Why Did You Begin Healthy Hair Care

Why Did You Start Healthy Hair Care

  • Desire for Healthy/Long Hair

    Votes: 119 79.3%
  • Became a DIYer

    Votes: 23 15.3%
  • To Prove Black Hair Can be Healthy

    Votes: 29 19.3%
  • Had Deteriorating Hair

    Votes: 41 27.3%
  • Overall Beauty and Appearance

    Votes: 62 41.3%
  • Other...

    Votes: 8 5.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about your motives and inspirations.

I started because as a young child I had gorgeous hair. I went to the salon reguarly until the end of my high school years. Since then Ive been a DIYer because Im in college and need the extra cash. However, my hair started to deteriorate because I lack the knowledge of properly caring for my relaxed hair. My hair just looked HAM
I started out of a need for my daughter. Needed to learn to care for an unwanted perm. We had always been natural. She however still has two textures. Now, we have been on this journey together for over a year, and we are both better because of it.
I started out with the desire of being a DIY-er. I got tired of paying ridiculous salon costs for no real results. Also, for the overall appearance and health of my hair, I ventured into this journey.
I started because I wanted healthy hair, but I was tired of paying for what I could do myself. I was also tired of stylists who didn't respect my time, so I took matters into my own hands.
I started for all of the above reasons!! My hair was deteriorating and I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to the salon 2/week, and never doing any maintenance in between visits. I was tired of not being able to do my own hair. I wanted long healthy hair, and I wanted to show people that black people can grow long hair.

I am protective styling 4 days/week, and although it gets boring, I keep my goals in mind everyday!
I got tired of wearing my hair in the same style (bun) for years. I searched the internet for tips on haircare and hairstyles and came upon this forum.

I didn't have a desire to grow long hair until I got here.
I was transitioning to natural and didn't know what I was doing. My mom texted me about a blog on natural hair they mentioned this site and I came here. My natural hair would have been a mess if I hadn't learned what I did while transitioning (lay off the heat) and how to do natural hair.
My hair was dry and breaking and I was experiencing a ton of PP shedding. Typed in some keywords and found BHM, BHM eventually led me here and I've been caring for my hair every since. I started out relaxed and then became a natural.
I've always had pretty hair.:look: It seemed in 2008 my hair took a turn for the worst. I did not like the way it looked at all.:nono: (I've always been a bit of a do it yourselfer b/c I had the same experiences you all have had with scissor happy, overbooked, none attentive, stylists.) I decided to try everything I knew to revive it. None of it worked:Wallbash:. So, I concluded it was just a part of me growing older or DNA:ohwell:. The problem with that is there are several ladies I know who are MBL or longer and are far older than I am so, my reasoning was not 'holding water'. Long story short, I started praying and ask God (Yes, I did) to show me how to care for my hair. I went from an ear length inverted bob in Jan 2009 to solid SL by the end of the year thanks to refining and revision of my regiment and the wealth of knowledge found here (primarily). I hope to be full APL/ MBL at the end of this year. As a child w/o chemicals, the longest my hair grew was MBL. We'll see if I let it grow more than that. My lifestyle may not allow for more than MBL.:work:. Thanks again LHCF!!
I was tired of my hair coming out everytime I combed it :perplexed Some of my NY friends swore by Doobie's so I set out to learn that technique and dedicate a year to that as my only styling option.

I started searching yt and came across Macherie's videos. Through her articles she introduced me to Sistaslick and Sistaslick helped me debunk the myth that black girls can't have long hair.

I revamped my plan and said I'm not only going for healthy, I'm going for looooooong! :gorgeous:

Many,many thanks to Macherie and Sistaslick:urock: :worship2:
Ive always wanted long healthy hair for as long as I can remember. My hair started breaking off when my mother stopped doing it, then I became hair-dresser-dependent *shivers at the memories*.
In '08, I was browsing YT and I saw Macherie's vid, went to her site and I was HOOKED. I had no idea forums like this existed. I started reading just about everything I could, watching lots of yt vids and I finally realized what I was doing wrong. Not only that, I also realized what the hairdressers were doing wrong. I took matters into my own hands. After much trial and error, Ive arrived! lol
I got sick of having buckwheat-dry hair. I wanted the hair I used to have when I was a girl - healthy and long. Also, to beautify my overall appearance.
I got sick of having buckwheat-dry hair. I wanted the hair I used to have when I was a girl - healthy and long. Also, to beautify my overall appearance.

That was me to a T! :lachen: My hair was chronically dry and I was just tired of abusing it. I was damaging my hair by using a curling iron every day, burning the grease and hair creams into my hair; it was just awful. I did this because it was easy and I was lazy - I couldn't be bothered to do any other type of styles. :look: Also, I want to encourage my daughter to take more care of her hair, she has beautiful natural hair.
I was tired of believing that Black like mine (4 something) could grow but not having the knowledge on what to do to make that happen

I was tired of having other Black people tell me "your hair will never get long like a White girls"

I was tired of spending endless amounts of money trying to find the stylist with the magic "growing hands" and falsely believing that 'they' were the key to having long, healthy hair, then still not achieving that goal - and not realizing that it had to come from me

I was tired of chemical burns and scalp damage from relaxers that caused severe damage/stunted growth at the front of my head which is just now recovering (after 24 or so months of stopping relaxing)

I was tired of not knowing how to care for my own hair - not knowing what to do for my own texture

I was tired of trying to make my hair do & be things that it wasn't created to do or be

I am just so very grateful that I found this site!
Sooooo many reasons. Mostly my hair was chopped and screwed. It was terrible. I had EL hair that was constantly breaking off and looking a mess.

After I finished a 25 page research paper for school, I literally thought to myself that if I could put that much time and energy into a stupid research paper that I didn't care about, why couldn't I put the same amount of research in figuring out why my hair never grows and looks a mess. Why can't my hair grow? I started with google and ended up here! I never knew about alcohol drying, the trouble with sulfates, porous hair, moisture/protein balance, retention practices, etc. I've learned sooo much and I'm grateful.

I still have a long way to go but I'm on a much better path.

I will not even get into the clueless hair stylists I've dealt with over the years... :sad:

I voted for all of the above.
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I have worn braids all of my life, but due to a horrible in braid and out of braid regimen my hair would grow and break. And I finally said I wanted to grow my hair long and did a google search about growing black hair and I found LHCF AMAZING!!! But through this board I have decided to stay natural, retain length, and see the stigma in terms of black hair that i never really noticed before
I chose to begin my HHJ last year (I was almost 18) because in the Haitian community, they don't see the value of having healthy hair. For them, you were either born with hair or you will never have hair in your life. In all the relative short years of my life, I have only seen one hair inspiration (and I meet many Haitian women on a weekly basis), and it was from NL/SL to APL/BSL. Otherwise, they belief SL is long hair! So, I want to prove them wrong. Ignorance may be bliss for some but it certainly is not for them.
i started because i had this quarter sized bald spot in the front of my head from some micro braids and i began searching the internet for products that regrow hair... and during my search i stumbled upon LHCF and the rest is history :)
I had healthy, relaxed hair for many yrs before LHCF, but I was searching for a way to protect my ends (to keep from trimming so much), and also wanted to become a DIY'er. By avoiding so much trimming, I would be able to retain more length, and therefore reach my goals. Here were my responses to the poll:

-Become a DIY'er
-Prove that Black Hair can Be Healthy...AND LONG for that matter
-Desire for Healthy/Long Hair
-Overall Beauty and Appearance
My hair was thin and lifeless and wouldn't grow past my chin and I was a weekly salon customer. I got tired of paying someone good money to break my hair off:sad:
I was pretty frustrated with my hair and had convinced myself the only way i could have long hair was via extensions and i was prepared to spend about $800 on them.

i figured there had to be another way... My friend found this site, but i really took hold of the practices