Why must the pendulum swing so far over to the other side!!!


Active Member
So, before discovering LHCF a few weeks ago, I thought of braids and weaves as something that afforded me the opportunity to be COMPLETLY hands off in regards to hair care. I relaxed immeditaly after taking my hair down, relaxed every 4-6 weeks, and never deep conditioned, co-washed or payed too much attention to overall healthy hair care.

But DANG! Now I think I am WAY to sensitive over my regimine. Seriously, my days are consumed with wondering if the protein/moisture balance is correct. Wether the products I am using are really right for my hair type and wether or not I need to be concerned with the amount of shedding I am experiancing. Before I use to sling that handful of hair into the trash without a second thought. (Not that it was a good thing.)

Even my three-year old tells me to calm down. She will be in the bathroom brushing her hair and I am like, "Oh no sweetie! Go brush your baby's hair not yours!!!"

My mom was standing behind me yesterday and had a comb in her hand. She ran it through my head and you would have thought I was dodging a bullet the way I ducked out of reach of her hand. We both busted out laughing and she said that I had offically gone overboard!

I am soooo ready to become comfortable with this new routine/regimine where I am not thinking about my hair 24/7.
Ummm hmmm...you are officially addicted! :lachen:

Don't worry, we all start out like that...but you'll calm down. But having healthy hair is definately something to be excited about!
WomanlyCharm said:
Ummm hmmm...you are officially addicted! :lachen:

Don't worry, we all start out like that...but you'll calm down. But having healthy hair is definately something to be excited about!

So true. You just have to ride this wave out. :lol:
Yep! The consumption will go away and eventually when you log in, you will go straight to the celebrity entertainment/gossip board and pass up the hair board altogether :look:
atlien11 said:
Yep! The consumption will go away and eventually when you log in, you will go straight to the celebrity entertainment/gossip board and pass up the hair board altogether :look:

LOL been here since January and still waiting for this to happen:lol:
atlien11 said:
Yep! The consumption will go away and eventually when you log in, you will go straight to the celebrity entertainment/gossip board and pass up the hair board altogether :look:

very true...now im hooked to offtopic