Why are your hands in my hair??????!


:eek: So I went to Walmart for my search of the Nixion and this tall asian(very overprocssed and dry hair that looked like she dyed it way to many colors)woman comes up and starts touching my hair (she worked there) and she was like how can i help you? and in my mind im like........
why is she touching my hair? :-o she hadn't even said anything just started touching it and i explained i was looking for Nixion rechargein complex and she was like your so young and you have a head full off thick hair and she keep touching it i was like thanks and walked away.... I knew i was gonna snap if she kept touching it so i was like im gonna go look in the vitiamns and went back and she was nicer and didnt touch my hair this time and she gave me a dicount since it was 20 and gave it to me for 14$ so im happy about i
Sounds like she could ve been making a pass at you lol. Ya never know these days....I would just say in a nice way to not touch my hair.
leleepop said:
Sounds like she could ve been making a pass at you lol. Ya never know these days....I would just say in a nice way to not touch my hair.

Ooooooooooooooooooo :look:
I really don't understand how y'all let people get close enough to touch your personal space...and repeatedly? I mean, is there something un/subsconscious going on?:eek:
it was really weird cause i was midning my own busnises and my back was turned and all the suddlen i just feel hands in my hair.. im like :eek: ?! and turn around and shes their standing looking at me... :confused: and im thinking why your hands in my hair? i know she was trying help but it just scared me...
It would make me uncomfortable.....you dont know where peoples hands be. I remember in Highschool a girl put Nair in this girls beautiful hair and I guess this kinda stuck with me.
leleepop said:
It would make me uncomfortable.....you dont know where peoples hands be. I remember in Highschool a girl put Nair in this girls beautiful hair and I guess this kinda stuck with me.

:eek: :mad: she woulda got a beatdown!
RelaxerRehab said:
I really don't understand how y'all let people get close enough to touch your personal space...and repeatedly? I mean, is there something un/subsconscious going on?:eek:

You can't always avoid it or prevent it from happening. You will see, no matter how much you can't stand it, someone will get their nasty hands in your hair without you "letting them". It's not as easy as "keeping people out of your personal space". Now you can go off on them about it after the fact, tell them up front "don't touch my hair", or if you have good reflexes, duck and dip when you see the hand come at you (IF you see the hand, because sometimes they sneak up from behind), lol, but outside of that it's really not about your subconscious or "un" subconscious and letting people do it.
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so1913 said:
You can't always avoid it or prevent it from happening. You will see, no matter how much you can't stand it, someone will get their nasty hands in your hair without you "letting them".

Ya true... plus i think it was because ever woman in their had weaved or relexed hair and I think it was odd to see a Naturel head of hair and not wanting it permed... I love your hair by the way sol1913 its so pretty :) i have to admit i'd be tempted to touch yours to :lachen:
so1913 said:
You can't always avoid it or prevent it from happening. You will see, no matter how much you can't stand it, someone will get their nasty hands in your hair without you "letting them". It's not as easy as "keeping people out of your personal space". Now you can go off on them about it after the fact, tell them up front "don't touch my hair", or if you have good reflexes, duck and dip when you see the hand come at you (IF you see the hand, because sometimes they sneak up from behind), lol, but outside of that it's really not about your subconscious or "un" subconscious and letting people do it.

This is really true. I hate people touching my hair also. This one female at work will come up to me while I am sitting and put her hands in my hair. Needless to say, I didnt let her in my personal space. I am just sitting down doing my job and she walks up. Now, I am not going to be ignorant and jump over my desk or anything. BUT, I did just simply state I don't do the hand in hair thing.
So she came up behind you didn't say anything and started touching you?! You know if ya'll would start punching these people in the face as soon as they put they hands on you they'd stop that mess. And as they look at you all confused from the floor, just say 'Reflex, my bad' and walk away. I bet you money they'd never do that to anyone again.
yourleoqueen said:
So she came up behind you didn't say anything and started touching you?! You know if ya'll would start punching these people in the face as soon as they put they hands on you they'd stop that mess. And as they look at you all confused from the floor, just say 'Reflex, my bad' and walk away. I bet you money they'd never do that to anyone again.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
See, I must be a complete weirdo because I don't mind having my hair touched. Well, if its a stranger I would have issues with it. But when it comes to my friends or people I know I don't mind unless its styled a particular way, then its hands off!
My not liking people, other than my family, touching my hair precedes me. They all know at work not to touch my hair. I truly do have a reflex to it. I become very outraged :angry2: . Its like people touching your pregnant stomach,butt, breasts , it should all be hands off :whip: .

What happned to the saying "LOOK BUT NO TOUCH":naughty:
Hair Iam said:
My not liking people, other than my family, touching my hair precedes me. They all know at work not to touch my hair. I truly do have a reflex to it. I become very outraged :angry2: . Its like people touching your pregnant stomach,butt, breasts , it should all be hands off :whip: .

What happned to the saying "LOOK BUT NO TOUCH":naughty:

That's the thing, people who KNOW you will know better....

It's those who do not that don't even think about whether it would bother you or not if they uninvitingly touched your hair. I've been in parties and dudes have come up from behind me and touched my hair. Sure, I can go off and tell them not to ever THINK about doing it again, but it won't change the fact they already "copped a feel".
Hair Iam said:
My not liking people, other than my family, touching my hair precedes me. They all know at work not to touch my hair. I truly do have a reflex to it. I become very outraged :angry2: . Its like people touching your pregnant stomach,butt, breasts , it should all be hands off :whip: .

What happned to the saying "LOOK BUT NO TOUCH":naughty:

THANK YOU!! Where do people get the nerve?!:eek: Unless you know me like that and have my permission, DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!:mad:
yourleoqueen said:
So she came up behind you didn't say anything and started touching you?! You know if ya'll would start punching these people in the face as soon as they put they hands on you they'd stop that mess. And as they look at you all confused from the floor, just say 'Reflex, my bad' and walk away. I bet you money they'd never do that to anyone again.

That's my favorite saying "I outta punch you in the face" (Ma Dear) :lol:
yes she came up behide me and touched my hair like she knew me.... i was floored... :perplexed im scared almost whats its gonna be like once i grow my hair mid back or maybe waist length....plus ill be in college so LORD knows im gonna get touched and asked if its a weave or not.. :lol:
Girl, word travles fat! Bust the first couple people that touch you without asking and that will stop PDQ! Quick, fast and in a hurry.

I hate to sound mean or inconsiderate or whatever, but you don't know what peoples intentions are. In this day and age when people be setting folks on fire and throwing battery acid on folks, sneaking up behind me is a definite :naughty:.

I knocked down a former 'friend with benefits' I hadn't seen for a few years in Wal-Mart one time cuz he came up from behind me and grabbed my arm. He went 'DAMN!' I was like dude, you KNOW better.
yourleoqueen said:
Girl, word travles fat! Bust the first couple people that touch you without asking and that will stop PDQ! Quick, fast and in a hurry.

I hate to sound mean or inconsiderate or whatever, but you don't know what peoples intentions are. In this day and age when people be setting folks on fire and throwing battery acid on folks, sneaking up behind me is a definite :naughty:.

I knocked down a former 'friend with benefits' I hadn't seen for a few years in Wal-Mart one time cuz he came up from behind me and grabbed my arm. He went 'DAMN!' I was like dude, you KNOW better.

i agree with you on that whole heartly! thats why im probably gonna keep myhair up once i grow it out so i wont be bothered with peoples hands all over my head.. i love when people play with my hair but only if i know them..
:grin::grin::grin: I remember one time in high school I became the hair molestor when I saw this girl from the back with long waistlength straightened hair(she was black). I've never done anything like that b4 but when I saw her hair it was like I wasn't thinking. I think in my head i was like "Oh it's so beautiful...it must be okay to touch it":lol: I wasn't quiet when I touched it though:lol:. I said , "your hair is so nice" she said "thank you". Then I asked her where she was from and she said Grenada. Anyway, all the while from junior high school(when I first got my relaxer) up until high school people would touch my hair when it was out or pull my pony tail(which it was in all the time) and I HATED IT. I remember my stupid friend was behind me and he said "look at your pony tail it's the perfect length, I just want to pull it". :lol: At least he warned me. Anyway, that was the only time I touched a stranger's hair. I touch the hair of people I know all the time but I never let them touch mine:lol:
I hear y'all about the unexpected touch, if you will.... But here's the thing: Like people said, you don't know these folks' motivations or intentions for walking up on you. We have to be more aware of our surroundings....

You can ask questions, look and whatever, but no touching! I really don't play that with people that know me. One has to be REAL SPECIAL TO ME to just be able to reach out and touch me like that....

And I can certainly keep my decorum while at the same time, making it VERY CLEAR that I'm not a sideshow attraction or a hands-on museum exhibit that can be touched or handled.

That lady would not have done it a second time. She would have walked away apologizing profusely with a concern about her continued employment at that particular establishment.
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RelaxerRehab said:
I really don't understand how y'all let people get close enough to touch your personal space...and repeatedly? I mean, is there something un/subsconscious going on?:eek:

That's what I'm thinking, I only have to feel someone's presence close enough to me and I'm gripping my handbag and making eye contact to say you are way too close. And if they don't get it then I have to tell them to move from me. London is full of nutjobs, and if you touch me...sweet Jesus help us both. That's such an invasion of personal space and privacy.
yourleoqueen said:
So she came up behind you didn't say anything and started touching you?! You know if ya'll would start punching these people in the face as soon as they put they hands on you they'd stop that mess. And as they look at you all confused from the floor, just say 'Reflex, my bad' and walk away. I bet you money they'd never do that to anyone again.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: