Why doesn't anybody like the V? why the U?


Well-Known Member
Just curious. I mean it appears to be that all my beautiful long haired sisters don't like the V. I happen to think it's sexy- that little dip down the middle of the back. I mean the U is nice too but ya'll avoid the V like the plague.
I'm right with you. I love a v shaped hem line on long hair. :) I saw this woman when I was overseas that had very curly waist length hair. I loved the way it gently tapered to a "v". It looked so beautiful that way. A straight across hemline would not have looked so lovely.
I dont know which I prefer. I think that people avoid the V because that is a layered hair cut and who wants to work so hard for long, healthy length to just chop it all up.
I like the V shape also. I think it looks natural. Not to say that the U doesn't, I just prefer the V. I think my hair is a mix of the two. The front of my hair is a lil past APL and the back is now BSL, so my shape is natural.
Maybe it's because the U gives the allusion of more/longer hair........just a thought. I still prefer the V though.
My hair used to grow into a "V" shape, but it hasn't done that in years. It now grows in a "U" shape. Go figure! I think both are nice, but now that I have grown accustomed to the "U" I like it better than the "V". I think the "U" is more versatile for styling purposes IMO.
devilish1 said:
I like the V shape also. I think it looks natural. Not to say that the U doesn't, I just prefer the V. I think my hair is a mix of the two. The front of my hair is a lil past APL and the back is now BSL, so my shape is natural.

I like your combou/v shape that is probably a perfect balance as far as styling. I never though about it for styling purposes.

What styles will look/hold better in a "U" that a "V" cant hold a candle to?
I think the V looks sexy! I wish my hair would grow like that but it always seems to grow blunt shape. :ohwell:
crlsweetie912 said:
I think that most people prefer the U because that means that the hair is more even all around than it is in the V.

this is what i was thinking, unfortunately my hair was doing a W a lil while ago
:eek: so i got a straight across cut I'll take the V over the W any day!!!
Depends on the angle of the V, if its wide...I like it...but if its narrow..it doesn't work for me. Also I think it looks better on curly hair/curly styles then straight, and the V works better past APL. A sharp V at shoulder or above...to me...looks like you need a cut.
Interesting thread. I was wondering the same thing today.
I personally prefer the V over the U and the U over the W...:p

I also noticed a lot of comments on the boards about people not liking layers. I actually LOVE bsl or longer hair in layers. It looks fuller and it's much more interesting imo.

crlsweetie912 said:
I think that most people prefer the U because that means that the hair is more even all around than it is in the V.

^^^The V is okay, but thats exactly why I prefer the U! :D
I prefer blunt. :look: Basically, I want it to be the same length in the back as it is in the front.
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nomoweavesfome said:
Just curious. I mean it appears to be that all my beautiful long haired sisters don't like the V. I happen to think it's sexy- that little dip down the middle of the back. I mean the U is nice too but ya'll avoid the V like the plague.

I like the V. It falls 'natural' and looks healthy. However, I can't stand blunt cuts. Yuck! Looks too artificial.
nomoweavesfome said:
Just curious. I mean it appears to be that all my beautiful long haired sisters don't like the V. I happen to think it's sexy- that little dip down the middle of the back. I mean the U is nice too but ya'll avoid the V like the plague.
Well, it looks like you are not the only one to like the v.

I myself like mine straight across.
I like the U because it is even all the way around. I think that when your hair is growing in a U shape. It takes a little longer for the back to look long. JMO. I have the U shape and my front and back is basically the same length all around. My Front is about 1 inch from APL and my back is about 1 or 1 1/2 inches from APL... I tilt my hair to the side to see if my hair is even all around and it is. Welll, I wouldn't say the back takes a little longer it just appears that way because the hair is all the same length around:)
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