My Hair is Breaking BAD, Please Help!!

Hi Ladies,

I am in need of some serious help. My hair has suddenly started breaking really bad & I'm not sure why. I got a relaxer (Silk Elements) 2 weeks ago. My mother put it in and followed the directions rinsing it out after 20 minutes. 1 week later, my hair starts breaking really bad. I moisturized it and that didn't help, it may have made it worse. So then I washed it last Sun. I did a prepoo with Aveda's Shampure shampoo which I believe is a protein shampoo. Then I used Keracare shampoo and did a DC with Humecto. My hair was fine after this. Well today, my hair started breaking really bad again. It seems like it doesn't start breaking really bad until it's almost time for my weekly wash. Do you think the relaxer could be causing this?? It wasn't breaking like this before the relaxer. My ends don't seem dry or brittle. I'm thinking of maybe doing an Emergencee treatment on Sun. when I wash but I've never done a protein treatment before. I generally have moderate breakage, but now I get about 30 hairs, approx. 5-6 inches in length every time I comb and I'm using a wide tooth comb and being really gentle. Any advice?

Have you tried washing every 4 days shamboosie and cathy house recommends this it's a start. And I use Aphogee 2-min PH balanced reconstructed every wash and shampoo for damaged hair that restores PH levels as well. I also do a heavy protein aphogee every 6 weeks. I don't need moisturizing shampoos anymore (I know crazy my hair needs the opposite and it stays soft and not dry and brittle with the protein) cause aphogee for damaged hair is gentle with enough protein and PH balanced. I noticed a lot less breakage since then.
I actually trimmed it right before my relaxer. Is Aphogree stronger than Emergencee? Since I just did Emergencee last weekend, how long should I wait to try Emergencee?

I'm relaxed and I have never had any problems using Emergencee every week. Aphogee is too strong for my hair. My hair HATES hard proteins.
So, would it be too soon to do a protien soon after a relaxer and a cowash? At this point I just want to keep what I have.