Why are people so negative?


I was happy to get a fotki so I could see my progress and get advice from others. Then I get a comment that my hair looks like an over juiced texturizer. Why are there people who love to cause negativity? I can't understand why people have to go out of their way to say mean comments to get under people's skin. :confused: If this is what people will do when u get the fotki, I don't want to hear it. I'm putting a pasword in my albums. If u want to see my pics, PM me. I hope this lowers my haters crowd. Does this happen alot with fotki?
DDtexlaxd said:
I was happy to get a fotki so I could see my progress and get advice from others. Then I get a comment that my hair looks like an over juiced texturizer.-- Does this happen alot with fotki?
I don't think it's just a Fotki thing but it can happen with having any website (I know from having my own domain). Plus most likely the comment wasn't from someone who just stumbled upon your page, it was definitely someone who knows you from this board or any other hairboard you may visit.

My thing is I don't care about the comments, I just HATE when they post it anonymously.
That's awful, DDtexlaxd:mad: I have heard other people complain about this as well, it sucks because this is supposed to be an inspirational and supportive website. And usually, it is always the people with the nicest looking hair that get these comments;)
DDtexlaxd said:
I was happy to get a fotki so I could see my progress and get advice from others. Then I get a comment that my hair looks like an over juiced texturizer. Why are there people who love to cause negativity? I can't understand why people have to go out of their way to say mean comments to get under people's skin. :confused: If this is what people will do when u get the fotki, I don't want to hear it. I'm putting a pasword in my albums. If u want to see my pics, PM me. I hope this lowers my haters crowd. Does this happen alot with fotki?

Unfortunately, it happens often :-( And it's always someone hiding behind the name anonymous (I'm guessing that is the case here as well). I know it's upsetting, but try not to sweat it too much or let it discourage you or make you loose focus on your goals.
Girl, I'm just waiting on my first negative comment. Anonymous or not, I'm not above talking 'bout somebody's mama. :lachen:
this is not the 1st time this has happened to someone. that is why i just turned off that option.

It makes me want to just not have pics at all and just keep a photo journal for myself only.
JCoily said:
Girl, I'm just waiting on my first negative comment. Anonymous or not, I'm not above talking 'bout somebody's mama. :lachen:


Well, I already have my ONE response ready for any negative comments that may get posted in my album

"I LOVE my hair!!!" :-D
JCoily said:
Girl, I'm just waiting on my first negative comment. Anonymous or not, I'm not above talking 'bout somebody's mama. :lachen:

:lol: Thanks I needed a good laugh. I'm just saddened that my first fotki comment was a negative one.:( I have little styling options with my short hair right nowand the pic the person chose to diss is my avatar I'm using now. The majority of people here are mostly positive. Thanks ya'll.
Thats sad that happened to you but Ive seen it happen in other fotki's as well. Then what makes it so bad they always the anonymous user, they not even brave enough to use their name but bold enough to make stupid comments for no reason.
sky_blu said:
Thats sad that happened to you but Ive seen it happen in other fotki's as well. Then what makes it so bad they always the anonymous user, they not even brave enough to use their name but bold enough to make stupid comments for no reason.

Yeah, it was a brave annonymous person who left the comment.:eek: I think I'll leave the comment portion off, but dang, I feel like I'm empowering the one who left the comment.:confused: It's not worth the aggravation.:ohwell:
DDtexlaxd said:
Yeah, it was a brave annonymous person who left the comment.:eek: I think I'll leave the comment portion off, but dang, I feel like I'm empowering the one who left the comment.:confused: It's not worth the aggravation.:ohwell:

Awww, please don't let one comment spoil the rest of us building you up and supporting your goals.
Some people suck!

Truly people who do stuff like this are people that are unhappy with themselves so they try and spread their unhappiness to everyone else.
well imagine having the negative comment come to you in the form of a non-anonymous pm. Yeah, that really puts a human face on things.:ohwell: I think I would have rathered it be anonymous so I could pretend it was someone's kid brother playing around.:(

Don't worry girl, I've just learned from that, that you have to take the good with the bad and keep on trucking. Continue to take care of your hair and continue to invalidate the words of negative people.
Sistaslick said:
well imagine having the negative comment come to you in the form of a non-anonymous pm. Yeah, that really puts a human face on things.:ohwell: I think I would have rathered it be anonymous so I could pretend it was someone's kid brother playing around.:(

Don't worry girl, I've just learned from that, that you have to take the good with the bad and keep on trucking. Continue to take care of your hair and continue to invalidate the words of negative people.

Dear SistaSlick...your hair is El-lame-O. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

People are negative when their life sucks. If you have nothing to be happy about in your own life...you're usually negative. These people are usually pretty ugly too. Inside out ugly.

Sistaslick said:
well imagine having the negative comment come to you in the form of a non-anonymous pm. Yeah, that really puts a human face on things.:ohwell: I think I would have rathered it be anonymous so I could pretend it was someone's kid brother playing around.:(

Don't worry girl, I've just learned from that, that you have to take the good with the bad and keep on trucking. Continue to take care of your hair and continue to invalidate the words of negative people.

Those words are very encouraging! And I totally agree. I used to feel bad when I would have like hundreds of views but no comments. But don't pay any attention to them.
Remember firstly (if that's even a word) you put your album up for YOU and THEN to share with everyone else. Keep you head up
creole you are a hot mess, woman :lol:

But yeah, I was like daaaang :ohwell: So much for the encouraging atmosphere around here.:( Sometimes you have to be your own #1 fan. Well I guess you should be anyway :lol:
The sweetest person in the world will be criticised for no reason. Some people's lifes are empty so they constantly have a need to put someone down to make themselves feel better. I guarantee that the offender has no hair whatsoever or what hair is there is not worth looking at so what better way to feel OK than to try to put you down. Do not give him/her the satisfaction. You know what you have going on and that is the most important thing.
Sistaslick said:
creole you are a hot mess, woman :lol:

But yeah, I was like daaaang :ohwell: So much for the encouraging atmosphere around here.:( Sometimes you have to be your own #1 fan. Well I guess you should be anyway :lol:

Well...I bet the person who said that to you is an ugly person. And the person who put the negative comment on ya girl's fotki is probably ugly too. My father used to always tell me to never get into a fight with an ugly person. Cause they're already mad that they are ugly and you're not. Because of this...they will try and scratch your face up or pull your hair out in attempts to make you as ugly as they are.

Thankfully I've been 5'9" since the 7th grade. I could fug an ugly girl up without breaking a sweat. ROFL!

So...ugly people...concentrate on own ish and stop spreading your ugly. Blech! There is actually a website for people just like you: http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/

CreoleInDC said:
Well...I bet the person who said that to you is an ugly person. And the person who put the negative comment on ya girl's fotki is probably ugly too. My father used to always tell me to never get into a fight with an ugly person. Cause they're already mad that they are ugly and you're not. Because of this...they will try and scratch your face up or pull your hair out in attempts to make you as ugly as they are.

Thankfully I've been 5'9" since the 7th grade. I could fug an ugly girl up without breaking a sweat. ROFL!

So...ugly people...concentrate on own ish and stop spreading your ugly. Blech! There is actually a website for people just like you: http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/


I can't take it...

You OFFICIALLY have the CRAZIEST posts on this board!!!!!! LOL!
Yup it has happened to me too, that's why I have a disclaimer up on my page because I am not above telling somebody about themselves. I agree with everyone, just try to shake it off and keep doing you.
so1913 said:
I can't take it...

You OFFICIALLY have the CRAZIEST posts on this board!!!!!! LOL!

LOL! I know...I'm a sick, sick woman. Tried to get help once...too dang expensive so I just let myself be me. LOL!

Another piece of advice from dear old dad.

"If worse comes to worse...you hit that MF first! If they hit the ground hit em again...if they don't...RUUUUUUUUUUUUN!"

Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Dear old dad. Good times folks...good times!


Truly though I just like to get people to laugh. Always makes me feel better and trust...I've been through some serious ish. Laughter always makes it better.

Smooches...the Secret Ninja! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
it happened o me on thursday. it had happened a few times before and i just deleted it. this one said was complaining cos i trimmed my hair. it was so funny.
That is soo funny. They probably are verry ugly. It is usually the ugliest, most insecure people that go out of thier way to insult other people. They want to hurt you because they are hurting. They get off making negative remarks. This why they like to hide because they are cowardly as well. :lol: :lachen:

Be encouraged all you beautifull ladies posting your albums and realize that the majority of women on this board are intelligent and beautiful, unfortunately we do have trash hanging around.:lachen: