Why do you want long hair?


New Member
I was sitting here thinking about why Im so obsessed with growing longer, healthier hair.I figured that I wanted longer hair because thats what I grew up seeing. My mom, sister, and close relatives on my mothers side have APL hair or longer. Their hair was a different texture than mines so I figured my hair couldnt grow any longer. And because my mom and sister has different hair I constantly get the "Oh lexi, your hair never grew back since you permed it...but Allison your hair got sooo long." :ohwell: Not only that but I think my hair reflects my health and beauty. Not saying I dont think Im beautiful but a little length wouldnt hurt :grin:
so my question to you guys is why do you want longer hair?

oh and excuse me if theres another thread like this but im sure some of us newbies want a chance to say something as well. :look:
I did not want longer hair than my SL hair. It was healthy, thick and quite pretty. 2 years ago, I accidently found the board while I was searching solutions for my postpartum shedding. Then I was like 'Well why not, it would not hurt...'.

Then I showed one of the ladies on the board to my Mom (Macherieamour) and told her 'I want my hair to be that long in 2 years'. She just laughed at me and made of fun of it and told me 'she probably has type 3-hair', which for her means faster growth. I made fun of it too since it was not that serious for me. We both laughed at it very loudly actually and KIM LOLOL.

Now, when I get to see her once in a while, she's like 'OMG I can't beleive your hair is longer than the internet lady now'... LOLOL 'Yeah, it is been 2 years of hard work and lot of fun :) '.
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I feel personally more beautiful with longer hair, gives me a little more confidence. This has all been discovered after I challenged myself to grow out my hair and ditch the "glue in" weaves....It was first just a goal.
I feel all styles I do will look more dramatic on me.

I love long thick hair because of its styling versatility

There was a time I never could have imagined my hair growing to this length or my goal length but now, I know I will achieve it, its a wonderful feeling:yep:
because I want to look different, plus I like the challenge of it. I have always associated long hair with being beautiful. I am not saying women with short hair are not because I know and seen some FIRECE women with short hair.
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I did not want longer hair than my SL hair. It was healthy, thick and quite pretty. 2 years ago, I accidently found the board while I was searching solutions for my postpartum shedding. Then I was like 'Well why not, it would not hurt...'.

Then I showed one of the ladies on the board to my Mom (Macherieamour) and told her 'I want my hair to be that long in 2 years'. She just laughed at me and made of fun of it and told me 'she probably has type 3-hair', which for her means faster growth. I made fun of it too since it was not that serious for me. We both laughed at it very loudly actually and KIM LOLOL.

Now, when I get to see her once in a while, she's like 'OMG I can't beleive your hair is longer than the internet lady now'... LOLOL 'Yeah, it is been 2 years of hard work and lot of fun :) '.

I was thinking for a minute there that you said Macherieamour is your mom :lol:.
:grin:Because I can can can!...

But to be honest I don't really know...I just grow my hair and cut it in cycles...

When my hair was long (WL and I'm 6ft) I never did anything with it. I would just wash and twist it and repeat after 4 weeks. I BC'ed at the beginning of the year and it's been great because I'm relearning my hair all over again.

Also I believe long hair makes me look shorter...:look:
oh wow...didnt realize it was such a recent thread. :perplexed but i wasnt around that time.

because I want to look different, plus I like the challenge of it. I have always associated long hair with being beautiful. I am not saying women with short hair are not because I know and since some FIRECE women with short hair.

i think this is exactly how i feel. a lot of woman can work the short hair and be fierce but i associate long hair with femininity. i want to look soft and pretty.
Personally I love long hair, always have...so nothing stopping from having it. When I fall out of love with it then I will cut it. As for now I'll stay with long hair and continue to grow it.
Although I love love love short hairstyles and cuts, long hair is much more flattering on me....its hard to back away from the scissors and now that my has reach BSL/CBL, I secretly miss my twa:look:...but honestly, I always wanted longer hair since I was a young girl. Don't really know why, but I think its beautiful:yep:
To prove I CAN!

Lol, I mean there's a multitude of reasons. I no longer want to be dependant on weaves for long hair, I want to be able to be natural (not the one you're thinking of, I mean work with ONLY my hair), and frankly I like the idea of a challenge.

So yeah I want to make it down to WSL to prove I can, ironically after that I may cut it. Lol, I'll always keep up my HHJ but I don't think I'll forever commit myself to one length for all my life.
Because I've never ever, ever had a length past the base of my neck. :nono: My goal is at least APL unstretched 4B(cnapp) hair. It might be a pipe dream but I'm going for it :grin:
Because I cut my hair and want to get my length back, it makes the hubby happy and that makes me happy :D

Plus now I can experiment with all these cool styles instead of straight hair and doobies, I can get beach waves and if I can master the braid out maybe that as well along with my past styles :)

Variety is the spice of life!
People actually prefer SL or shorter on me and I always had my stylist chop it back to that length. But for me, especially now that I'm natural, longer hair is just easier. Considering shrinkage, all the tangles and my hair having to be styled at all times when it's shorter, I appreciate having more options.

Plus, I'm someone who is forever working on a goal. This is just a knew one.
I think long hair is sexy and feminine.

EXACTLY! I feel like longer hair is simply more feminine. When I had longer hair I felt girlier. I sort of view longer hair like I view bigger boobs, it just makes you feel more womanly. I personally am glad I am not an A cup; I'd probably have a complex, lol. I feel the same way personally about longer hair. I feel like it's more attractive and appealing, overall. Also, I feel like with my facial features, longer hair looks way better on me than shorter hair. I got so much more attention/compliments and just overall felt more confident because I also personally felt it suited me better. So that's my personal reasoning. :grin:
Because there are so much more styling options available with long hair, and I want to do it for myself to prove that I actually can do it!
Because I've never had it. My hair has never been longer thna BSL. I just want to get to WL to see if I can. Plus I think it will look pretty cool when it's HUGE
So people can stop thinking that its unachievable for african american women! & Also so all the little girls can see that my so called "bad hair" was just good hair undiscovered and be encouraged to educate themselves on healthy hair!!!!!

And so my mother and sister could shut the He11 up about how long my hair use to be when I was little!!! :)
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I think I look better with longer hair. Before LHCF I've had SL (or less) hair since I was in junior high school, and I want a change! After LHCF (before my BC) my hair was at APL. I love the diversity that longer hair allows.

My mother had relaxed MBL hair with ease until she was in HS when she cut it by choice. Most of my childhood, she had BSL hair. Now she has SL (because she doesnt want the hassle of long hair anymore) hair and she is almost natural. I can remember being a child wondering if I could ever hair long hair like she did. With my knowledge, I'm going to find out.