Well-Known Member
Ive had very short hair (see profile pic) since I was 16, 8years now. I believe that I can rock a short hair cut very well. But Ive always had the misconception that my hair just wont grow past a certain point; I tell ppl this all the time. After stumbling upon this website I honestly now believe that I may be able to grow some length on this stuff. So Im doing it for the following reasons:
1. to prove to myself that I can
2. for a different look after 8 years of short
3. to see what I look like w/ longer hair
Im giving myself a year to see what happens. After that Ill decide which way I want to go. Thanks to this board for the paradigm shift.
1. to prove to myself that I can
2. for a different look after 8 years of short
3. to see what I look like w/ longer hair
Im giving myself a year to see what happens. After that Ill decide which way I want to go. Thanks to this board for the paradigm shift.