Laides! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?

What's even stylist doesn't know what dusting or search and destroy is. I rely on her to trim my hair b/c I haven't gotten bold enough to do it myself but....I do feel that she trims too much. I'll be a little more direct next time. Thx for responses.
It's simple, when she says let me trim your hair, I politely but firmly say "no." I'll decide when I'm ready to trim my hair, I don't care if they don't like it.
Bribing? Raising of voices? Wow, I didn't realize so many ladies were having this problem. I've never had a stylist try to force a haircut on me. I guess you could say something like, "I'm only gonna pay for the services I booked the appointment for". I can't imagine they would pursue the matter after that.
Make your expectations known before your behind hits the chair. If you wait until the stylist asks you if you want a trim, you may be too late. Some just start cutting without asking when they think you need a cut. Upon arrival I usually state something like, "I'm getting a wash and rollerset only, no trim." Then I keep my eyes open and pay attention to what she is doing in my head. One time years back i was reading while she was styling and before I knew what was happening she was already trimming away healthy ends. I may be a fool once but not twice.

I like this idea. How about when calling to schedule an appointment ask the receptionist to make a note "NO Trim. NO Cut." And then when you get there just politely reiterate the services you do want and the one you don't.

Also, for anyone getting a trim, maybe specify that you don't want to be "evened up" or "you don't want a blunt cut", just a quarter inch off the ends. "Just a trim" might be too vague for some of these broads......
"You are not going to cut my hair".

"This is my decision and I have made it".

"Shake your head if you understand what I just said".


"Good." "Let's move on".

I let folks know what I want and expect from them up front. For me this works, it suits my personality.
At every visit to my stylist, I would vocalize that I'm growing my hair out and almost every appointment she would pester me that I need a trim.

I remember one time she asked me if I wanted to do something different with my hair, maybe layers when 5 minutes before I had just said Im growing out my hair and want it one length. She says oh ok, then proceeds to ask me if I want a trim or what to shape my bangs. I couldnt help the what the hell-are you serious look that spread across my face. She just wasnt listening, didnt care to listen.

At my last touch up with her in June, I told her I was not trimming my hair today, as she was putting in my rollers. After my hair is dry and she's taking out my rollers, Im become a little pre-occupied with an email I was reading and took my eyes off her. Seconds later I feel her get real quiet behind me and look up. This woman had scissors in her hand and was about to cut my hair. I said no trim today and she kindly put the scissors down.

just tell stylists, no thank you, im not getting a trim today. It's my hair and my money. I used to be so passive when it came to pushy scissor happy stylists but no more. I'm paying you for the service, I have no issue smiling and saying thanks but no thanks. I'll still have all the hair I walked in with
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"I trim my own hair at home". The person I go to will leave it like that, but I have had people in the past who will talk about your hair repeatedly if you tell them that you don't want/need a trim.
What did I say?

First time: "I would just like a light dusting please". ( she gave me a cut)

Second time: " No scissors today please, I'm growing and like to dust myself". ( she proceeded to tell me why I needed a trim)

Third time: when she reached for the scissors, I said " Goodbye" and have not been back since.
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Stylist: "Girl, you need a trim bad."
Me: "No thanks. I don't want a trim today."
Stylist: "You sure? These ends look real bad. I need to even it up."
Me: " I am sure I do not want a trim. I just want my hair (any particular style I asked for)
Stylist: "Okay but these ends look real bad. You need a haircut to even this up."
This usually ends the convo but point is that you have to say no repeatedly and firmly.
Re: Ladies! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?

I want to go to a salon, but don't want them to trim or cut my hair. They do wonderful jobs at styling my hair, but every time they want to cut it.

What did you say that made them not trim your hair?

What advice can you give out?

Uggghhhh...I really don't enjoy that at all. I don't understand why they always want to cut even when we don't need it. My daughter lost 4 inches in the MIDDLE of her head for no reason. Now, I hover, and i make it very clear that I want no cutting.

I try to be kind but people can be so pushy with YOUR hair. I think I am kind...but I do put my foot down if they want to cut.

I never had a problem in this area with my former stylist. She would ask me if I wanted a trim, I would reply no and that was the end.
I bribed him one time. I told him I'd give him double his tip if I didn't leave there crying. He got $20.00. And I left there so happy.
It's sad that you have to bribe someone to do a service to your body how YOU want them to!

It's as simple as "No thanks" and if they insist, say more firmly "Again, no thank you."
It's sad that you have to defend your hair to this extreme. You would think that if I am paying you my money, then you would listen to me when I say that I don't want a trim.

Thankfully I found a salon that has a few women who have natural hair. They are a bit more understanding when you let them know that you are doing your own thing with your hair. Their skills are great with relaxed and natura hairl. I would rather visit someone that understands the work that goes into babying your hair.

Also...she is almost the same size as my 10 y/o, so if she gets out of hand with my hair...I can body slam her. :grin:
Today the stylist told me she wanted to cut all my hair (I'm transitioning and she felt that I should just BC). I told her NO and that was that.
Re: Ladies! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?

I know exactly how you feel... .I Love my stylist to death. She cuts like no other but when its time for me to get my trim, the SECOND before she gets ready to trim my hair I stop her and remind her that I'm growing my hair out and I don't want a hair cut. She tells me that I always say that and we laugh it off but that keeps me from loosing too much hair.

Yes i ALWAYS remind them. Never assume they "know" you don't want your hair cut.

The first time I went to the woman i go to, I let her know that the woman that used to do my hair (who worked in the chair right next to her)butchered my hair once. She knows i'm serious because i watch her like a hawk. I also would never let her cut anything without me facing the mirror. Luckily (for my sake) I found out she's been through the same thing and someone cut her hair from tailbone to above wasit length so she doesn't take it too lightly either.

For the most part she even lifts the hair to the point where I can see in the mirror what she's cutting. I made her SUPER nervous the first time.
I asked for layers but not much off the length and I went in with it curly to make matters worse. That girl was sweating :lachen: but it ended up being the best cut I ever had.
True story

HS: girl you need a trim
Me: no your trim is a cut, last time you cut me back to chin length (a visual show with my hands) (I was just around SL to go to CL -ugh)
HS: no I will not cut off that much this time

HS continues to force his opinion.
Me: no if you do I will get out of this chair

I found my magic words praise Jesus cause that shut HS up for a little while, then later in the process
HS: are you serious in not getting a trim
ME: yes
HS: Ar (my nickname) you know you will need to cut off more next time
ME: we'll see

HS proceeds to leave the salon for whatever reason and come backs a few minutes later.

I watched HS through out the rest of the process and walked out with my hair on my head past my shoulder thank you very much - swinging and loving it - my hair looked fabulous and I was happy, not crying and not mad!

There will be no next time for a trim (does he know the meaning of that word -seriously) by my HS cause he revealed his thought process that my hair will need to be cut off more, how do I know if he will cut more just out of spite or continue to cut to even out and give me a style. So I need to brave the scissors myself and do my own trimming. My HS is known for his super cut styles, which is great but I am not there for that.

I found my voice and the key words to keep my SHS from cutting. Good Luck and HHG!
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The last time I went to a salon, My cousin hoodwinked me into it.

I told my cousin I would NOT be getting a trim. She said fine, fine...

We get to the salon, The blow out is finish and my hair is gorgeous...

The stylist then tells me I need a trim badly. I politely tell her, no thanks.. She asks me again, I tell her I'm fine with how my hair looks, uneven, split...whatever (I just did my own trim a few days before, so I know it was fine.)
Then my cousin interjects, and is like. "She is a professional, you should get a trim, you really need one.Believe me - take it from me, I have my hair done all the time..You need one." I told her I didn't want one. My cousin, pushed the issue MORE THAN THE STYLIST. ...I held my ground. I kept saying no thanks, I really did not want one, and I said it enough that they both gave up.and I walked out of there with my hair swanging...a little uneven but still gorgeous. (When im ready, *I* will have it evened out.)

So basically, stand your ground. don't let them even hold sissors next to your head otherwise just get up, and be like. So I suppose your done, lets go ahead and pay and i'll jet from here.
