Why I/You do not want to go to a hair stylist!

I haven't been to a stylist in a year.

With the stylist I went to every 2 weeks for years I was tired of:
-The wait, because she was doing 2 or 3 heads at the same time.
-Pressure to relax more frequently than I wanted to.
-Pressure to trim at every relaxer, which was every 6 weeks.
-Pleading with her to trim every 12 weeks instead of every 6 weeks.
-Begging her to trim less than 1/2 inch.
-Scabs from getting burned with the relaxer.
-No hot water, no hand dryer, and often no paper towels in the ladies room.

Then I left her, but....

With the Dominican salon I went to 3 times last year I was tired of:
-Getting out of bed at the crack of dawn because they did first come first serve instead of appointments. So I would get there between 7:30am-8am to put my name on the list, then wait for the salon to open at 9.
-Being in the salon until early afternoon.
-Stylists forgetting about me once my dryer clicked off, then having to go to the waiting area to wait to have my rollers taken out because all of the stylists were busy.
I completely agree with the points you listed! Those four things are what annoys me the most too.

The last time I went to a stylist I asked her to cut it to just below my chin, which was about 4 inches off. I ended up with it at ear length, which was about 6-7 inches off.
Definately NOT what I asked for. She was so rude too.

I just prefer to do my hair myself now. I can trim when I want and how I want. It also saves time and money too. :)
I have an appointment with a stylist on tomorrow and let me tell you I am so scard.:nono:. I hate to go in like a drill sargent:deadhorse: telling her,,, coat my scalp before relaxer, please rinse all the relaxer out,, please rinse all the relaxer out, Please neutralize me, please deep condition me,, Please only use semi cool water when rinsing, please only cut just a little, please help me save as much length to my hair as possible, please only use mild relaxer, Please use affirm fibergard, please turn head dryer down to not scorch my head, please don't weigh my hair down with a bunch of oil/grease,Please don't use a small tooth comb and etc, etc, etc,, phuck, phuck, phuck,,,:wallbash:

Ladies I am so scared but I haven't had a full relaxer in my head for 17 months,, I have accumulated so much growth and I decided to stop going to stylist years ago..


I have already gone out to purchase all kinds of hair products to take care of my hair after this relaxer and don't plan on going back to her unless she is really really good and I doubt that:rolleyes:... Stylist cost to much damnnn money

LHCF has taught me so much on how to apply my relaxers and how to take care of my hair but I am only going to this lady to get me started back in relaxers...:angry2:
*sigh* mainly because they don't know my hair like I do and they don't care about my hair like I do. :nono:

The last stylist I went to (in Nov), well, I researched her on this board, read several good recommendations about her, had a consultation where I told her what I wanted (a texlax, not bone straight), even showed her pics of my goals, and told her that if the relaxer pkg says 18 mins, then my hair only needs half that time (9):perplexed.

The outcome - My virgin relaxer is straight (no where near texlaxed). I paid too much to not get what I wanted. I spent too much time explaining what I wanted to not get what I wanted. I contacted her 3 days ago to confirm what relaxer she used so that I can continue with that same brand/line and she emails me back saying that it seems like I'm not coming back, blah, blah, if there is anything that she can do to help....how about you confirm what relaxer you used? I think I know which brand and line, but just wanted to be extra sure. The thing that I don't get the most is that she claims to be Christian - well, then be Christlike and give me the info I asked for.

THIS IS WHY I'm done with stylists. Next time I need a trim, I'm going to a white stylist with already washed & flat ironed hair with specific instructions and I'm watching like a hawk!

***UPDATE*** - she finally called with the info and I'm on my way to texlax city! Still not going to stylists anymore except for trims though
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I love the independence of doing my hair myself and not being at anyone's mercy. What's more, after years of doing my hair myself, I went to a stylist that a lot of people seem to adore and admire and believe in, in the hope of getting more styling ideas, and she not only cut off more than 5 inches of my hair (Something I most certainly didn't not want, since having long hair is a dream of mine) but she also created the ugliest style I had ever worn on my head. (Friends who know me even asked if she had combed my hair, or if it was supposed to be a joke--coz it looked like we'd both lost our damn minds.)

Nah, I do not want to go to a stylist because no one cares about my hair as much as I do to bother taking the time to understand it so s/he can treat it right the way I can and do. And the more I become acquainted with my hair, them more creative I seem to get so that I am at a loss on what exactly a stylist would do for me that I cannot do for myself. Even if it may take me a while to master some skills that stylists already have, I have no doubt in my mind that when I do become adroit at those skills I will do a better job on my hair, with more TLC, than anyone else ever could. :yep:

Ahhh yes, I love it....

what Nonie said.....
I am still trying to decide if I want to start self relaxing or go back to my stylist. Its difficult to get the same person at the Dominican places. Also they tend to try to part my thick new growth with a rat tail comb and it hurts like hell.

I think I will be doing my next relaxer by myself. Not sure if I have the balls, but will definitely try
I had a wonderful hair stylist who actually wanted to help her clients have long hair. She had bsl hair herself, it would have been longer but she liked to keep it at that length. However, she ended up having some serious personal problems and I just couldn't go to her anymore. I decided to just wear braids and wigs. But once I discovered this site I finally realized I can do my hair myself!!!!!!! I feel so free and have saved so much money by not wearing fake hair!!!!!
I have a relaxer scheduled for tomorrow as well. I told DH that I was nervous and scared. I'm afraid that she might try the whole 'on the low' cutting. She got peturbed last time because I didn't want (and couldn't afford) a trim. I just need her to relax and KIM.
I have a relaxer scheduled for tomorrow as well. I told DH that I was nervous and scared. I'm afraid that she might try the whole 'on the low' cutting. She got peturbed last time because I didn't want (and couldn't afford) a trim. I just need her to relax and KIM.

DH, DD, and I are going to the US in a few weeks to close on our house, and I set an appt with the hairdresser I went to back in 2007. She loves healthy, long hair and actually told me NOT to trim or cut my hair when it was breaking. She told me to let it grow!!! I was like WHATINTHEWORLD?!?!

So...I am going back to her for my corrective relaxer. To be clear, however...I am taking my OWN protein conditioner (MT) and my own leave-in NTM Silk Touch. I am also taking a soft hold gel for my roller set. :grin: No traditional setting lotion for me, baby!!! I used NTM Silk touch Leave-In and Isoplus light hols gel for my current roller set, and it's STILL holding AND soft!!! That's a first.

I refuse to change my regimen even though I am going to a salon. I've been doing my relaxers on my own because I have no other choice at the moment, but I will be going to that hairdresser once we get home for good (after the Crown and Glory Challenge is over in December, that is. :look:)

HHG to us all!!!
I treat my hair/stylists like I do a Dermotologist. If I need help with my skin I visit a Dermatologist, but I don't give them such free reign over me that I don't wash my face or take care of it when I don't see them. People would think me mad if I told them I only washed my face when I go to a Derm.
Yes, that was a pretty extreme look at stylists and my hair, but that's how I see it. I do everything myself. I'm growing out my hair right now (I trim, relax, style and condition all by myself- only been to a stylist a handful of times anyway), but when I want even ends, I'll go to a stylist to even up my hair. That won't be for a looooooong while, so we'll see when it happens. Unless my stylist (and I call her that loosely given I see her at most once every one and a half years) suddenly loses the ability to give trims and develops a poor attitude, I'll go back to her. I like her b/c she has about waistlength hair (it's not weave, I've checked! lol) that she takes care of and is a very sweet and soft spoken woman that doesn't gossip and has never, ever, EVER done anything to my hair that I don't like. I didn't know how important that was until I came on this board!
BUT, if she ever decided to move on to greener pastures, I would wish her well, not freak out 'cause I can't find another stylist (well... not that much lol).

I refuse to be a slave to another person, especially not over some hair. Like others have said, it grows out of my head, I should have a say over what goes on with it.
There's my .02! lol
pre poo, dc with protein, then f/u with dc with moisture, leave-in, seal. I do way too much to my hair and at $15 for a wash and set. The Dominicans don't have time for all of that.

Plus, the last heifer I went to cut 3 inches off my head. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN.
I have an appointment with a stylist on tomorrow and let me tell you I am so scard.:nono:. I hate to go in like a drill sargent:deadhorse: telling her,,, coat my scalp before relaxer, please rinse all the relaxer out,, please rinse all the relaxer out, Please neutralize me, please deep condition me,, Please only use semi cool water when rinsing, please only cut just a little, please help me save as much length to my hair as possible, please only use mild relaxer, Please use affirm fibergard, please turn head dryer down to not scorch my head, please don't weigh my hair down with a bunch of oil/grease,Please don't use a small tooth comb and etc, etc, etc,, phuck, phuck, phuck,,,:wallbash:

Ladies I am so scared but I haven't had a full relaxer in my head for 17 months,, I have accumulated so much growth and I decided to stop going to stylist years ago..


I have already gone out to purchase all kinds of hair products to take care of my hair after this relaxer and don't plan on going back to her unless she is really really good and I doubt that:rolleyes:... Stylist cost to much damnnn money

LHCF has taught me so much on how to apply my relaxers and how to take care of my hair but I am only going to this lady to get me started back in relaxers...:angry2:

Take the 3-B Rules with you. B-Brave - B-Bold - Beat the %@& outta her if she don't do what you tell her to do :lachen:...JK

pre poo, dc with protein, then f/u with dc with moisture, leave-in, seal. I do way too much to my hair and at $15 for a wash and set. The Dominicans don't have time for all of that.

Plus, the last heifer I went to cut 3 inches off my head. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN.

What did she think you needed a complete makeover. I would have been PO to the highest level.
i had that itch only ONCE since finding LHCF...i wanted a dominican blowout 3-4 months after the BC. not only did she only DC me for 8 minutes...then NOT use a heat protectant...but my hair didn't get straight using the rollers so she used EXTRA heat...then on top of that my hair reverted 30 mins after i left cause it rained while i was inside!

my ponytail rollersets > dominican blowouts. point blank period.
I've only been to the hair parlor maybe 5 times in my adult life, and each time, I swore off ever going again. None were able to do my hair better than me, they could not handle natural long hair, and in the case of the Dominican parlors, mocked and insulted my hair (that "pelo malo" - bad hair - nonsense). I do know two other women who can do my hair as well as me, but it's just something they do for fun once in a while, and each of them lives in another country anyway. Getting your hair done is something that I think should be a treat, but was always an ordeal for me. No thanks.
I want to hear your comments on the changes in your
hair since you stopped going to the stylist altogther or infrequently.

I self relaxed last weekend for the first time in a thousand years. I used the Affirm "complete" system ie...prolink, 5 & 1, neutralizing shampoo.

I am so in awe of my hair right now. First after I rinsed, used the prolink and 5&1, DCd and airdried. My hair was REALLY soft. It is silky. I cannot explain it but the results but its NOT the same result that I got from going to the stylist.
Also, my hair looks like it has been flat ironed when it hasn't (after adding product).

My thing is I can't believe that I did not notice before. I paid anywhere from $65 to $75 just for the relaxer, and she wasn't even using all of the other products that came with the system. Further, I am a strong advocate that products, especially chemical products have other products for a "reason" ie...Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc...I didn't even know it came like that! These IMO are not "recommended products" Step instructions sound like it is required to me? I feel jipped.

So that is my number 1 reason that I don't want to go back...

1. Not using the complete system and/ or taking short cuts...

(closely compatible product would work here, the pro-link acutally brings the ph down in your hair before using the neutralizer that also brings down the ph...she didn't even use the AFFIRM neutralizer...)

2. Scissor happy
(I have no idea what I am going to do at "trim" time....
she is one who wants to trim, after each relaxer. I have literally gone through my entire head and found less than 5 splits and they were just at the very tip of my hair "just starting to split"), hardly justifying a complete trim every 10*12 weeks....)

3. Having too many appointments at the same time.

(do you notice that much of your time at the hair stylist, is waiting for somebody else to get out of the chair).

4. Too occupied with everything going on in the salon and not my hair

(Don't go on your lunch break while you are doing my hair. I don't know why stylist don't just schedule a regular lunch break. They just want to stop when they want to and then they get behind with their clients).

Do you have anything that you would like to share or add to this list?

ps...if you decide to self relax with Affirm, get the entire system, you will definately not regret it....

AMEN AMEN AMEN :yep::yep::yep: ,you took the words right out my mouth, thats exactly how I feel, thats why I stop going to them. The only time they get in my head, is if I have a photoshoot or hairshow or something, but I always wear sew ins and have most my hair braided, so they want F up my hair, but now since I been so busy at AT&T I backed away from the modeling thing.

But far as those hair stylist, I had bad experiences back in high school with them, that was my set back, they always in a rush to get to the next head to make that money, they scissor happy, they just be popping that gum or running there mouth and cutting at the same time, one time I went to this one salon where this lady was doing my hair for her hairshow, my mom was there too, and she did a touch up relaxer for me, when she started shampooing , my mom seen where she left some back there on my neck, she told her "ah ah you didn't wash all that stuff out her hair"

I will never go to a salon again, I love the results I get at home ,my hair is growing its healthy, i'm satisfied. Plus time to time if I need the hook ups on stuff, I let my homeboy BayBay do my sew ins,etc.
How did you feel about not going to her anymore since you'd had such a long history with her? I'm in the same boat with my stylist but the only problem is that I like how my hair looks when I leave but she won't use the products I bought. Also, if I want a DC after a wash I would have to pay extra and that's not in my budget right now. I just had a baby a month ago so taking 2-3 hrs to do my hair and/or to have it not come out the way I want it is not an option!