Why do you cover your face on pics?

It does not really matter. If folks belong to Facebook or other social networks - well - you will be seen..

So- I don't care.
I'm only going to post a single picture of my hair when I reach my final goal, like another poster said, its just personal preference.
I don't personally, but then I post few pics of myself having closed my fokti. I control the images of me that go out on the net, knowing that once they are out there, they never truly "go away". That, for me, works as well as covering my face as the point seems to be controlling who has access to your image. However, I can understand for personal reasons (don't want coworkers to see your bare back + bra + free-flowing hair pic and recognize its you) or security reasons (stalkers, I've had a couple, its scary) covering one's face.
It just makes me uncomfortable to have my face shown. If you have seen my face, it's because one slipped through the cracks - lol! (Or because I know you and kinda' trust you :lachen:.) When I send pics to my girlfriends that I've known for years, I don't send my face and they already know what I look like. I just like having some level of control over my face... I guess. Owwwwn know (sounding like a kid who's irritated because they can't explain).

With that said, I don't care if I never see anyone else's face on any of my hair boards. I'm only there to look at HAIR! I'm obsessed with it. I don't care about who applies make up well because I don't wear it. I can look at hair ALL day long - from the side, back, covered up faces, or whatever... as long as its hair. :yep:
What? On here ppl do that? Dang. I am always scared to post my pic up but I do. But now I am worried because I would never want my face on a nude body or pic or something. That's SCARY!

yes. here on this forum and some less strict others. :look:

i remember there was a picture thread in OT last year and a member posted a pic and got roasted in the random thoughts thread. then she wrote a reply thread full of expletives attemptin to tell members off and got banned. the random thread got locked too. it was a mess.

then, on another board, some members migrated from another hair forum and posted a pic of a member, and had edited the pic in paint, writing and circling every flaw. shocked the hell outta me. so now people can only see face pics of me that have already been posted on myspace.
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yes. here on this forum and some less strict others. :look:

i remember there was a picture thread in OT last year and a member posted a pic and got roasted in the random thoughts thread. then she wrote a reply thread full of expletives attemptin to tell members off and got banned. the random thread got locked too. it was a mess.

then, on another board, some members migrated from another hair forum and posted a pic of a member, and had edited the pic in paint, writing and circling every flaw. shocked the hell outta me. so now people can only see face pics of me that have already been posted on myspace.
Yeah, it's not that easy to find people on there. I had to google my username on here to find a picture of me, and then, it was only one with a bunch of LHCF profile pics.

I feel comfortable sharing my pics online, maybe too comfortable. :look:

I checked facesearch just to be sure. I put in my username, my real name, my nickname, but nothing came up.:yep:
yes. here on this forum and some less strict others. :look:

i remember there was a picture thread in OT last year and a member posted a pic and got roasted in the random thoughts thread. then she wrote a reply thread full of expletives attemptin to tell members off and got banned. the random thread got locked too. it was a mess.

then, on another board, some members migrated from another hair forum and posted a pic of a member, and had edited the pic in paint, writing and circling every flaw. shocked the hell outta me. so now people can only see face pics of me that have already been posted on myspace.

That is so shocking. I wouldn't think ppl over here in this classy forum would do that.:blush: That's scary though seriously. I could go back and take down all my pics now but what's the point? Like someone else said once it's out there it's out there.

I remember one time someone tried to add me as a friend on my myspace saying they were from LHCF. I don't have my myspace posted on my hairboards. I added to be nice just in case she was from here but deleted her a couple days later cause it was just creepy feeling to me and she never talked to me. Now I am going to be thinking about this for awhile. This situation has always been suspicious to me and I wonder what that persons intentions truly were.

One part of me is like whatever I don't care what people online think about me. I LOVES me so I mean who really cares, but then there is another part of me that's like my goodness so many people have access to these message boards how embarassing would it be for someone you know in real life to run across your pic online being talked about. Or your face on a naked body or on anything explicit...(that would be the worse for me)
I always wondered why some people felt like people should show their face in hair pics. Some people just really want their privacy and are entitled to it the way people be stilling pics from left to right. I wonder why is it so important to see someone's face in a 'hair pic".....and it would be obvious why that person is covering their face. They are shielding their identitfy while still sharing their hair techniques and hair health. That sounds normal to me....and others are just comfortable showing their faces, and that's okay, as well.
That is so shocking. I wouldn't think ppl over here in this classy forum would do that.:blush:

I LOVES me so I mean who really cares, but then there is another part of me that's like my goodness so many people have access to these message boards how embarassing would it be for someone you know in real life to run across your pic online being talked about.

girl you must have missed it lol. and yes, i would be super embarrassed to have folks pickin me apart like they do celebs in ET, which is why i don't do face pics anymore.
Wow...reading through this thread is making me a bit paranoid. I need to be really careful about posting pics...
After reading the postings the last couple of days in which people were talking about someone on here, it really made me concerned about posting photos... Amazing that I thought we are like family but I see that many people feel the need to put down others... I think that many people don't share their photo so they wont be talked about by other people on this forum.
Privacy reasons and also, in the past I had to file a police report against a relentless psycho. So by all means--I don't want that person's crazy behind to join her to harass me.
@ SweetSPirit86: try facesaerch.com, instead of facesearch.com

You all really have me really thinking about posting face pics now. But they are out there now... no turning back! :lachen:
I think I have put to much trust in the cyber space community. Honestly, I am seriously doubting that someone would use my face on a naked body! Like really, they would choose me out of millions of people??!! LOL I don't know though people do all kinds of stuff these days.
I don't care showing my face, but as we are in a hair care forum, is most important to show my hair for you to look at, but i'm not paranoid to erase the portion of my face in case is too visible, i don't know, maybe is because i don't really care what ppl i don't really know have to say. Less if is nonsense and funny things bout me.

But what i'm doing since a few days ago, is to put a watermark in pictures my face is shown. I don't want ppl still my face for sick purposes.
I'm not against showing my face, but I never saw a reason to. I'm on here for hair. If I ever do tutorials, youtube, etc. I will show my face.

But, people on the internet in general/lurkers/and members can be (may be) crazy.
I put all ppl i know names on it (facesearch), and it gave me nothin'. Some of my pics .. old pics i had un my blog, but that`s it.