have an associate who whenever any of the natural ladies in the group straighten or get a weave she's goes on and on about how good it looks and how she doesn't like that 'natural mess' but the girl stay weaved up with raggedy ends
They're always quick to throw in: "My hair is long/grows quick, but I cut it short because I don't like long hair." <-- UMM REALLY? Cause I've known you for several years and have only seen your hair to your eyebrows.:nono:

LMBO!!!!!!^^^^^^. @ eyebrows....girl! U ain't neva lied!
giiirl, thats for white folks
giiiiirl, yo hair is gonna fall out if you keep doing that
giiiiiiiiiirl, i used to have hair down to my butt when i was 3 months old.

ok, let me stop
YES! :lol:

In my case, it's the chick with dry, broken hair and a scalp you can smell from 10 feet away who scoffs at how often I wash my hair.

Maybe she does it on purpose as a form of birth control, because what man is getting turned on by hair that smells like salami and dandruff flakes the size of post-it notes?? :perplexed
I see this on youtube too. There will be a video called 'How to Grow Long Hair FAST!!!' but then the girl in it is EL
YES! :lol:

In my case, it's the chick with dry, broken hair and a scalp you can smell from 10 feet away who scoffs at how often I wash my hair.

Maybe she does it on purpose as a form of birth control, because what man is getting turned on by hair that smells like salami and dandruff flakes the size of post-it notes?? :perplexed

They're always quick to throw in: "My hair is long/grows quick, but I cut it short because I don't like long hair." <-- UMM REALLY? Cause I've known you for several years and have only seen your hair to your eyebrows.:nono:

Lol lol lol lol

Be careful y'all. Some of these short-haired ladies might be in my camp. I cut my hair short for YEARS and only started my HHJ recently. I probably know more about healthy hair practices than most of the women in my circle. I've made a lot of progress, but since I started from a VERY short hair cut (think Halle Berry), my hair isn't long yet.
YES! :lol:

In my case, it's the chick with dry, broken hair and a scalp you can smell from 10 feet away who scoffs at how often I wash my hair.

Maybe she does it on purpose as a form of birth control, because what man is getting turned on by hair that smells like salami and dandruff flakes the size of post-it notes?? :perplexed

Laughin' at " Dandruff the size of post it notes" :)

My hair is 1 year post BC , if you have short, raggedy relaxed hair, uhm...you can't tell me NUTHIN' !!!!!! Long-haired relaxed or natural ladies I WILL be in your face wantin' to know ALL your tips and tricks to grow more hair.
Okay,to be fair.....there are short-haired ladies who are that way by choice. However, those are the ones that usually tell you that your hair looks good and keep it movin'!
They're always quick to throw in: "My hair is long/grows quick, but I cut it short because I don't like long hair." <-- UMM REALLY? Cause I've known you for several years and have only seen your hair to your eyebrows.:nono:

Sounds like...... Ok i might get stoned for this


*exits out of thread*
I'm more likely to believe you do it on purpose if your hair is short - AND HEALTHY. Don't come to me with your dry, raggedy head and try to school me. At least Ateyaa's hair is blingy and swangy even if it's short.
Honestly, I think black people get really threatened by others with long hair, especially if the other person with it is black as well. They already don't believe that long hair isn't genetically possible for them but if they see someone else that is black with long hair, that's when the excuses, insecurity, and jealousy manifest.
:lachen: so true, many ppl when they have a complex about something about themselves tear you down if you have what they desire....never relazing if they asked you for help you maybe able to assist.

Overweight/Obese women do this to me too:look:

Lucie has this problem, even with members of this forum....I know her hair is real (seen it many times with my own 2 eyes & jokingly refer to it as Virgin Remy Haitian Weave in Relaxed Yaki Texture, but here and in other areas of cyberspace she's a liar.:nono:

women need to do better and stop acting like errthang is a competition/contest.... all of us can be beautiful in our own right and should always be working towards self improvement in every area of life mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually till we transition :yep:
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I've got a lot of stories for y'all lol:

1. In elementary school, one of the popular girls (Filipino) would always cut her hair and it would grow back super fast. My friend actually said "I don't like when girls with long hair cut their hair often." :lol: Uhm... why do you care? :rolleyes:

2. After I relaxed my hair once, I had a friend tell me my hair looked "skimpy". (Well duh, after you relax your hair, it's not going to have the volume it did when the new growth wasn't processed.) Meanwhile, she would ask how my hair got so long, what I do to it, etc. :rolleyes: Lol, she even said once in passing that she thought a conditioner I used was only for white people.

3. While waiting for a friend (different from the previous) at a restaurant, the first thing she says to me, "Your hair looks very flat today." I told her that I got a touch-up a day before and her response was a simple "Oh." Later on, I put my hair up and she adds, "This is the first time I've seen your hair up!" I reply by saying I was going to before arriving and she replied, "You should have." Again, this friend would talk about my hair being so long, having such a fast growth rate, subtly ask for hair advice, etc. :rolleyes:

4. I made a status on FB about cutting my hair and a nosy family friend calls my mother to ask about it. My mother didn't say much so this family friend goes on to say that she likes her "long hair" too (it's SL :rolleyes:) and implies that only people with curly hair can grow theirs very long. Basically she went on to talk reiterate the whole "good hair/bad hair/being mixed" debate, trying to say my hair couldn't be long. :rolleyes:

All this to say, when you have something others don't have that they secretly want or would desire, most likely you'll be the victim of their jealousy and insecurity. In my case, even friends do this and they look for opportunities for my hair to look less than "perfect" to spew negativity, like they're happy that you're having a bad hair day – it does bother me a bit but I have to laugh it off because it is THEIR problem, not mine. You just have to roll with it/ignore it/laugh at it or tell them off. :lol:
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Am I like the only one that haven't experienced this problem? Ppl I meet/know want to learn not give advice.
I feel like people will throw shade on long hair by always saying that the hair "looks thin", "unhealthy" or "the ends need to be cut". Not everyone wants blunt ends and everyone's density is not the same. I think that some people have been so accustomed to the weave look that they forget what real hair actually looks like and how it behaves. Those statements are more about jealousy ("I'd rather have short healthy hair...blah, blah") than what the person's hair actually looks like.