Why does this site take forever to load?


Well-Known Member
hey Ladies,

In my home there is no such thing as a slow computer.
So, why does it take forever for this site to load?
Should I be referring this question to someone else?
Me too.
eeeeexxxaaactly. thats what i be thinkin MAN. it be sooo slow or dotn come up at all and either i get booted off my home computer or an error page comes up. i be like man! must be alot of folx comin on here.
I believe the site has too much banwith. They should delete some of the very old posts and members that haven't posted in a while. Each time that you log in, you have to load ALL of the information that is stored on this site, which is a lot. Some of the things that are from years ago should be deleted.
I disagree. What constitues and old post? Deleting posts is a great disservice to new ones visiting the site. How can they learn some of the vital knowledge many of us have learned here if we delete that information. I am very active on other relgious message boards and they don't delete posts from the sites inception. Why should this place be any different?
lol I thought it had too little bandwidth; maybe only a certain number of people really can be "plugged in" at once, and when the number of plugs are exhausted you have to keep trying until someone leaves and frees up one. Of course, that's just my layman's guess. Personally, I get a little frustrated when I'm getting my surf on in LHCF, and then all of a sudden the site won't load.
I feel your pain. Sometimes I'm already on and it takes forever to get to the next page. I also think they should delete the names of people who haven't been active in 6 months.
michelle3147 said:
I disagree. What constitues and old post? Deleting posts is a great disservice to new ones visiting the site. How can they learn some of the vital knowledge many of us have learned here if we delete that information. I am very active on other relgious message boards and they don't delete posts from the sites inception. Why should this place be any different?

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It should be delete because it's not active. There are posts without responses and they should be delete. Secondly the board is very slow because of all of the material on it. Most if it hasn't had responses since 02 or early 03.
I have been having the same problem for several months now. It seems to be worse when more people are on the site. It has been so bad, that I (sadly) end up doing something else. I sure hope something can be done...this is my favorite site.
I have the same problem. I have cable access service and I literally have to open to pages waiting on this page to open.
I think deleting posts 15 months or older is sufficient. New people ask the same questions over again anyway so you have a 15 month cycle.
Bett1e said:
I think deleting posts 15 months or older is sufficient. New people ask the same questions over again anyway so you have a 15 month cycle.

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Yep. I agree.

It is very frustrating and I think it is affecting the posting. When I used to come to the site regularly, the post were constant. Now, there is a surge so clearly people are posting when they can get the board loaded.
It really drives me crazy that the board is so slow. In the morning, I start loading the site, then take a shower in hopes that it will have loaded when I'm done. {Sigh}
pebbles said:
I have the same problem too.

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Me too, and sometimes it's really frustrating... Like when you're reading a post and you're really anxious to respond to it, and it sometimes takes sooooooo long to even give you the reply screen.
I feel your pain.
I asked my dad about it (he's a techie) and he said it sounds like the hosting service is on a VERY slow connection. A faster connection=more $$$$.

When it's slow, I just log out and try again later. I'm too impatient to wait 5 minutes for the next page to load.
I didn't have a problem Saturday and Sunday. I think it just can't handle so many people trying to access the board. The solution maybe to not come on the board until there are slow times, like lunch time Monday -Friday and the weekends.