I think that translation has very little to do with it. KJV, NIV, RSV, all say the same thing, b/c God's Word has not changed and we have the Holy Spirit to give us fresh revelation. We also have the capabilities of studying the Greek and Hebrew, so certain things that we don't necessarily understand off the bat, we can go back and study it. I think it is our approach often times to the Word that leads to a lot of misunderstanding. For example, I was never able to fathom how Lot was about to throw his virgin daughters to an enraged mob of men in Sodom. I know through cultural studies that in that time it was considered the highest duty to protect guests in your home, and thus explains why he did not even think of sending the angels to the door. So he wasn't doing some barbaric act, b/c at his time, that is what everyone else would have done, but in our time, we would think that Lot probably had lost his mind to even consider that one.
It is when we solely come from our background and analyze there w/o even considering the cultural, historical relevance, as well as the context in which something is being said, is when we typically have the most problems.