Why are people called militant naturals?

I have not met any "militant" people when it comes to natural hair, but I am running into people who are shocked that more and more women are going natural. I'm natural because my hair was getting thinner and thinner, and I wanted to work out more than two, three days/week. I could care less what others think... what I think is important to me.

Just my 2 cents...
I have not met any "militant" people when it comes to natural hair, but I am running into people who are shocked that more and more women are going natural. I'm natural because my hair was getting thinner and thinner, and I wanted to work out more than two, three days/week. I could care less what others think... what I think is important to me.

Just my 2 cents...
Check out nappturality.com. I haven't been there in years so I'm not sure if the atmosphere has changed.
Eh, people used to call me militant and natural nazi.

There are for more good hair/bad hair, "perm that nappy ish" women out there than there are natural nazis, but as others have said, nobody really complains about that.

If people feel strongly about hair, they have the right to express that and we have the right not to listen.
Just as the name applies, "militant naturals" have a very strict definition of who and what can be considered 'natural". I try to avoid thoes type of people as much as possible - nothing but a headache as far as I'm concerned! :nono:
Some people take this natural hair thing to serious, its just hair.

But to some people it's not just hair. It's something much deeper. The problem starts when they fail to acknowledge that everybody does not view their hair as an extension of who they are as a black woman.

I have encountered the "perm that nappy ish" women, but IME they never go as hard as the "admit that you hate yourself" women.
Why are some naturals called militant but relaxed folks of the same mindset not called militant?

I just wonder about the word usage.

I guess i should say i'm not talking about people that are like if you do this and that you aren't natural. What i'm talking about is naturals who are called militant because every black person needs to be natural and you are horrible/self hating b/c you relax. But people that think that all black women need to relax aren't called the same.

I'm confused about that.

I think you answered your own question about what would the relaxed equivalent of a "militant natural" is called. I would add "sell out" though.
I think you answered your own question about what would the relaxed equivalent of a "militant natural" is called. I would add "sell out" though.
I'm not asking why they are called that i'm asking why the same label doesn't apply to relaxed women of the same mindset.
Some people take this natural hair thing to serious, its just hair.

We wish! It's only "just hair" when it doesn't effect your employment and your ability to get an education while wearing "just" your hair. unfortunately, there are far too many circumstances that indicate that wearing some natural styles can have a negative effect for some.

Even Sisterlocks didn't make it through this school's dress code.(see link below). I mean Sisterlocks, they are the most tamed of locks, IMO.


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I tend to disregard zealots of all shapes and sizes no matter what side of the aisle they may fall on.
I have (women and men) and they annoy me just as much as the perm pushers :look:

The most annoying hair critics are the ones who spew pure ignorance. Black women have the ability to take care of their hair be it kinky/curly or straight. My hair doesn't need to be one texture for it to be healthy.
A bunch of naturals still cover their hair up. That is evidenced right here on this board. That's their choice, more power to them.

I was at a house party last weekend and a girl called natural hair a movement and gave a whole angry black woman speech, killed the whole mood of the gathering and everyone was glad when she left. There were other women who were natural there and they just looked at her like she was crazy. Eta: I had noticed her hair earlier in the evening and thought it looked nice. I am probably as hair obsessed as she is, but offline it can come across as too much. I'm not going to start preaching to anybody, relaxed or natural.

I guess that "I find it interesting..." comment was supposed to be a jab at me? My statement was a complete explanation, in which I stated that it was amongst the reasons...I have a full and happy life. Hair is only one small part of it.

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How is "I find it interesting..." a jab at you or anyone? I said that because I do. I'm not making a judgement about you or your life. Are you trying to read between the lines, because if you are, there is nothing to see there. What I said is what I meant; it wasn't supposed to be a backhanded statement.
I've never come into contact with militant relaxed women IRL. This is the first time i've heard of relaxed person called militant.

When a person, who is relaxed, comments to another woman that she needs a relaxer, I think it's just a very rude way of saying a person needs to do something to their hair.

I don't know of any blogs or forums where relaxed women go in hard on natural women.
I'm not asking why they are called that i'm asking why the same label doesn't apply to relaxed women of the same mindset.

No I understood your question. I just think they were not labeled "militant" because they already had a label. It is all about perceived movtivation. Those who are so called "militant" have a cause, a fight to force on others ergo "militant". The so called "sellouts" have no perceived "militant" mindset. They are just supposedly brainwashed into following the status quo like sheep to make sure no one rocks the boat.
We wish! It's only "just hair" when it doesn't effect your employment and your ability to get an education while wearing "just" your hair. unfortunately, there are far too many circumstances that indicate that wearing some natural styles can have a negative effect for some.

Even Sisterlocks didn't make it through this school's dress code.(see link below). I mean Sisterlocks, they are the most tamed of locks, IMO.


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Thanks for this. I know it's not just hair either because natural hair sets off emotional triggers for many regardless of ethnicities, whether negative or positive. Natural hair, of many types are under a spot light. People under a spot light usually create some type of explanation orrrrrr excuse to be agreeable according to whichever audience has them under a spotlight. We all know it takes confidence (not taking things personally), kindess, and self control when having to explain what is innately us.... "Why is your hair this way?"..:rolleyes:

I wouldn't place the "not just hair" statements solely on natural hair. Relaxed heads also have to explain why they are going to the salon, why their hair in thinning if its unhealthy, why isn't it growing, how did they get it so long (if it is long). The only question relaxed heads may dodge is, "Why is your hair this way?" because the texture (straight) is something familiar across all ethnicities.

I have noticed that, ethnic groups set the tone for themselves and others make their way around it all. For instance, have you seen the influx of products made with natural ingredients simply for the demand? Have you seen the kinkier hair extensions available simply for the demand? Have you seen the opportunities for natural heads in the media (newsbroadcasters, celebrities, etc)?

Just like any other ethnic group, we set the tone for our needs/wants. Not in an angry way. We create the products that help us etc. , and competing brands oblige to ingredients we demand in order to stay relevant. I can go on and on but my post is long enough.
The only way I would use that term for anyone is if they were putting down others to elevate themselves. :nono: Unfortunately, this will always be an issue because of the diverse environments and point of views each individual finds themselves.
I was relaxed for 12 years. LOVED IT. I have been natural for 2 years. LOVING IT.

Point is I am cool with both and don't care what OTHER people do with THEIR hair. I envy healthy long hair. Regardless of relaxed or natural...but at the end of the day it's none of my D.A.M.N. business!! Those type (militants) need to realize that and have a seat.
I also get annoyed by people talking about chemicals in relaxers, yet they are not living a holistically healthy lifestyle. Relaxers are not the cause of death, disease, etc. in the black community.

I don't agree. I don't think you have to live a holistically healthy lifestyle in order to talk about the chemicals. It's true that putting these chemicals in our heads is not a healthy thing to do. People just don't want to accept that because of how our hair is viewed within the community.

And no, I'm not a militant natural.
brg240 I don't know why people who are relaxed that think everyone needs to be relaxed aren't called militant, they seem just as aggressively active in their cause as naturals IRL.

I have to be natural because I have Acquired Progressive Kinking which seems to be getting better the longer I go without a relaxer.
Since this topic comes up a lot, I'll repeat myself.

1. I kind of do think the "natural movement" is a reaction to the decade we just went through when the imposed style was long straight hair. And I think that's great.

2. The militant part for me is the part where we don't "need" relaxers. That was always a subconscious burden on my soul... God didn't make me perfect... I "NEEDED" a relaxer.

3. I'm pretty militant about not needing a relaxer now. I'm okay with people preferring relaxed hair (right now my hair is blow dried straight... I was in the mood) but I am not okay with someone saying they "need" a relaxer. Nonsense!

Sometimes Ateyaa gets to me because she will be all like... "OH! THANK GOODNESS! I FINALLY GOT MY RELAXER! OMG! I NEEDED IT SO BAD!!"

Heh. I'm thinking, girlfriend... heh.
OP a couple people responded to what you actually asked so I hope maybe you kind of got an idea. I will try to add further perspective.

Some people's experience has been that the "relax or die" type people aren't as aggressive as those who are natural hair nazis...so they don't feel the term militant would apply to them.

Other people feel that because relaxed women are the norm and the majority, they get away with being zealots whilst natural women are the minority and do not.
(double standard)

There are plenty of relaxed women that make disparaging remarks about natural hair, but they are usually just totally ignorant about it. They say nasty things but there's only so much they can say having limited knowledge about natural hair anyway. Whereas women who are natural, especially those who once relaxed, are sometimes very knowledgeable about both types of hair and have more of a leg to stand on as it were. They know the damage that chemicals can cause and the negative impact society's view on what's beautiful can have. Some know about hair care on the molecular level and the science behind products/practices. So these type of naturals kind of have a better argument or at least more info to support their argument. They tend to be more passionate and take hair more personal. Not all nazis are this knowledgeable though some simply feel strongly about natural hair because of black history and what it represents to them.

But both sides have members that can be rude, condescending and step out of line when pushing their own opinions on others. Why naturals get labeled and relaxed women do not could be a combination of the things I mentioned above. I don't know if there is one definitive answer to your question OP, as many factors are involved.
I think the difference between natural millitants and relaxer pushers is that the millitants is the sanctimonious attitude. Hair is not just hair, but a way to judge people. It's never just about the beauty of the hair, but showing that you love yourself, while the woman with her relaxer is "selling out". People don't like to be psychoanalyzed by people they don't even know. It seems that a millitant enjoys feeling "blacker than thou". They spend equal amounts of time knocking women with relaxers as lifting up natural hair.

What's worse, is that if you try to push back, then it's all "oh, if that doesn't apply to you, then why are you getting upset??" You just can't win.

Now with the relaxer pushers, they just aren't as deep. They may push you to get a relaxer, but it's just because they don't like natural hair for whatever reason. They may stereotype, but it's a kneejerk kind of thing. You aren't going to find them writing treatises, giving symposiums on their hate of natural hair, etc.
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