Why do you cover your face on pics?


New Member
Ok, Im a newbie and I was just wondering why some people cover their face in their pics? Is it to remain anonomyous(sp)?

I love looking at the hair pics, but sometimes I like to see people's faces too..:nono:
Because when you google certain things that are hair related, pics from lhcf come up. Some people don't want their faces all over the internet like that.
To piggyback off of msa's comment, it also depends on a person's current or potential line of work and whether having such pictures pop up in said Google search would prevent a person from getting a job.
Some ladies just want to keep the focus on their hair- not their make up, bodies, faces, etc. Also images may appear in search engines like Google and people would prefer to have some control over where their face appears.
...and sometimes you just don't want to take time to get all dolled up just to take a hair pic. :look:

I don't anyway. :grin:
... and to add to the "face appearing all over the internet" -- a "face" shot here could turn into a "face" on another body -- nude, at worst.
Ummm...now this facesearch.com is a bit scary. Really makes you think about not putting too much personal info or pics out there on the net..

Couldnt find much on myself but i entered my friends REAL name and my pic showed up along with all of his. A pic that I had sent him.
... and to add to the "face appearing all over the internet" -- a "face" shot here could turn into a "face" on another body -- nude, at worst.

This is exactly why i don't show my face, all you'll get is the back of my head or forehead. All kinds of people can use your pictures.
because some days i have a fug face, and also, i've seen posts where people have right clicked other members pics and pointed out every flaw.
ooh i did the facesaerch thing and it was really cool! my pic was up there. i'm glad it was a pretty picture.the link went to my imeem.
Umm.. I asked this question as a newbie last year.. and got e-cussed out :lachen:.. I'm always to curious see what the answers are. :sekret: :lachen:

I am not worried about people finding me on a hair site. If they know me.. then they know I'm SERIOUS about my hair so it would be no surprise. Plus other than my PJism (which if they know me; they already know about :lachen:) I don't post extremely personal stuff like some do.
I don't cover my face in my fotki. In hindsight, I should have from the start but it's too late to change that now. In my sig, I've recently decided to block my face in my pics and I've removed my fotki link and placed it in my profile instead. There are a lot of members who are lurkers and even more guests who just browse the forum - that's more unidentified people than I even care to imagine being able to view my sig and get a link to my fotki.

First and foremost, this is a hair website; although it's cool if someone decides to show their face, it's not imperative to viewing someone's hair style, progress etc. I haven't seen the face of some of my hair idols (e.g - Sonce and Hamira). That didn't stop them me from admiring their hair. The only thing I find odd is when people swirl their face in pics, so it looks like the scariest ish ever :look:.

facesearch.com is a good reason not to have your face on the net.

I searched LHCF and pics of members kids are coming up as well amongst the results :ohwell:. As well as Whipz sig pic of Chris Brown :lol:.
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Because when you google certain things that are hair related, pics from lhcf come up. Some people don't want their faces all over the internet like that.

Very true, I googled my myself and my picture and avatar came up.:yep:
What's funny to me is the people who cover in some pics and not in others. We already know what they look like, so why cover??? I don't understand that more than anything else.

People who have never shown their faces online...I understand...but those who have??? Hmmmmm.....

What's funny to me is the people who cover in some pics and not in others. We already know what they look like, so why cover??? I don't understand that more than anything else.

People who have never shown their faces online...I understand...but those who have??? Hmmmmm.....

Maybe they looked tired in some pics, or they had a pimple or something. I can understand why some photos would be covered and not others.
because some days i have a fug face, and also, i've seen posts where people have right clicked other members pics and pointed out every flaw.

What? On here ppl do that? Dang. I am always scared to post my pic up but I do. But now I am worried because I would never want my face on a nude body or pic or something. That's SCARY!

I tried to go to facesearch.com but techposter.com came you...whats the deal??:spinning:

try facesaerch.com

I block my face out in some and not others if I don't like the way my face looks in a certain pic. It's as simple as that. Atleast if I put a pic up and someone does use it for evil they can't say I was looking busted..unless that's their opinion but that's another issue.
Because when you google certain things that are hair related, pics from lhcf come up. Some people don't want their faces all over the internet like that.

Some ladies just want to keep the focus on their hair- not their make up, bodies, faces, etc. Also images may appear in search engines like Google and people would prefer to have some control over where their face appears.

:amen: AND :amen:
I have never shown my face on any of my pics because the reason I'm here is because of my hair. Why do I need to show my face or any other part of my body for that matter if all I really want you to see is my hair? The pics with faces blocked out and swirled usually have me baffled because you can't even see the hair properly. I'd rather see hair...
Yeah, it's not that easy to find people on there. I had to google my username on here to find a picture of me, and then, it was only one with a bunch of LHCF profile pics.

I feel comfortable sharing my pics online, maybe too comfortable. :look:

oh just cjecked facesearch... its the same as google, no better... dont be deceived
I covered my face only once because I was doing a rollerset and about to go to sleep and had my bi-focals on, LOL. I know people will make comments, and I don't care.

Some posters don't post pics because of their jobs, and it woud be best they remain anonymous.