why is my hair still breaking?


Well-Known Member
hi guys.

I cant seem to get a handle on this breakage thing.
I did an aphogee treatment last friday night, but
my hair is still sheding and breaking off
. What's wrong?
hey Flame. I'm sorry that your hair is breaking, even after the aphogee treatment. That is a really stong protein treatment so I'm not sure what could have happened. What moisturizing conditioner did you use? Perhaps you just need a trim for the breakage. And as for the shedding, remember it's normal to shed 50-100 hairs a day.
Not trying to sound stupid but did you use heat with the treatment? Also, did you follow with a moisturizer?

If you did the above and you're hair is breaking a lot, I would definately see a professional.

thanks guys for your replies.

I pulled out all the stops. hot oil treatment, apertadora (dominican product) used the whole aphogee treatment series. boy did that stuff STINK! I thought you guys were kidding about the smell. good lord

I followed up with an acv rinse, co with nexxus' humectress and deep conditioned.

sat under the dryer with rollers, then combed my hair out; and still saw breakage.

soulchild-I had my hair trimed about a month ago.

what am I doing wrong

p.s- these are the big gun's I'm currently popping-GNC ulta meg vit's, ultra hair, msm, l-cystiene (sp?) biotin,multi-enzymes, flaxseed, and evening prim.
well I just came out of braids last month, and relaxed my hair that same month- I know (stupid me!) but I had no other choice, had to go to work. can't show up in corporate America looking like gum on a shoe
. ya know?

so to answer your Q I've been shedding/breaking + crying= all month.
Ahhhhh, you just came out of braids! That explains it. It's not uncommon.
Anyways, in the meantime, keep your hair moisturized. Like I said, the cholesterol may be of some benefit to you.

Also, I think you should wear styles that require very little manipulation. My hair was coming out terrible this spring and summer and after I would wash my hair, I'd get atrocious tangles. My solution? I threw it in a weave. This allowed my hair to rest and I gained growth at the same time. Try wearing your hair up or something. There are plenty of protective options.
thanks karonica.

I would like to wear my hair in a protective style but it kind of hard to do. my hair is only nape of the neck long. so my protective styles kind of look stingy.

as for wearing a weave?. I must be the braid queen!!! because I've been wearing them for over 8yr now (with no good results
) so I just want to let my hair breath; also because of you guys, I want to take better care of my hair. So I want to SEE my progress
, along with having oprah bouncy hair
The last time I went to the hairdresser, there was a woman who had just taken braids out of her hair. The hairdresser told her to put the aphogee treatment in her hair once a week for 6 weeks straight. So maybe if you use this treatment more often it'll eventually stop your breakage. I've noticed that whenever I have breakage I have to use a protein treatment more often, like say once a week for 3 or 4 weeks until the breakage subsides.
Have you tried twist-outs. A good one can last a few days, at least 2. That's saving some hair right there. Also, you can try phonypony's. Or a wetset (can last a week)! Or cornrows! The options never end!
simone, I was thinking of doing this, but was kind of afraid of putting too much protein in my hair. this stuff is potent ya know? But maybe I will do just that. thanks.
Are u taking medications? Sometimes that can contribute to hair shedding. Birth Control pills also can cause shedding although stastically it's very low.
And there are a couple of recent threads about iron deficiencies (anemia). Not enough iron in the system can cause a lot of hair breakage and shedding, mainly because not enough red blood cells are reaching the scalp to nourish it. It's best to eat foods high in iron but if you are anemic, you must also take a good iron supplement that is absorbed by your body.
Not only that, but you should probably follow up the protein treatment with a deep moisturizing conditioner. I've heard that the protein treatment can leave most hair really hard to comb and quite tangled.
I have taken my braid out and relaxed a week later with
no problems but I always do a protein treatment or use a
reconstructor before and after my relaxer.
Have you ever tried dudley's drc I think this best product
on the market for stopping breakage.
i will say to continue with the protein treatments ( i always have to do them a couple weeks before the breakage subside) and try to wear your hair instyles where there is little to no manipulation (rollersets). Hope that helps, let us know how it goes.
Are you on antibiotics or have you recently been on antibiotics? I learnt that antibiotics could cause hair breakage especially on relaxed heads.
Well it maybe you relaxed too soon, the hair lady talks about this, I agree with Simone if your hair is really damaged for whatever reason do the protein every time you wash, but you should follow the balancing moisterizer with cholesterol deep conditioning (warm towel or heat cap. I don't think you should be doing ACV rinses when doing this treatment though your just changing the pH again. HEre are some links.

for the lady that told her client to use aphogee for 6 weeks weekly, isnt that a tad toooo damaging ? arent u supposed to use aphogee like once every month or 6 weeks ?

What foods are rich in iron ?
Just to clarify, if you're still wearing braids then you can do the Aphogee evertime you unbraid b/c that's not every week. But really damaged hair can take it more often than 6 weeks and space the treatments out the next time. Like: first month 2x, then next month 6 weeks or more and space it out more. BTW you should follow up the balancing moisterizer with cholesterol or a thick moisterizing CON and do the deep CON I mentioned above.
nekee said:
...What foods are rich in iron ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Meat and Protein-Rich Foods
Beans (lima, pinto, navy, kidney)
Breads and Cereals
Enriched breads
Iron-fortified Cereal (hot and cold)
Fruits and Vegetables
Dried Apricots/Peaches

From what I've read, apparently Vitamin C helps iron absorb more efficiently. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, cantaloupe, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, pineapples, and kiwi fruits are all high Vitamin C foods. Some foods, like broccoli, collard and other greens, have both iron and vitamin C.

Hope that helps!

ETA: I just found this web page which breaks down how much iron each person should take based on sex (male or female) and age. It also identifies possible causes for low iron. It provides general info.: Iron
thanx for the site nyambura. I was told i was slightly anemic and i thought a multivitamin would hlep seems like i need to eat way more, maybe it will help with my shedding also . Thanx again