Why do love LHCF

What do love about LHCF

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Why do you love LHCF

I love this site, I'm here when I should be working:blush: The love and support I get from you ladies is insurmountable. I love stalking your fotkis and looking at beautiful women with beautiful healthy hair.
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I love it because it has helped me find out many things that I wouldn't have previously. It has also helped me better my hair and skin...which I put much emphasis on...:look: :lol:
There is great support and knowledge to be found here and entertainment, which is useful while I wait for my hair to grow out! :lol:
The stuff that I learn here on a daily basis would take me forever to learn on my own. It's great being able to help each other.
I love the feeling of sisterhood here, and the wealth of information that is found on this board. I love that there is no cattyness and everyone is willing to share what they know and keep an open heart and mind.
I love this site too for various reasons, mostly the help and support I get from other women of color growing healthy hair, people I can share my obsession with and all of the inspiration I see daily that feeds my obsession :grin:
I like being able to talk about hair all day everyday, with out people thinking I am nuts LOL
I can't talk about hair the we do on LHCF outside of the Forum.
Most of my friends are white, or they are black woman with long pretty hair and don't need the assistance like I do.

I definately need the motivation, I love reading the stories of women who have my hair type and overcame their hair struggles and made it to APL, BSL and WL

Mostly I think it's so important to get educated about our hair. Lawd knows I have been mis-educated for years and years. And now I have learned how to love my hair, celebrate my hair, and bless God Grow my hair!
unfortunetaly(sp) I'm not surrounded by people that love hair care. They are more into hairstyles. And the ones that do have nice hair wont even talk to you about what they do to keep it healthy. Its like it was a big stupid secret or something. Now I know that they just found what worked for them and then try to keep it on the down low. (..itches)

But you ladies are so nice and helpful and SMART. Its like we all just nudge each other along this HHJ. Thanks in advance ladies, I know now know that I will get there with you all at my side. (Sorry so mushy)
unfortunetaly(sp) I'm not surrounded by people that love hair care. They are more into hairstyles. And the ones that do have nice hair wont even talk to you about what they do to keep it healthy. Its like it was a big stupid secret or something. Now I know that they just found what worked for them and then try to keep it on the down low. (..itches)

But you ladies are so nice and helpful and SMART. Its like we all just nudge each other along this HHJ. Thanks in advance ladies, I know now know that I will get there with you all at my side. (Sorry so mushy)

i have friends like that only they are always picking my brain and never use the good tips.:wallbash:
I love you guys because of all the reasons above an more. You are all crazy like me. My family knows you " Who told you about that, those girls"? I am here with you every day. I can get cute, find out the latest gossip, pray and fast, cook and get healthy. I think of you as my sisters and some of you (D Lewis) are famous to me.
I hope to be a stylist one day. My problem with a lot of stylist that i come by do not specialize in healthy hair. Joining this lhcf has definitely been one of the best things i could have ran across and will definitely help me pursue my goals for being a stylist. Thanks!!!!
...Because there is nothing that I can think of related to my hair that either hasn't been addressed or is in the process of being addressed.

When my hair was burned, you ladies saved the day, and when I BC'd, I had support and was able to offer some!:yep:

You ladies are great! :kiss: My only regret is that I didn't find this forum sooner!

:thumbsup: Great post! There's nothing like being able to express gratitude!
All of the above. Though it is beautiful to see black women help each other achieve their goals. Just beautiful.
i love being able to talk to women about something that i love: hair.
i also love that because there are so many different women on this board there are tons of different personalities to keep me laughing for days.
I think it's truly a beautiful thing that black women are coming together to achieve our goals and I'm sure if anyone with a functioning brain read this forum, all the ghetto, "Sapphire" stereotypes about us would be kaput.
Great post! I had a hard time voting because all the answers are right. I do love this site, and actually miss all you ladies on the days that I don't get a chance to visit...:nono:.
I love this site because the women here really support each other. There is such a wealth of knowledge and information so I am constantly learning new things. I was lurking for a while but I knew that i had to join. This is a wonderful resource in the journey of healthy hair.
I love this site too for various reasons, mostly the help and support I get from other women of color growing healthy hair, people I can share my obsession with and all of the inspiration I see daily that feeds my obsession :grin:


Happy Hair Growing!
I first joined as a lurker just really reading the hair information. But then I venutred into the other forums that you could read for free pretty soon I was a paying posting member.

I like that it gives me a lot of variety, if I need hair, make up help. If I need exercise information, a recipie, prayer, an old school remedy and even if I'm just having a bad day I can go to the entertainment or off topic forum and some one is bound to say something that will have me LOL in a span of minutes. I've only been to one meet up but the ladies were so nice and friendly and I would definately go again.

I don't bother with the drama so it works out for me, usually its over, and the thead is gone by the time I get here :lachen: This is the best group of people I 've ever encountered.
I love it because it's so inspiring. I never thought it was possible for black women to reach the lengths some of you ladies have and that motivates me to keep going.
And of course because you ladies are awesome! So helpful!
I voted for all of the reasons on the poll because all of it is so true!

I love that there is a wealth of knowledge here, and that everyone is so willing to share. As another poster mentioned, I never would have acquired all of this information in a lifetime w/out you wonderful ladies.

I also love that I can go full-force into my hair obsession with other hair-obsessed women. You guys have really become a part of my life. Whenever my husband sees me on the computer, he says, "You're talking to your forum friends again?"

I also love the meet-ups. I can't wait to see you NYC ladies in Oct., btw.
The knowledge that I've learned from the ladies on this board has been a blessing. I was one of those who obsessed about my hair. From weaves, braids, perms, ignorance, etc. all led to severly damaged hair. Now, My hair has made a complete turn around. I still have a long way to go to reach my goal but I love my hair progress.
Thanks Ladies!:love3: