Why is it that people who don't wash often can grow hair long?

How dirty does it get? It doesnt sweat liek out face, iot doesnt create oil liek our face... The scalp does but onles syorue massaging your scalp and then wiping the oil on your hair, I dont see how it would get oh so dirty. My skin is alive, it breathes, it excretes waste. My hair however is dead. It isnt capapble of behaving like skin. My scalp is skin so it does have oil and skin sloughing off of it every day but either way its not in constant contact with the outside world liek out skin is. For example. The middle of my back will never be as dirty as my hands. Its all about contact. If I dont sweat or go out to really dirty places I dont see how my hair would get so 'dirty.'
I've reduced shampooing to once every two weeks, but I can't skip rinsing with my clarifing conditoner.
I have been playing with the idea all week about washing my hair less.
I'm thinking about try once a week CW and full wash every 2 - 3 weeks.

Great thread!
cluelessaka said:
Am I doing too much with the conditioner washes. I'm thinking of going back to washing once a week. Then i've read that your scalp has to be clean for faster growth so which is it? SHould you wash often or leave it be for awhile? What do you think?

Different things work for different people. I'm sure you've heard that a million times on the board, but that's because it's true :lol: Washing more or less may affect your growth or it may not. Clogged follicles can slow your growth but it's hard to know what that means with regard to your regimen. Mild cleaning more often? Deeper cleaning but less often? You have to try stuff and figure out what works for your hair.
I first read others' testimonies about faster growth and more moisturized hair from con washes here on the board so I decided to try it out. I couldn't do it successfully when I was transitioning because my two textures tangled too easily, giving me too much work to do after the wash, plus styling my wet hair was awkward. So during that time I stuck with my old regimen because it was easier for me. Then I gave it another go after my big chop when my hair was all one texture and I could airdry easily. Turns out my hair does grow much faster when I wash it often. I'm not going back :)
Poohbear said:
I wonder why some of you have scalp itches after a few days from not washing. My scalp doesn't itch like crazy from not washing for some reason.
Well, the same reason some people's hair grows faster than others, why some people have trouble with acne and others don't, why EEOO works for some and doesn't for others! We aren't carbon copies of each other and our scalps are just as different from each others like our hair is.
mermaid said:
Well, the same reason some people's hair grows faster than others, why some people have trouble with acne and others don't, why EEOO works for some and doesn't for others! We aren't carbon copies of each other and our scalps are just as different from each others like our hair is.
I know, I know all that! I wasn't trying to be mean or anything when I said that. It was an innocent post, I promise.
CurleeDST said:
Understood but as previouly explained in my analogy - your hair goes everywhere your face goes. Run an experiment and stop washing the face for a week. Or just splash water on it in the morning for a week and go. What is the result?

When you think about the air, exhaust from cars, dust from being indoors, etc. the hair gets dirtier than one may think on a daily basis.
Come on now, you can't possibly compare not washing your hair to not washing your face...plus, there's nothing wrong with simple water rinsing of your face.

Plus, why are you even saying this when you said in a previous post that you think someone should wash their hair at least once a week? Why didn't you say someone should wash their hair at least once or twice a day like we wash our face, brush our teeth, and wash our bodies? Just playing a lil devil's advocate here...
Lovelylocs said:
Washing your hair more often does make your hair grow faster.

Once your scalp gets used to being washed more often it produces more oil. That's why when people wash their hair too much they will have really oily roots and really dry ends. :yep:

No offense, but washing your hair once every 2 months or so seems nasty to me. You can tell the people who do that b/c they smell a certain way. I have never met anyone with hair that is at least arm pit that follows this type of regimen. How long are you talking about? :confused:

I agree that less manipulation is definately better. You should be able to detangle your hair slowly and carefully w/o breakage. If you can't, it probably needs some treatments to get it into shape. :)
You know what? Washing hair more often just may make your hair grow faster... But washing your hair more often can also cause more harm than good for SOME people... splits, breakage, overmanipulation, and weakness in strands just to name a few... especially if you have kinky tightly coiled nappy hair like me. I did like the softness and moisture from daily co-washing, but it was too much stress on my hair strands. My hair just likes to be left alone. And no, I'm not gonna wait two months to wash my hair, but if that works for someone, I see no problem with it, I don't even see it as gross, especially if they use no products on their hair.
Like most of the products we use and styles we attempt, it depends on what works for you. When I 1st relaxed my hair, I thought more frequent washing made it grow because I started washing 1x a week instead of biweekly. However, I neglected the fact that I cut back on heat because as a natural, I pressed biweekly.

Now, I'm trying to extend to washing about every 10 days because I want less manipulation. But I've noticed I can't set random numbers of days for my hair. When shedding starts up, I have to wash to curb that. Also, when I do intense workouts, I have to wash it so there's no smell. However, if I'm having a good week with little to no shedding, I do what my hair says and I just let it ride. It completely depends on you, your activities, and what your hair is asking for. I find my hair does better that way, rather than when I try wash on a strict weekly regimine.

Just my two cents ;)
OneInAMillion said:
But I've noticed I can't set random numbers of days for my hair. When shedding starts up, I have to wash to curb that. Also, when I do intense workouts, I have to wash it so there's no smell. However, if I'm having a good week with little to no shedding, I do what my hair says and I just let it ride. It completely depends on you, your activities, and what your hair is asking for. I find my hair does better that way, rather than when I try wash on a strict weekly regimine.

Just my two cents ;)

I agree with you. I know when it's time to wash because my hair sheds like crazy. I like you just let my hair tell me what it needs. This works best for me.
OneInAMillion said:
But I've noticed I can't set random numbers of days for my hair.

I do what my hair says and I just let it ride. It completely depends on you, your activities, and what your hair is asking for. I find my hair does better that way, rather than when I try wash on a strict weekly regimine.

Just my two cents ;)

I totally agree with the statements you made that I singled out of your quote.

I've noticed this with myself. I have never had a set routine or number of days I wash my hair. It's always been so random throughout most of my life, but it has mostly been infrequent washing. It's also less stressful not to have to think about 'oh, I better wash my hair today because it's day 3' or whatever washing routine someone has set for themseleves. :yep:
Thanks everyone for your input. I guess its just hard for me because I'm transitioning and it takes too much to do this hair for work everyday. Even when I straighten it my new growth reverts by the next day.

I realize its all personal preference but there has always been controversy about black hair. Wash it less often because we don't produce as much oil as caucacians. Then you hear that washing more often produces growth Even on the hair lady's website growafrohairlong.com, she says wash more often. so which is it? And when these statements are being made, they don't talk about different hair types or personal preference....True?

Maybe it will be easier when my hair is all one texture.
My opinion?

hair is going to grow regardless of what you do to it as long as its not breaking excessively. I used to be an infrequent washer back in the day going for as long as one month without washing. Now water touches my head like every other day. It grew back then and its still growing now. People just need to do what works for them.

Now on the other hand, personally i feel nasty now just thinking about how i used to go for weeks without washing. If you think about it your scalp and hair are exposed to the elements every day like dirt, dust, wind and sweat. Funny how the same folks who would turn their nose at someone who would admit to bathing every 2 or 3 weeks, see no problem with going for weeks without washing their hair? Your hair is exposed to dirt and sweat the same way the rest of your body is. Ya'll wouldn't wear the same pants or shirt everyday for weeks without washing would you? I think of hair the same way.
babyblue said:
My opinion?

hair is going to grow regardless of what you do to it as long as its not breaking excessively. I used to be an infrequent washer back in the day going for as long as one month without washing. Now water touches my head like every other day. It grew back then and its still growing now. People just need to do what works for them.

Now on the other hand, personally i feel nasty now just thinking about how i used to go for weeks without washing. If you think about it your scalp and hair are exposed to the elements every day like dirt, dust, wind and sweat. Funny how the same folks who would turn their nose at someone who would admit to bathing every 2 or 3 weeks, see no problem with going for weeks without washing their hair? Your hair is exposed to dirt and sweat the same way the rest of your body is. Ya'll wouldn't wear the same pants or shirt everyday for weeks without washing would you? I think of hair the same way.
Awww man :Blush2: ... you're making me feel somewhat guilty now... :spank:... I don't know what to do with my hair now! :wacky: I just don't like fooling with my hair when it is wet. I sure would turn my nose at someone who went 2-3 weeks without bathing. But for me, my hair doesn't carry the same bad odor that my body would carry after not washing for 2-3 weeks or more. I dunno... I may try and wash once a week instead of once a month... or I'll just go with the flow with my hair accordingly with the hair style I choose to wear. ;)
Poohbear said:
Awww man :Blush2: ... you're making me feel somewhat guilty now... :spank:... I don't know what to do with my hair now! :wacky: I just don't like fooling with my hair when it is wet. I sure would turn my nose at someone who went 2-3 weeks without bathing. But for me, my hair doesn't carry the same bad odor that my body would carry after not washing for 2-3 weeks or more. I dunno... I may try and wash once a week instead of once a month... or I'll just go with the flow with my hair accordingly with the hair style I choose to wear. ;)
Poohbear, just experiement and see what's best for your hair, you'll be fine. Personally, if i wash my hair once a week my hair is drier and tangles more, every two weeks seems to work better because of the less manipulation is more for my hair. My hair is growing very fast without frequent washing, i have two inches from thre crown to the back in four weeks and an inch in the front of my head, this proves what babyblue says about the fact that hair grows either way.
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den1 said:
Poohbear, just experiement and see what's best for your hair, you'll be fine. Personally, if i wash my hair once a week my hair is drier and tangles more, every two weeks seems to work better because of the less manipulation is more for my hair. My hair is growing very fast without frequent washing, i have two inches from thre crown to the back in four weeks and an inch in the front of my head, this proves what babyblue says about the fact that hair grows either way.
Thanks den1! I guess I'll be experimenting for the rest of my life! :weird: Besides that, it's fun! :D
Poohbear said:
Thanks den1! I guess I'll be experimenting for the rest of my life! :weird: Besides that, it's fun! :D
ITA experiementing with techniques for hair is fun, btw your natural hair is AWESOME girl, i'm so glad your having fun.
Poohbear said:
Awww man :Blush2: ... you're making me feel somewhat guilty now... :spank:... I don't know what to do with my hair now!
Poohbear said:
:wacky: I just don't like fooling with my hair when it is wet. I sure would turn my nose at someone who went 2-3 weeks without bathing. But for me, my hair doesn't carry the same bad odor that my body would carry after not washing for 2-3 weeks or more. I dunno... I may try and wash once a week instead of once a month... or I'll just go with the flow with my hair accordingly with the hair style I choose to wear. ;)

You're just too cute with; your reply. It made me laugh but with a warm heart that understands. :)

As for me, I am a 'frequent' washer; because I use the scalp treatments Neo AF (MN 2%) and the Cayenne Pepper with Castor Oil. And it works for me. My hair is much healthier and getting to look much fuller. I love it, love it, love it!!! :lol:

AND I blame this forum! :grin:. All that I'm doing is because of what I've learned from all of you. And for the first time in my life, something works! I'm having so much success and much to look forward to.

So, I wash almost everyday...and I love it. :) And I have all of you to thank for it. I look forward to my hair daily treatments and the weekend visits to the Herbal Stores and Beauty Supply Stores.

My kitchen counter and bathroom look like a chemistry lab..but all for the better, for my hair is more beautiful each and everyday. And I'm lovin' it and all of you...my new beautiful sisters.

May I share this? I also prefer to wash my hair frequently for other reasons (benefits ;)). We are exposed to the outside elements, car combustions, cigarette smokers, food smells and nasty sneezes...anything that is 'Airborne' :(. And as we lay these elements onto our pillows and onto the precious shoulders and the hollowed bosoms of our handsome sweethearts, he has to breath into his precious nostrils whatever is in my hair. :(

I'd rather have him bear the sweet soft fragrance of clean fresh hair than that of polluted unfiltered outside air. ;)

I know that we're tired after a long hard day...Gee whiz...but it's worth the comfort of givng him something fresh and clean to smell when he holds me close to his heart...after his long hard day. :love:

I love you, precious ladies. God bless all of you. Daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise, I love each of you...my precious sisters who have given me so much. For years, I've sought for the answers to regain my beautiful hair; so many prayers and tears that shared the prayers and God answered with each of you.

With all of my heart, thank you.
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Poohbear said:
Thanks, but I didn't put any color in my hair! Lol! I think the setting I had on my camera put a tint on my hair making it appear to be a brown color... My actual hair color is black (or a really really dark dark brown). :)
I was going to comment on your hair and "new" haircolor too!

BTW, your hair is looking longer and prettier everytime I see a new pic! It's growing so fast!
I have tried it daily CW, but after 1 week, I had to give up. Too much work and my hair was feeling and looking very stressed. My hair does better with washing about once a week.
ShimmieGirl said:

You're just too cute with; your reply. It made me laugh but with a warm heart that understands. :)

:lol: :grin: Hee-hee! Thanks!

As for me, I am a 'frequent' washer; because I use the scalp treatments Neo AF (MN 2%) and the Cayenne Pepper with Castor Oil. And it works for me. My hair is much healthier and getting to look much fuller. I love it, love it, love it!!! :lol:

AND I blame this forum! :grin:. All that I'm doing is because of what I've learned from all of you. And for the first time in my life, something works! I'm having so much success and much to look forward to.

So, I wash almost everyday...and I love it. :) And I have all of you to thank for it. I look forward to my hair daily treatments and the weekend visits to the Herbal Stores and Beauty Supply Stores.

My kitchen counter and bathroom look like a chemistry lab..but all for the better, for my hair is more beautiful each and everyday. And I'm lovin' it and all of you...my new beautiful sisters.

May I share this? I also prefer to wash my hair frequently for other reasons (benefits ;)). We are exposed to the outside elements, car combustions, cigarette smokers, food smells and nasty sneezes...anything that is 'Airborne' :(. And as we lay these elements onto our pillows and onto the precious shoulders and the hollowed bosoms of our handsome sweethearts, he has to breath into his precious nostrils whatever is in my hair. :(

I'd rather have him bear the sweet soft fragrance of clean fresh hair than that of polluted unfiltered outside air. ;)

I know that we're tired after a long hard day...Gee whiz...but it's worth the comfort of givng him something fresh and clean to smell when he holds me close to his heart...after his long hard day. :love:

I love you, precious ladies. God bless all of you. Daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise, I love each of you...my precious sisters who have given me so much. For years, I've sought for the answers to regain my beautiful hair; so many prayers and tears that shared the prayers and God answered with each of you.

With all of my heart, thank you.
I'm glad you have found a routine that works for you and that your prayers have been answered. God bless you too! :kiss:

Happy hair growing! :)
Thanks den1 and Isis for your comments! They give me encouragement to press on with my journey to long natural hair!

Happy hair growing to you all too! :kiss:
ShimmieGirl said:
May I share this? I also prefer to wash my hair frequently for other reasons (benefits ;)). We are exposed to the outside elements, car combustions, cigarette smokers, food smells and nasty sneezes...anything that is 'Airborne' :(. And as we lay these elements onto our pillows and onto the precious shoulders and the hollowed bosoms of our handsome sweethearts, he has to breath into his precious nostrils whatever is in my hair. :(
This is especially true for us hay fever sufferers. The pollen gets stuck in our hair which is why we often experience the worst of the sneezing and itching at bedtime.

Having said that, I wish I could get by with washing my hair once every two weeks. It gets washed once a week, but would look much fresher if washed twice a week.
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In addition to too much manipulation of the hair, I think weaves and braids :p are not for everyone, I tried braiding twice and it ruined my hair, the longest it was in was 3 weeks. My sister tried weaving her hair, it gave her bald spots. My theory is don't add hair to your head unless God gave you it. with that said practice finding various styles to make your hair look fuller until it grows to the length you want it. I used to wash my hair biweekly and it was healthy and grew, I got used to washing once a week after transitioning a few years ago, now that i'm perming its' just habit and i love water but it dosn't make your hair grow any faster, proper hair care will grow your hair.
Poohbear said:
I wonder why some of you have scalp itches after a few days from not washing. My scalp doesn't itch like crazy from not washing for some reason.

My hair starts to itch 4-5 days after washing. I wash once per week.