Why is it that people who don't wash often can grow hair long?

Your hair gets as dirty as the elements it comes in contact with. The scalp does sweat like your face when you sleep, exerting excess energy or when in a resting state to keep your head cool since most heat is expelled through your scalp which is why in the winter, to increase body warmth you wear a hat to hold in the body heat.

The scalp also secretes sebum on a daily basis. Some more than others but it does excrete oil.

Think about this, there is dust in the air, car exhaust, 2nd hand smoke from smokers easily gets trapped in the hair, odors in the air from cooking pungent food like onions, garlic, smoke from the cooking grill, etc. Your hair traps all of that. Your scalp excretes waste just like other parts of your body.

Bottom line, do what is best for you but for me it ultimately comes down to good hygiene and while I may not always wash my hair or wet it on a daily basis depending on how I am styling it, I can't imagine going a month without washing ANYTHING on my body regardless of how much in contact with the elements it makes.

When I am sick and am in the bed all day, every day doing nothing, I still bathe daily b/c eventhough I am having minimum contact w/ the outside world, I still perspire and my body needs to be clean for good health.

BTW I bathe twice a day. More if I go swimming or working in the garden.

Not b/c I am just that dirty all the time, but for good hygiene. I hydrate my skin inside and out so I do not encounter dry skin unless I stop drinking water or go without moisturizing my skin w/ my mango body butter for a few days.


beyondcute said:
How dirty does it get? It doesnt sweat liek out face, iot doesnt create oil liek our face... The scalp does but onles syorue massaging your scalp and then wiping the oil on your hair, I dont see how it would get oh so dirty. My skin is alive, it breathes, it excretes waste. My hair however is dead. It isnt capapble of behaving like skin. My scalp is skin so it does have oil and skin sloughing off of it every day but either way its not in constant contact with the outside world liek out skin is. For example. The middle of my back will never be as dirty as my hands. Its all about contact. If I dont sweat or go out to really dirty places I dont see how my hair would get so 'dirty.'
Hair is fun and as long as you "let it ride" you will look up one day and see that you have gained wonderful length. A watched pot doesn't boil.

Poohbear said:
Thanks den1! I guess I'll be experimenting for the rest of my life! :weird: Besides that, it's fun! :D
Youyr bottom line is correct and I agree with
Your hair gets as dirty as the elements it comes in contact with. The scalp does sweat like your face when you sleep, exerting excess energy or when in a resting state to keep your head cool since most heat is expelled through your scalp which is why in the winter, to increase body warmth you wear a hat to hold in the body heat.

The scalp also secretes sebum on a daily basis. Some more than others but it does excrete oil.

Think about this, there is dust in the air, car exhaust, 2nd hand smoke from smokers easily gets trapped in the hair, odors in the air from cooking pungent food like onions, garlic, smoke from the cooking grill, etc. Your hair traps all of that. Your scalp excretes waste just like other parts of your body

The scalp DOES create sebum and oil and dead skin flakes and all that good stuff BUT with all the dust and exhause and smoke n 'stuff' in the air I still dont see how it would all be magnetized to drop into my hair. As we all know things air out. WHen you cook, your home doesnt smell like food forever. Onions dry out. Cooking oil cools down. Etc. If any smell WERE to get in my har (which of course it does) Id like to think that the air isnt so polluted that it couldnt air out my hair.

BOtotm line I think we both made some valid points. Personally my scalp and hair dont get excessively dirty. You wash twice a day and I wash once. Washing twice a day for me would pretty much just piss me off (I have eczema :( ) Its all about what works for other people. Washing my hair that often dries it out. For you it keeps it moisturized. Different strokes for differnet folks. ;)
I can appreciate your points and I do not think it will be much more fruitful to continue to go back and forth on these points. I think we both have made our opinion known.

My final say on the matter is washing any part of your body 1 month at a time (whether it be exposed to the elements or not) is poor hygiene.

beyondcute said:
Youyr bottom line is correct and I agree with

The scalp DOES create sebum and oil and dead skin flakes and all that good stuff BUT with all the dust and exhause and smoke n 'stuff' in the air I still dont see how it would all be magnetized to drop into my hair. As we all know things air out. WHen you cook, your home doesnt smell like food forever. Onions dry out. Cooking oil cools down. Etc. If any smell WERE to get in my har (which of course it does) Id like to think that the air isnt so polluted that it couldnt air out my hair.

BOtotm line I think we both made some valid points. Personally my scalp and hair dont get excessively dirty. You wash twice a day and I wash once. Washing twice a day for me would pretty much just piss me off (I have eczema :( ) Its all about what works for other people. Washing my hair that often dries it out. For you it keeps it moisturized. Different strokes for differnet folks. ;)
Body parts that oly get cleaned once a month... So I guess we all got screwed over with the whole menstrual cylce thing huh..:ohwell: Darn... And youre right we are both stuck on what we believe in. See you in the next thread :cheers:
I find that when I don't wash my hair regularly...my face breaks out. Does this not happen to everyone else? Is it just me?
beyondcute said:
Body parts that oly get cleaned once a month... So I guess we all got screwed over with the whole menstrual cylce thing huh..:ohwell: Darn... And youre right we are both stuck on what we believe in. See you in the next thread :cheers:
Giirrrllll, you better shower :bath2:during your menstrual cycle!!! ...unless I'm misunderstanding what point you're trying to make by saying that... :confused:
beyondcute said:
Youyr bottom line is correct and I agree with

The scalp DOES create sebum and oil and dead skin flakes and all that good stuff BUT with all the dust and exhause and smoke n 'stuff' in the air I still dont see how it would all be magnetized to drop into my hair. As we all know things air out. WHen you cook, your home doesnt smell like food forever. Onions dry out. Cooking oil cools down. Etc. If any smell WERE to get in my har (which of course it does) Id like to think that the air isnt so polluted that it couldnt air out my hair.

BOtotm line I think we both made some valid points. Personally my scalp and hair dont get excessively dirty. You wash twice a day and I wash once. Washing twice a day for me would pretty much just piss me off (I have eczema :( ) Its all about what works for other people. Washing my hair that often dries it out. For you it keeps it moisturized. Different strokes for differnet folks. ;)
It's not magnetized to drop into your hair... your hair just accumulates the particles, germs, dirt, etc in the air just like other exposed body parts. It may or may not make your hair stink. Some people's hair may get excessively dirty.. others like me and you may not. It just depends. Also, our bodies excrete funky stuff as well that may or may not make your body stink. I think most of the ladies hit the nail on the head when they mentioned the hygiene issue. I mean, I still believe it's okay to wash infrequently as long as you keep in mind that your hair can still be 'dirty' even if it doesn't smell or look 'dirty'.
Poohbear said:
:lol: :grin: Hee-hee! Thanks!

I'm glad you have found a routine that works for you and that your prayers have been answered. God bless you too! :kiss:

Happy hair growing! :)

Thanks again PoohBear. Here's one right back at you...:kiss:

Precious Ladies: What really matters to me is what all of you have done to help me and so many others. I don't care if you wash your hair daily, weekly, monthly or not at all. I just appreciate all of you so much.

Although I am a 'frequent washer' and love it, I don't have to feel guilty if I miss a day (for whatever reason). Our regimes are not written in stone, nor do they separate us from the care that we have for each other here in this forum.

Five years ago, I began to lose my hair and I was devasted to say the least. I was so sad and depressed over this. Nothing I tried worked.

I went through braids, partial weaves, hair pieces and then I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted my 'real' hair back! I cried for years and prayed, asking God to please show me the way to have my beautiful hair back, healthier, longer and stronger.

From January 2002 until February 2006, my hair would not grow past my upper neck area and chin. Prior, my hair had always been just above APL, full and healthy(3a). When I began to lose weight in April 2001, my hair began to thin out and it stopped growing.

Two months ago, I was in tears because all of my attempts to regrow my hair had failed. I was ready to truly give up and buy a wig.

Then a precious friend of mine (and my Dance Mentor) introduced me to this forum (just this past March), and in that short time, my hair is so pretty and it's finally growing...really growing. it'. I've even given myself a 1 inch cut back in early April and it's back longer and stronger.

Angels, you were His gift and His answer to my prayers. Ladies do you realize just how important you are? There are women being helped that haven't joined this forum or they haven't posted. Yet, they are receiving answers that each of you have cared enough to share.

It doesn't matter how often you choose to wash your hair...I still care and appreciate each and everyone of you. Each of you shall always remain as a 'sweet fragrance' in my heart.

I hope this makes you smile. All of you are angels to me. And my prayer is that you each have beautiful healthy hair and a healthy happy life, for always.

"Not a hair on your head shall fall to the ground." That's the word of God. Amen. ;)
Interesting observation - that used to happen to me. But I found out that even if I put oils in my hair, they somehow end up down my face and my skin is extra oily from it.

CreoleInDC said:
I find that when I don't wash my hair regularly...my face breaks out. Does this not happen to everyone else? Is it just me?
I am not clear on the point you are trying to make here but if you are saying you do not wash your tailbone during that time of the month then...umm....to each her own. Imma leave it alone.

Happy hair growing!

beyondcute said:
Body parts that oly get cleaned once a month... So I guess we all got screwed over with the whole menstrual cylce thing huh..:ohwell: Darn... And youre right we are both stuck on what we believe in. See you in the next thread :cheers:
Aaawww that was very sweet!!! God bless you.

ShimmieGirl said:
Thanks again PoohBear. Here's one right back at you...:kiss:

Precious Ladies: What really matters to me is what all of you have done to help me and so many others. I don't care if you wash your hair daily, weekly, monthly or not at all. I just appreciate all of you so much.

Although I am a 'frequent washer' and love it, I don't have to feel guilty if I miss a day (for whatever reason). Our regimes are not written in stone, nor do they separate us from the care that we have for each other here in this forum.

Five years ago, I began to lose my hair and I was devasted to say the least. I was so sad and depressed over this. Nothing I tried worked.

I went through braids, partial weaves, hair pieces and then I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted my 'real' hair back! I cried for years and prayed, asking God to please show me the way to have my beautiful hair back, healthier, longer and stronger.

From January 2002 until February 2006, my hair would not grow past my upper neck area and chin. Prior, my hair had always been just above APL, full and healthy(3a). When I began to lose weight in April 2001, my hair began to thin out and it stopped growing.

Two months ago, I was in tears because all of my attempts to regrow my hair had failed. I was ready to truly give up and buy a wig.

Then a precious friend of mine (and my Dance Mentor) introduced me to this forum (just this past March), and in that short time, my hair is so pretty and it's finally growing...really growing. it'. I've even given myself a 1 inch cut back in early April and it's back longer and stronger.

Angels, you were His gift and His answer to my prayers. Ladies do you realize just how important you are? There are women being helped that haven't joined this forum or they haven't posted. Yet, they are receiving answers that each of you have cared enough to share.

It doesn't matter how often you choose to wash your hair...I still care and appreciate each and everyone of you. Each of you shall always remain as a 'sweet fragrance' in my heart.

I hope this makes you smile. All of you are angels to me. And my prayer is that you each have beautiful healthy hair and a healthy happy life, for always.

"Not a hair on your head shall fall to the ground." That's the word of God. Amen. ;)
CreoleInDC said:
I find that when I don't wash my hair regularly...my face breaks out. Does this not happen to everyone else? Is it just me?

No, it is not just you. This definately happens to me.
Tene said:
I guess it depends on the person. Before I came to the boards my hair was dry as a desert and brittle. I would only get my hair washed when I went to get it done which was every two months. When I started washing once a week and then started doing co washes I noticed a big change in my hair.

Yes. :up: And thanks to you and the ladies on this forum I have hair that is stronger and heathier then ever. :kiss:

I CO wash my hair everyday with VO5 Coconut w/ honey & EVOO. My hair thrives off of it. :woot:
CurleeDST said:
I am not clear on the point you are trying to make here but if you are saying you do not wash your tailbone during that time of the month then...umm....to each her own. Imma leave it alone.

Happy hair growing!

Let me break it down.... Further...The point I was trying to make was that our bodies clean themselves MONTHLY. :) Not that I dont wash my arse daily... My post said nothing about my ass.... I was under the assumption that you felt body parts werent clean unless they were attended to daily. While some cleaning functions of a normal healthy human body only occur monthly. So to all the concerned ladies I do wash my ass and all my other body parts daily. My hair will get washed when I feel its dirty. My body will clean itself once a month as God sees fit. My point is everything doesnt need to be washed daily to be clean :)
beyondcute said:
Let me break it down.... Further...The point I was trying to make was that our bodies clean themselves MONTHLY. :) Not that I dont wash my arse daily... My post said nothing about my ass.... I was under the assumption that you felt body parts werent clean unless they were attended to daily. While some cleaning functions of a normal healthy human body only occur monthly. So to all the concerned ladies I do wash my ass and all my other body parts daily. My hair will get washed when I feel its dirty. My body will clean itself once a month as God sees fit. My point is everything doesnt need to be washed daily to be clean :)
LOL... Girl I understood what you were saying...
Before coming to this forum, I used to wash my hair once every two weeks. Now I wash my hair once to twice every week (depending on how it feels). I have seen GREAT and AMAZING progress with my hair. Do I think the more frequent washing has something to do with it? Sure, but I think the realization that I do not need to use heat every single time I wash it has helped. I have learned that I can wash my hair and I do not need the Dominicans to do it because they add more manipulation to it.

LHCF has opened my eyes to the unnecessary amount of manipulation I was placing on my scalp and tresses during wash day. Now that I know how to reduce that manipulation, I can wash my hair more often. Also, perhaps this is all in my hair, I feel that my hair get "dirties" quicker now. You know what, that is probably all in my head, but I just wanted to make the point that it is not all about washing, it's also about how you treat it.....

Ladies, do whatever is gonna make you feel good and whatever is best for you tresses!!!;)
Thanks so much for clarifying that b/c I was really hoping I was misunderstanding totally and I see I was. Thanks for taking the time.

I know this is way off topic but I knew a guy who did not use deodorant b/c he knew his body cleans itself but those of us around him would have appreciated it if he saw the value in deodorant eventhough he bathed 3 + times a day.

Our hair sheds daily as well so those are less hairs we need to worry about keeping clean but God gave us the vision to create soap to keep our bodies clean so FOR ME...I choose to take advantage of it moreso than others I suppose.

It's all good.......hygiene that is and that is what it comes down to for me.

When I lived in the dorms and had to share a bathroom with 16 other girls I quickly realized that not everyone embraced the same view on cleanliness and I remember thinking - if the men knew how these women did themselves or rather, didn't, I doubt they would be hawking them as much as they are. I also spoke to one of my boys who was completely turned off by a girl he was dating b/c he said she doused herself with too much of that Bath and Body Works and he felt she was hiding something b/c she kept putting on all of those scents. He didn't trust it. Smart man.

As mentioned before clean your hair as often as you see fit but ultimately it comes down to good hygiene and cleaning body parts once a month (whether exposed directly to the elements or not) is questionable.

Be well.

beyondcute said:
Let me break it down.... Further...The point I was trying to make was that our bodies clean themselves MONTHLY. :) Not that I dont wash my arse daily... My post said nothing about my ass.... I was under the assumption that you felt body parts werent clean unless they were attended to daily. While some cleaning functions of a normal healthy human body only occur monthly. So to all the concerned ladies I do wash my ass and all my other body parts daily. My hair will get washed when I feel its dirty. My body will clean itself once a month as God sees fit. My point is everything doesnt need to be washed daily to be clean :)
Isis said:
Maybe I need to find out why my scalp itches every 4th day. I don't use any products that build up on my hair or my scalp. Maybe it's psychological?

Nope. I don’t think it’s psychological, I’m the same way. If I go beyond four days, my scalp goes from the itchies to soreness.

Lovelylocs said:
Washing your hair more often does make your hair grow faster.
Lovelylocs said:

Once your scalp gets used to being washed more often it produces more oil. That's why when people wash their hair too much they will have really oily roots and really dry ends.

No offense, but washing your hair once every 2 months or so seems nasty to me. You can tell the people who do that b/c they smell a certain way. I have never met anyone with hair that is at least arm pit that follows this type of regimen. How long are you talking about?

I agree that less manipulation is definately better. You should be able to detangle your hair slowly and carefully w/o breakage. If you can't, it probably needs some treatments to get it into shape.

I totally agree with you about the every 2 months thing…yuck! I don't believe this either.
This makes sense to me!
Maybe those that wash once a month or every 2 months don't do much. Like most of us exercise, walk alot, cleaning house, sweating etc. I don't know I am just guessing. I know that I have to wash at least once a week because I do alot and I hate for my scalp to feel like it is smothered lol!!!
I have to wash my hair once or twice a week or my scalp will start itching. I could never wash/cowash daily though - my hair takes too long to dry. :ohwell: plus I found that my hair gets very dry from daily co-washing.
Poohbear said:
I wonder why some of you have scalp itches after a few days from not washing. My scalp doesn't itch like crazy from not washing for some reason.

Mine dosen't either. I wash bi-weekly when pressed and weekly when wearing natural styles only because I use a lot of product and it builds up. I'd rather avoid the manipulation of frequent washing because I loose more hair when I wash than any other time.
I find the less I shampoo my hair the better. I only shampoo about every 15-20 days. I just use my ticker in my siggy to keep track. If I could go longer, I would, but usually by that time my hair is full of product.

I co-wash every weekend, and I can tell the difference in my hair the weekends I co-wash only and the weekends when I shampoo. After I shampoo my hair is drier and shrinks up more compared to when I co-wash only.

I can see why less washing may lead to more growth since shampoo leaves my hair a dried out mess, but I do think it's important to shampoo so I'm cleaning my scalp.
This is a really interesting thread- i'm so sporatic with my washing habits but i'm starting to conclude that there's a delicate balance between the benefits of moisture and the benefits of manipulation.
Ironically this thread makes me want to up my washing (with conditioner or diluted shampoo) because avoiding washing can make the hair (especially the ends) brittle and prone to breaking off. So you might get the length but the minute you try to manipulate it, it'll break. I know you can restore hydration with conditioning but my suspicion is that the effect of being dry may be permanant.
Just think about all the LHCF "legends" - ladies with mid-back and longer hair- to my memory pretty much all of them (relaxed and natural) wash at least once a week. That says it all imho.
Hey ladies!

I didn't last that whole month without washing... I decided to wash my hair today after 2 weeks & a few days. Before washing, I took a closer look at my hair... it was soft, but there was so much stuff in it... it looked like I had sprinkled grains of mustard seeds in my hair! :eek: My scalp still didn't itch, but it was somewhat flaky, and the last time my scalp was ever flaky was when I had a relaxer.

So I'm definitely not going to wait that long to wash again. I found some awesome tips in babyblue's album (if you haven't seen her album, you should definitely check it out! Good stuff! :up:) I will either wash or rinse 1-2X a week from now on. ;)

So I don't care about achieving faster hair growth from not washing or faster hair growth from frequent washing. For me, I have found out that daily washing is too much for my hair and not washing makes my hair too dirty, so I'm going right in the middle this time! :D I'm just gonna wash my hair as needed to keep it clean.
I have a friend who hardly sweats on her scalp even during exercise and she only washes every 2 wks. I'm so envious of ppl like her. I naturally sweat alot on my scalp and go to the gym 3-4x per wk on top of that, so frequent rinsing/washing goes without saying and i'm sure my bf appreciates it.:) I think I read somewhere that most AA have the least amt of sebaceous (sweat) glands within the scalp so they probably would not need to wash as often due to low oil production.