Hair that is "too clean" won't grow??

Mariaat40 said:
And regarding dirty hair growing faster, my hair has grown from the middle of my neck to brastrap.

Hi Mariaat40 :wave: Do you mean it grew like that from not washing often, or vice versa?
songbyrd517 said:
Hi Mariaat40 :wave: Do you mean it grew like that from not washing often, or vice versa?

Sorry. Guess I didn't make myself clear. My hair has grown and I conditioner wash it 4 times a week and wash it with shampoo once a week. So "hair needs dirt to grow" is a myth. :)
Hmm...I think they've been selling bootleg cosmo licenses next to the bootleg Louis V. and Gucci bags on Broadway somewhere between 39th and 42nd street....

She's talking nonsense...
Well if she (the stylist) believes that then there is a bunch of animal crap that is guaranteed to grow hair. Well it did for my mother's tomatoes :look:.
My cosmetology teacher said the same thing last night because we're doing shampooing and conditioning now and somebody said that your hair will grow faster if you dont wash it that much. And she was like that's true, washing your hair more often makes it grow slower and I dont buy that for a MINUTE! How is keeping your scalp clean going to keep the inside of your body from producing more hair?! Let's be real here people.. hair grows regardless.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
This is what one of the stylists at a beauty salon said to me about a week ago. We were talking about hair care and I mentioned how I wash my hair every week, and she said something like: "well you know, if your hair is too clean, then it can't grow. You need some dirt on your scalp for the hair to grow".

:rofl: at the visualization of actual dirt being put on your scalp to make it grow!

LMFAO at the stylist's comment. Please tell her to stop the madness! :)
weaveitup said:
i bet if you were going to her salon once a weke to pay her for a wash she wou;dnt be complaining. hell, shed probably try to encourage you to wash 2x a week!

I know that's right!!
Crystalicequeen123 said:
"well you know, if your hair is too clean, then it can't grow. You need some dirt on your scalp for the hair to grow".

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I'm all late, but she's all :nuts:
I am supposing that this stylist has very very long hair and thick and healthy etc. moisturized and thriving....tell me it ain't so!!!!! Bonjour
MAHOGNEY329 said:
Can someone please tell me about working out. When I work out, I don't have any choice but to go home and wash my hair. Last week I worked out every day, do you think washing my hair after strenious work outs is damaging.



I have been thinking about the working out issue while reading this post. The stylist I go to says that some people have stopped working out because of what it does to their hair. She told me to wash my hair once a week BEFORE I told her about my workouts.

I basically try to wash my hair at least three times a week and then rinse. However, I find that conditioner washing does not work for me, because my scalp still itches. I firmly believe that all of that salt will CUT our hair. I do not know about you, but when I work out I go full steam ahead and I try to do lots of cardio for at least 45 minutes. So we are in a kind of Catch-22. If we wash our hair a lot, it might get dry. But leaving all of that sweat on our head to accumulate -- even for a few days -- let alone a week or a month -- will lead lots of salt to accumulate. Let alone how funky we will begin to smell -- smelling bad can affect your career and your social life -- that's not worth it to me to have super long hair. In any event, I found that my hair has grown now that I wash it several times a week. I think that this is because I airdry it and wear protective styles and I am not washing it several times a week and trying ON TOP OF THAT to use heat everytime I wash it.
tryn2growmyhair said:
I have been thinking about the working out issue while reading this post. The stylist I go to says that some people have stopped working out because of what it does to their hair. She told me to wash my hair once a week BEFORE I told her about my workouts.

I basically try to wash my hair at least three times a week and then rinse. However, I find that conditioner washing does not work for me, because my scalp still itches. I firmly believe that all of that salt will CUT our hair. I do not know about you, but when I work out I go full steam ahead and I try to do lots of cardio for at least 45 minutes. So we are in a kind of Catch-22. If we wash our hair a lot, it might get dry. But leaving all of that sweat on our head to accumulate -- even for a few days -- let alone a week or a month -- will lead lots of salt to accumulate. Let alone how funky we will begin to smell -- smelling bad can affect your career and your social life -- that's not worth it to me to have super long hair. In any event, I found that my hair has grown now that I wash it several times a week. I think that this is because I airdry it and wear protective styles and I am not washing it several times a week and trying ON TOP OF THAT to use heat everytime I wash it.

Hey, I am just like you:)
My hair actually has been thriving from all of the washes:). At the beginning of Feb. I decided to set my hair on flexi-rods in order to work out and not have to rush home every day to take care of it. For the first three workouts it was cool, but then it began to look a hot mess too. So I have just come to the conclusion that I will be a hair washing sister. Also I use DESIGN ESSENITIAL PRoducts, their Mositure Retention Shampoo is suppose to be gentle enough for everyday washes. I am glad to see that I am not alone in this. All my family and friends think I am crazy. Gotta get fine for 2005:)
songbyrd517 said:
Hi Mahogney :wave: . How about just rinsing your hair with warm water in the shower, the after you get out and dry off, apply your leave in or a little of your regular conditioner watered down, then your moisturizer. It will cut down on using so much shampoo, which can be drying, and your hair will feel really soft too :yep: Also, try adding your favorite oil to your moisturizer ;) .

Hi Songbyrd, I have tried it all:(

The conditioner use like shampoo and the warm water rinse and it just dose'nt work for me:(. I find that the shampoo and conditioning has been my only saving grace:). I just don't want to overdue a good thing.

Thank you all for the great suggestions and the empathizing(sp)
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so1913 said:
Hmm...I think they've been selling bootleg cosmo licenses next to the bootleg Louis V. and Gucci bags on Broadway somewhere between 39th and 42nd street....

She's talking nonsense...

HAHAHAAH!!!!! You guys are cracking me up!! Yeah, that is old school thinking alright. And it's a shame though that this "knowledge" gets passed down from generation to generation! I'm glad I'm educating myself on my hair NOW, so that when I do have children (or girls) in the future, I will be able to teach THEM how to care for thier hair and keep it healthy.

Unfortunately, my mom is from the "old school" too, so she sometimes (not all the time) will see me washing my hair and she will sometimes just chuckle and make reference to it. But my younger sister on the other hand will see me washing my hair, and she'll say stuff like: "you're washing your hair AGAIN?? but you just washed your hair 3 days ago!" Or, she'll say: "didn't you JUST get your hair done at the salon? Why do you need to wash it again?"

I keep trying to tell her that washing your hair and taking care of it is actually GOOD for your hair. Nobody seems to believe me though. I think like most of you ladies on this board, I'll let my hair speak for itself. They'll soon see how caring for my hair has improved the strength and quality of my hair.
candibaby said:
My cosmetology teacher said the same thing last night because we're doing shampooing and conditioning now and somebody said that your hair will grow faster if you dont wash it that much. And she was like that's true, washing your hair more often makes it grow slower and I dont buy that for a MINUTE! How is keeping your scalp clean going to keep the inside of your body from producing more hair?! Let's be real here people.. hair grows regardless.

THANK you Candibaby! I agree! That makes nooo sense at all. And this is cosmetology school?? Shouldn't they be up in the news and information about hair care?

Plus, I've heard that massaging your scalp increases blood flow and therefore encourages hair growth. So, tell me how if you only wash your hair once a month your scalp is going to get stimulated? I don't buy that nonsense for one minute.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
THANK you Candibaby! I agree! That makes nooo sense at all. And this is cosmetology school?? Shouldn't they be up in the news and information about hair care?

Plus, I've heard that massaging your scalp increases blood flow and therefore encourages hair growth. So, tell me how if you only wash your hair once a month your scalp is going to get stimulated? I don't buy that nonsense for one minute.

Scalp massages and manipulations do increase blood flow and promote growth, that's one correct thing that they teach us in Cos school.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
HAHAHAAH!!!!! You guys are cracking me up!! Yeah, that is old school thinking alright. And it's a shame though that this "knowledge" gets passed down from generation to generation! I'm glad I'm educating myself on my hair NOW, so that when I do have children (or girls) in the future, I will be able to teach THEM how to care for thier hair and keep it healthy.

Unfortunately, my mom is from the "old school" too, so she sometimes (not all the time) will see me washing my hair and she will sometimes just chuckle and make reference to it. But my younger sister on the other hand will see me washing my hair, and she'll say stuff like: "you're washing your hair AGAIN?? but you just washed your hair 3 days ago!" Or, she'll say: "didn't you JUST get your hair done at the salon? Why do you need to wash it again?"

I keep trying to tell her that washing your hair and taking care of it is actually GOOD for your hair. Nobody seems to believe me though. I think like most of you ladies on this board, I'll let my hair speak for itself. They'll soon see how caring for my hair has improved the strength and quality of my hair.

That sounds EXACTLY like my household...