Why in the world. . . (RANT)?


New Member
Would this woman ask if I was planning on donating my hair to Locks of Love and then look as if I had boo boo on my face when I told her no?:perplexed

A simple okay would have sufficed, but when she looked at me all sideways like that I went off. . .

Is it so hard to believe that I might want to keep the hair on my head instead of giving it to some bass-ackward shady charity that sells most of its donations?

I don't go around asking people what they plan on donating to charity this year, so what gives people the right to come up to me ask the same of my hair? Ugg. . . I'm irrated.:nono:
It's your choice and you have your reasons. I'm pretty sure that's not the only time her request was denied. She has no right to brow beat you until you change your mind. Did she apologize for looking at you funny?
So sorry that happened to you! No one should make you feel guilty for not wanting to donate your hair, money, time etc... that's just plain rude!:nono:
I would have just looked at her and said "No, but are you planning to donate?" I've seen this happen to other chicks with long hair and it's always the ones with real short hair that ask this, as if you should be guilty for having long hair and actually keeping it.
I've already got my answer ready - No, but when are you donating a kidney? :ohwell:

:rofl: @ going TombRaider on her!
Would this woman ask if I was planning on donating my hair to Locks of Love and then look as if I had boo boo on my face when I told her no?:perplexed

A simple okay would have sufficed, but when she looked at me all sideways like that I went off. . .

Is it so hard to believe that I might want to keep the hair on my head instead of giving it to some bass-ackward shady charity that sells most of its donations?

I don't go around asking people what they plan on donating to charity this year, so what gives people the right to come up to me ask the same of my hair? Ugg. . . I'm irrated.:nono:

I would have gotten all excited, enthusiastic and said, "Oh, yes! In fact I've made my appointment for my hair cut the first of Octember!"
Would this woman ask if I was planning on donating my hair to Locks of Love and then look as if I had boo boo on my face when I told her no?:perplexed

A simple okay would have sufficed, but when she looked at me all sideways like that I went off. . .

Is it so hard to believe that I might want to keep the hair on my head instead of giving it to some bass-ackward shady charity that sells most of its donations?

I don't go around asking people what they plan on donating to charity this year, so what gives people the right to come up to me ask the same of my hair? Ugg. . . I'm irrated.:nono:

Seems like she doesn't want to see you with that gorgeous hair. She thought she was being clever coming up with something noble disguised as jealously, trying to make you feel guilty and selfish.

Next day, walk up to her and tell her, you've been thinking about it. Say she inspired you so much about Locks of Luv and that if she donates hers, then you'll donate yours. Bet that will shut that cow up. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Uh-huh or the 5th of Neverary! :drunk:
LOL Or February 30th!

You know what though, I've always wondered: Why does it have to be off of your head. Can I go to the local BSS and get 3 packs of human hair and take it there?? LOL Not really going to do that, but I wonder what they would do if they saw someone walking in there with human braid or track hair...:grin:
LOL Or February 30th!

You know what though, I've always wondered: Why does it have to be off of your head. Can I go to the local BSS and get 3 packs of human hair and take it there?? LOL Not really going to do that, but I wonder what they would do if they saw someone walking in there with human braid or track hair...:grin:
Girl, you crazy!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
LOL Or February 30th!

You know what though, I've always wondered: Why does it have to be off of your head. Can I go to the local BSS and get 3 packs of human hair and take it there?? LOL Not really going to do that, but I wonder what they would do if they saw someone walking in there with human braid or track hair...:grin:


You ladies sure made me feel a lot better! I needed a good laugh.
Seems like she doesn't want to see you with that gorgeous hair. She thought she was being clever coming up with something noble disguised as jealously, trying to make you feel guilty and selfish.

Next day, walk up to her and tell her, you've been thinking about it. Say she inspired you so much about Locks of Luv and that if she donates hers, then you'll donate yours. Bet that will shut that cow up.
