Why can't white girls grow their hair anymore?

I'm thinking about all of the white girl celebs, namely Paris Hilton, Mischa Barton, Jessica Simpson, Victoria Beckham, who regularly wear weaves and have been doing so for years. Normally, I would think they were just wearing them for variety if they wore their shorter do's also but they never do. They are always wearing weaves and have been doing so for years yet their real hair seems to be the same length. It used to seem that it was easier for white girls to just grow their hair in a year or so to at least bra strap length but it doesn't seem the case anymore. Any one have any comments or thoughts or this, or even care? :lol:
You know I was thinking the SAME thing. But I did see "Susan" from Desperate Housewives on Good Morning America and the host was commenting how well her hair looked at the emmy's. She committed that "I had hair added" because her hair is very thin. So on those "big" occassions she has the hair added for the big effect. Maybe all these long headed white girls need some vitamins to thicken their mane!:lol:
Because a lot of them are made to feel like they 'have' to get their hair coloured every few weeks, and straighten any curl or wave out their hair every day. And the celebrities are making extensions fashionable.
So basically, their hair is getting fried.
I was reading an article on Jennifer Anniston and she was saying how she regrest getting extensions, because it completely wrecked her hair. Now she has to wear them until her own hair grows back. The Friends star says it's taken over a year to reverse the damage after extensions weakened her hair.
White women, especially celebrirites have always worn weaves! It's just that we never knew they did and we just assumed that it was all theirs lol:) Most women living in the western world have a hard time growing their hair long, no matter what their colour. This is because of poor eating habits, dying, frying their hair etc.
girlwithguitar2, that's what I've been reading on the Long Hair Community. Also, when I look at the women in the office, very few have beautiful and/or long hair and most of those are North African. I've noticed one Algerian wearing a bun that was heavily oiled - noticeable only to my LHCF-trained eyes though. LOL
The hair of white women is growing the same as it always has. The couple of hundred white women who are celebrities do not represent the hundreds of millions of white women around the world.
White women (and men. lol) started wearing wigs and weaves CENTURIES ago. They were wearing styles that resemble the styles seen today at those ghetto hair shows. :lol: They would put toxic chemicals in their hair to style it and make it hold. And by toxic, I dont mean like today's relaxers, I mean cutting MANY years off of their life-span.
I'm sure they can grow their hair, but think of all the damage that celebrity hair is subject to. There's coloring, blow drying, and curling--they could have heat used on their hair several times a day when shooting a movie or video or something else. Sometimes weaves are a must when the hair is damaged or it's used to protect the real hair.
PerfectDoak said:
Because a lot of them are made to feel like they 'have' to get their hair coloured every few weeks, and straighten any curl or wave out their hair every day. And the celebrities are making extensions fashionable.
So basically, their hair is getting fried.

I agree. Their hair is not growing for the same reason a lot of black women's hair is not growing. Most white women are dying their hair, and nowadays even they are feeling pressure to flatiron their hair stick straight.

There are several white women in my office with short and/or strawlike hair from all the abuse.
A white friend of mine has slightly wavey hair but I didn't know until I saw pictures of her from the 80's. She flat irons it every morning. I've known her for 4 years! Her hair is always the same length and the ends aways look fried.
Yeah,i too noticed that about alot of white female celebrities....they are damaging their hair so much that it won't grow.In my every day life i rarely see a caucasian woman with a nice long,shiny, full head of hair.If i see some really awsome heads of hair they are usually on a east indian and hispanic woman.
beadedgirl said:
Yeah,i too noticed that about alot of white female celebrities....they are damaging their hair so much that it won't grow.In my every day life i rarely see a caucasian woman with a nice long,shiny, full head of hair.If i see some really awsome heads of hair they are usually on a east indian and hispanic woman.

They have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!!! I love their hair. It kind of angers me when I see a few of them with bleached blonde hair and it looks all fried. I am like, I would KILL for your darkness and shine!
MizAvalon said:
The hair of white women is growing the same as it always has. The couple of hundred white women who are celebrities do not represent the hundreds of millions of white women around the world.
I think a lot american women are having a hard time growing their hair. It is not a white or black thing anymore. Our diets are awful, with the drugs Prescription and non-prescribtion) that's taking the hair out, and the everyday abuse we put our hair through as well have the stress of everyday life, it's a blessing that we even have any hair.

I notice in other countries, like South American and India, these people don't eat out and eat mostly beans, vetables, meat, and fish and their hair is beautiful. Maybe we should look at them as an example if we want longer hair.
I think in the case of celebrities it's because of the color, extensions, etc. I still see more black women with hair issues than white women IMO. But I do see white women with messed up hair (limp, overprocessed, etc).
I think that our hair is a lot more sensitive to heat use and how well you take care of it, but white women do get damage from coloring, using too much heat,etc. I have a white classmate with waist length hair and she uses NO head at (doesn't even own a single blow dryer or curling iron). Instead, she washes it (or wets it when she doesn't wash it) and braids it into two pigtails while wet and goes on about her day.
MizAvalon said:
The hair of white women is growing the same as it always has. The couple of hundred white women who are celebrities do not represent the hundreds of millions of white women around the world.

They don't represent all white women, but a majority of women emulate them. On my campus I see alot of fried blondes, thin ends, extensions, etc. No one is comfortable being themselves, keeping it simple and not excessive. A white girl on my track team dyes her hair every four weeks (her entire head) blonde, then highlights, and goes to the tanning salon three times a week. She thinks she's unattractive if you see her brown roots, fading color, and pale skin.
Judging by regular white girls (non celebs) and their average length they don't seem to be having problems growing their hair, not counting those that are overprocessing it.
The examples you gave are celebrities, they use more heat and chemicals in their hair than average women. They use heat daily, sometimes even several times a day, color their hair for various roles, events, etc. JA and Paris both bleach their hair plus the added damage of daily heat styling, I think that's why they use the "extra" hair.
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yep all dat fryin n dyin..plus if its on the thinner side...

i guess women no matter what colour aint alllll that different after all, its life!!!
Even with daily blow drying, hot curling or flat ironing -- I still see more "regular" white girls with healthier-looking, longer hair than "regular" black girls. :confused:

I'm not talking about celebs- black stars have been complaining about "industry" damage to their hair for years.
I agree...I've noticed more regular white girls with damaged hair lately, not just celebs. I see it far more on the blonde ones than brunettes, who's hair tends to be thicker and healthier.
Not to sound crazy, but umm, why are we discussing white women's hair issue on a black woman's hair site? :look:
Koffie said:
Not to sound crazy, but umm, why are we discussing white women's hair issue on a black woman's hair site? :look:

You don't sound crazy. These type of posts come up atleast once a week. I don't see why we are so pre-occupied with other races hair and what they think:confused:
Koffie said:
Not to sound crazy, but umm, why are we discussing white women's hair issue on a black woman's hair site? :look:

I don't think this is a bad thing. In some instances, you really can't talk about black hair without discussing white hair, because most of us (black women) have had hair issues because of the fact that white women's hair has always been used as what the standard of beautiful hair is supposed to be, and that we're thankfully realizing that beautiful hair comes from all races and nationalities.

The thread personally reminds me that if white women do the same damaging things to their hair that black women do, they will get the same results.
My BF's daughters (5 white girls) and his ex-wife all fry their hair with blowdryers and they are constantly getting it dyed.

One of them actually broke my blowdryer and apparently she breaks one every few months. Her mom told me that that particular daughter blowdrys her hair straight and that smoke comes from her hair while she is doing it. It makes the entire house smell. Then she flat-irons!!

They are constantly experimenting with colors, too.

They have totally discouraged my BF from all of that. I told him I was coloring my hair (I only used Bigen) and he freaked. He said all of that crap is why is ex-wife's hair looks so fried and that he would rather I just not do that. I was actually surprised to hear a man say that. Even he noticed hoe damaging all of that crap can be.